
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

The incident in the feather altar is simply mixed in people's hearts. A 17-year-old brother named Zhang Zhijie left suddenly, leaving behind a string of sighs and deep thoughts.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

The tears of the superstars, the mourning was tingling

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

The three stars of the badminton world mourned in unison

Cai Yun: The heart is like a knife, mourning promising young people

Cai Yun, a former national player, posted a Weibo with word for word: "When I saw this news, my heart felt like something had hit me hard." In the badminton team, a dazzling star fell, and his parents lost a precious son. May he be over there, and all is well. ”

Shi Yuqi: Take the baton and forge ahead

Shi Yuqi, the active national player, was full of determination: "Zhang Zhijie's unfinished dream, let's carry it." Don't let that love be blown away by the wind. ”

Zheng Siwei: The friendship of comrades, the sacrifice of heroic spirits

Zheng Siwei, who is also in service, empathizes: "At this time, my identity is different, and when I think of Zhang Zhijie's family watching the live broadcast, my heart is pinched. Although we are on the same team and don't have much intersection, his enthusiasm and momentum can be felt through the screen. Mourn for him together. ”

The aftermath caused controversy, and the management of the event became the target of public criticism

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

Organizers are sluggish

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

With Zhang Zhijie's departure, the emergency response ability of the event organizers has been pushed to the forefront. Everyone said that the lack of medical preparation was the trigger for this tragedy.

The coach's sense of powerlessness

At the moment when Zhang Zhijie fell, the Chinese coaching team wanted to come forward to help, but was stopped by the referee. The coaches rushed into the field, but they didn't know what to do and couldn't help in the first place.

Slowness in medical assistance

The worst thing is that the medical staff are too slow to move and miss the golden rescue time. Zhang Zhijie fell down for 40 seconds before the medical staff appeared, and he didn't do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a long time, this is a life-saving moment!

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

The scales of life and honor

Reflections on the competition system and athlete health

It's a re-examination of the rules of the game and the balance between athletes' health. It has been suggested that the competition is too harsh and ignores the physical condition of the athletes, and that life should be much more important than medals.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

Lack of awareness of rescue

The performance of the coach and team doctor in an emergency situation was questioned. Many people say that they lack first-aid knowledge, and they only know how to listen to the referee at critical moments, but do not know how to shoot in time.

The call of the essence of sport

Return to the original intention of sports

The commercialization of sports has been criticized for ignoring the safety of athletes. People are eager to return to the roots of sport – to be fit and healthy, rather than chasing fame and fortune.

There is a heated discussion on the Internet, calling for human care

Netizens were in an uproar over the referee's decision, the delay in the rescue, and the behavior of the coach and team doctor. This is not only a tribute to Zhang Zhijie, but also a discussion of deep-seated issues in the sports circle.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned
17-year-old Zhang Zhijie left in too much hurry! Cai Yun, Shi Yuqi, and Zheng Siwei, the three world champions, mourned

In the final analysis, this is not only the disappearance of a young life, but also a great reflection on sports management and human care.

Zhang Zhijie's death has been a catalyst for sports reform, reminding us of athletes' rights.

May he have a good place to go in heaven, and we who are alive must learn something from this tragedy and not let history repeat itself.

Hey, in this world, sometimes it really makes people laugh and cry, but we still have to look forward, don't we?

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