
Top secret bun recipe

author:Blue Moon

When it comes to steamed buns, a time-honored delicacy, the soft and fragrant dough and juicy filling always come to mind. However, even with the wide variety of steamed buns, it is not easy to achieve the best color, flavor and taste. Ordinary people think that the secret of the bun is only the taste of the filling, but in fact, making a perfect bun also includes the production of the dough, the mastery of fermentation, and the technique of forming the bun. Today, I'm going to share with you a top-secret recipe that will definitely allow you to make mouthwatering buns.

Top secret bun recipe

1. Preparation of materials

In order to make delicious and nutritious buns, we must carefully select and prepare the required ingredients. This is not only about the taste of the buns, but also directly affects the nutritional value of the buns. Below, we will introduce in detail the materials needed to make steamed buns and how to choose them.

1. Dough part:

a. 500 grams of high-gluten flour: Choosing high-quality high-gluten flour is the key to making dough. Cake flour is high in protein, which can make the dough more elastic. When purchasing, you can choose high-gluten flour with good packaging, no impurities, and natural color.

b. 250 ml of warm water: Using warm water instead of cold or hot water will help the yeast to ferment better, resulting in a softer dough.

c. Yeast 5 grams: Yeast is the key ingredient that makes the dough rise. Choosing yeast with good activity and shelf life will ensure a smooth fermentation of the dough.

d. 10 grams of sugar: Adding an appropriate amount of sugar not only helps to improve the taste of the buns, but also provides nutrients for the yeast and promotes fermentation.

e. 3 grams of salt: Salt can enhance the gluten of the dough and make the buns more chewy. It also enhances the flavor of the buns.

f. 10 ml of vegetable oil: adding vegetable oil can make the dough smoother and prevent cracking on the surface of the bun during steaming.

2. Filling part (take minced meat as an example):

In order to make a delicious minced meat bun, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

a. 300 grams of pork filling: Choose a pork filling with moderate fat and leanness, so that the meat filling is neither too greasy nor too dry. When purchasing, you can ask the merchant about the fat-to-lean ratio of the minced meat to ensure that you are choosing the right minced meat.

b. Chinese cabbage 200 grams: Chinese cabbage is one of the common bun fillings, it has a crisp texture and complements the meat filling. When purchasing, you should choose Chinese cabbage that is fresh, free of yellow leaves, and free of diseases and pests.

c. 10 grams of minced ginger and 20 grams of minced green onions: Ginger and green onions can enhance the flavor of the filling and remove the fishy smell of the meat filling. Finely chop them to make better use of them.

d. Light soy sauce 30 ml, dark soy sauce 10 ml: Light soy sauce and dark soy sauce can add salty flavor and color to the filling. When added, it can be adjusted according to personal taste.

e. 5 grams of white pepper: White pepper can add flavor and texture to the filling. It also helps to remove the smell and enhance the smell.

f. 15 ml of cooking wine: cooking wine can remove the fishy smell of the meat filling and enhance the aroma of the filling. When added, it can be adjusted to achieve the best taste.

g. Salt 5 grams: Salt is the base of seasoning and is able to add a salty flavor to the filling. When added, it can be added in an appropriate amount according to personal taste.

h. Sesame oil 15 ml: Sesame oil can add fragrance and taste lubrication to the filling. When adding, you can drizzle an appropriate amount over the filling and stir well.

Top secret bun recipe

2. Detailed explanation of the production steps

Step 1: Mixing techniques and precautions

First, pour the cake flour into a large, clean bowl. Next, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt and stir well with chopsticks to allow the flour to absorb the seasoning more evenly. The addition of sugar not only adds a hint of sweetness to the dough, but also promotes yeast activity and makes the dough rise faster. Salt, on the other hand, enhances the toughness of the dough and makes the steamed buns more chewy.

Next, pour the yeast powder into warm water. Be careful to use warm water rather than cold or hot water, as warm water activates yeast activity better. Stir gently with chopsticks until the yeast is completely dissolved in the water. Then, slowly pour this bowl of yeast water into the flour, stirring the flour with chopsticks as you pour until the flour becomes flocculent.

During the stirring process, vegetable oil can be added in moderation. Vegetable oil makes the dough softer and smoother and prevents cracks on the surface of the buns during steaming. Continue kneading the dough with your hands until the dough is smooth, elastic, and non-sticky.

Finally, cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and place the dough in a warm place for it to rise. The fermentation time varies depending on the ambient temperature and generally takes 1-2 hours. When the dough has risen to twice its original size, it can be removed for further operation.

Top secret bun recipe

Step 2: Methods and techniques for adjusting the filling

When preparing the stuffing of steamed buns, the first thing we should pay attention to is the processing and matching of ingredients. In the case of minced meat, for example, fresh pork is chopped into minced meat or ground directly in a meat grinder. To increase the taste and nutrients, we can add some chopped Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage is not only crisp in taste, but also rich in vitamins and dietary fiber.

In terms of seasoning, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper, cooking wine, salt and sesame oil are all indispensable seasonings. Light soy sauce and dark soy sauce can add saltiness and flavor to fillings; White pepper helps to remove the smell and enhance the smell; Cooking wine can further remove the fishy smell of the meat filling and enhance the aroma; Salt is the basis of seasoning, and is added in moderation according to personal taste; Finally, drizzle with sesame oil to add fragrance and make the filling more lubricating and tasty.

In addition to the above seasonings, we can also add some minced ginger and green onions to enhance the taste and aroma of the filling. Stir all these seasonings and ingredients well and set aside. The resulting filling is not only delicious, but also nutritious, laying a good foundation for the subsequent making of steamed buns.

Step 3: How to make the buns

The wrapping of buns is one of the key links in the production process. First, the leavened dough is kneaded and vented, and then divided into small doughs of uniform size. The weight of each small dough can be adjusted according to personal preference, but it is generally recommended to control it to about 30 grams, so that the steamed buns are of the right size, which is both beautiful and easy to eat.

Next, knead each small dough and roll it out into a round dough. When rolling the dough, pay attention to the slightly thicker middle part and the thinner edge part, which will prevent the bottom of the bun from cracking or exposing the filling during steaming. The dough should also be a modest size to ensure that it can wrap enough filling.

Place one serving of the prepared filling in the center of the dough, then hold the bottom of the dough with one hand while the other hand follows the edge of the dough to form folds. During the kneading process, it is important to maintain an even force and ensure that the folds are tightly arranged, so that the steamed buns will be more beautiful and less likely to break.

When all the buns are wrapped, they can be neatly arranged in the steamer for steaming. Be careful to leave a proper gap to prevent the buns from sticking to each other during steaming, affecting the taste and appearance. At this point, we have completed the process of wrapping the buns, and then we can steam them.

Top secret bun recipe

Step 4: The importance and operation method of secondary proofing

The buns need to be proofed a second time before steaming, which is a key step to ensure that the buns have a fluffy texture. The second proofing can make the dough expand again, forming a more delicate tissue structure, so that the steamed buns are softer and tastier.

Place the wrapped buns neatly in the steamer, taking care to leave a certain gap to prevent the buns from expanding and sticking together during the steaming process. Then cover the steamer, but don't steam it on immediately, but let the buns sit in the steamer for about 20 minutes for a second proofing.

In the process of secondary proofing, it can be observed that the bun will gradually expand and become larger, and the surface will become smoother and more delicate. When the buns rise to about 1.5 times the original size, they can be steamed by fire. In this way, the steamed buns will have a softer and more delicate texture, which will make people have an endless aftertaste.

Step 5: Tips and precautions for steaming steamed buns

When steaming steamed buns, you need to pay attention to key factors such as the control of heat and time, as well as the amount of water in the steamer, which are all important factors that affect the quality of steamed buns.

First of all, put the steamed buns after the second proofing into the steamer, taking care to leave a proper gap to avoid the buns from expanding and sticking during the steaming process. Then close the lid of the steamer to ensure a good seal to prevent water dripping from the steamer onto the buns and affecting the taste and appearance.

Then, turn on high heat to boil the water in the steamer, and after the water boils, turn to medium heat for steaming, which can not only ensure that the buns are cooked thoroughly, but also prevent the surface of the buns from cracking or underripening due to excessive fire, and the steaming time is generally controlled at about 15-18 minutes.

When the steaming time is up, turn off the heat and wait for 2-3 minutes before opening the lid of the steamer and taking out the steamed buns, which can prevent the buns from collapsing due to sudden cooling and affecting the taste and appearance, and also allow the buns to retain their shape and texture more completely. We have completed the whole process of making the buns, and we can taste the delicious and delicious buns.

Top secret bun recipe

3. Precautions

1. Temperature and humidity have a great influence on fermentation, and the fermentation time can be appropriately shortened when the summer is warm and humid. The winter is cold and dry, and the fermentation time should be appropriately extended. At the same time, too high water temperature will kill yeast, too low water temperature will prolong the fermentation time, and the temperature of warm water is about 35-40 degrees Celsius.

2. When adjusting the filling, you can add seasonings according to the taste, for example, if you like spicy flavor, you can add a little chili oil, and if you like fresh and fragrant, you can add shrimp, etc.

3. The folds of the bun must be tight to avoid exposing the filling during steaming and affecting the appearance and taste.

Fourth, the development of suggestions

If you have mastered the basics of making steamed buns, try making other types of steamed buns, such as:

Vegetarian stuffed buns: with shiitake mushrooms, diced bamboo shoots, carrots, etc. as the main ingredients, light and delicious.

Sauerkraut buns: Prepared with sauerkraut and pork filling, it is sour and appetizing.

Sugar buns: Brown sugar and sesame filling are wrapped in the dough for a sweet flavor.

The charm of steamed buns lies in their variety of variations, and through continuous experimentation and improvement, they are always able to create a unique flavor. This top-secret recipe provides the basis for making the perfect bun, whether it's a homely breakfast or a snack at a party, it's a popular dish.

Top secret bun recipe

Fifth, practice promotes progress

Everyone's taste is different, and once you've mastered the basics of the recipe and process, you can tweak the details to your liking. For example, the firmness of the dough can be achieved by adjusting the ratio of flour to water; The amount of salt, soy sauce, etc. can also be appropriately adjusted for filling seasoning. Through continuous adjustment and improvement, the result is the best taste.

6. The joy of home baking

Making buns with your family is a very good family activity. In the process of kneading and wrapping, you can feel the transformation and processing of every detail, especially the children will show strong interest in the wrapping process. This not only allows them to experience the joy of food making, but also strengthens the family bond and strengthens the family cohesion.

7. Diversification attempts

If you're used to traditional buns, try to innovate with different ingredients and methods. In terms of material selection, different vegetables, meat, seafood, etc. can be used; In terms of styling, you can try different wrapping methods to make cute animal buns, small pattern buns, etc. These innovations not only improve their own technical skills, but also bring new visual and taste experiences.

While these top-secret recipes and tips can help you a lot, the most important thing is still the hands-on experience. Every detail, every step, needs to be done with heart. Only through constant practice and summarization can you make truly delicious buns.

8. The experience of cultural heritage

Making steamed buns is not only a cooking skill, but also a continuation of traditional food culture. As one of the Chinese delicacies, steamed buns carry a rich history and cultural heritage. In the process of making, we are not only enjoying the food, but also experiencing the inheritance of a culture. In this way, traditional culture can be better understood and respected, and this beautiful culture can be passed on to the next generation.

Top secret bun recipe

Summary: With this top-secret steamed bun recipe in hand, I believe you will be able to make amazing and delicious steamed buns. Whether it's at a family gathering or a dinner with friends, the buns you make yourself will become a beautiful sight. I hope that through continuous practice and improvement, you can find the taste and production method that really suits you, and enjoy the fun and satisfaction.

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