
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed

author:Fish and cats in the sea of the moon

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What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed
What is even more terrifying than the 84-point loss to the United States is the other 2 points, some people have 2 points and 10 mistakes, but the coach is still hard-mouthed

Desperate night: The pain of 84 points in the Chinese U17 men's basketball team

In the world of basketball, victory and defeat are commonplace, but the matchup between the Chinese U17 men's basketball team and the United States team is far beyond the scope of "victory and defeat", it is like a hammer, deeply shocking the heart of every Chinese basketball fan. On July 3, Beijing time, this contest should have been a contest of youthful excitement and dream collision, but it ended in an almost cruel way, and the Chinese U17 men's basketball team lost with a huge score difference of 62-146, creating a shameful record in the history of the Chinese men's basketball team. Even more chilling than the fiasco was the underlying problem behind the scoreline.

Mistakes are flooding: technical shortcomings are exposed

When the final whistle blew and the score was fixed at a huge gap of 84 points, people's eyes couldn't help but focus on the shocking stats - the Chinese U17 men's basketball team had 38 turnovers and 19 fouls. This is not only a string of cold numbers, but also a direct reflection of the shortcomings of China's basketball youth training system. In the face of the full-court pressure of the American team, the Chinese boys seemed at a loss, the ball changed hands frequently, and it was difficult to pass safely even in the half. In particular, the player He Wenwei contributed an astonishing 10 turnovers in 9 minutes of playing time and scored only 2 points, which is undoubtedly a merciless torture of his personal and even the team's technical ability. On the basketball court, a mistake is fatal, it is not only the loss of the ball, but also the frustration of morale and the multiplication of the opponent's confidence. The fiasco of the Chinese U17 men's basketball team is undoubtedly a bloody lesson for its lack of basic skills and lack of tactical execution.

Coach's advice: the collision of conservative thinking and the times

If the mistakes on the field are a direct reflection of the technical level, then the remarks of the sideline coach Li Xiaoyong reveal a deeper problem - the rigidity and conservatism of the thinking mode. On the eve of the match, Li Xiaoyong publicly stated that he would not advise young players to play abroad, citing their lack of self-discipline and difficulty in gaining a foothold in the fierce competition abroad. Such a viewpoint is particularly incompatible in today's increasingly globalized world. As an international sport, the level of development of basketball has long transcended the limits of national borders. Going abroad to receive a higher level of training and competition is the only way for young players to improve their own strength and broaden their international horizons. Li Xiaoyong's "protection theory" not only restricts the personal development of players, but also hinders the integration of Chinese basketball with the world's advanced level. In this era of information explosion and frequent exchanges, resting on one's laurels will only make Chinese basketball more and more marginalized on the world stage.

Reflection and prospects: learn from the pain before we can move forward

In the face of this historic fiasco, what the Chinese basketball community needs to do is not to evade and cover up, but to reflect deeply and face bravely. We need to face up to the gaps and deficiencies in Chinese basketball in terms of youth training system, technical and tactical level, and psychological quality of players. At the same time, we should also see that this defeat is not useless, it at least makes us soberly aware of the gap between Chinese basketball and the world's strong teams, and points out the direction of our future efforts.

In the coming days, Chinese basketball needs to increase investment and reform in the youth training system, and pay attention to the cultivation of players' basic skills and tactical literacy; At the same time, young players should also be encouraged and supported to go abroad and accept higher levels of challenge and training. In the construction of the coaching team, we should abandon the outdated and conservative mode of thinking, and introduce and cultivate coaching talents with international vision and advanced concepts. Only in this way can Chinese basketball remain invincible in the fierce international competition and achieve a real rise and take-off.

Conclusion: The road of basketball has a long way to go

Although the fiasco of China's U17 men's basketball team is heartbreaking, it is also a wake-up call for us. On the long and challenging road of basketball, Chinese basketball still has a long way to go. However, it is these setbacks and failures that make basketball so attractive and valuable. We believe that in the near future, Chinese basketball will be able to get out of the trough, regain its vigor, and shine its own light on the international stage. Let's look forward to that day together!

Shattered dreams and renewed hopes on the pitch: an affectionate monologue from a fan

As a loyal fan who has accompanied Chinese basketball through countless days and nights, the game on July 3 was not only a simple international confrontation for me, but also a spiritual baptism and profound reflection. When the final whistle sounded mercilessly, the dazzling 62-146 on the score board was like a sharp knife, deeply cutting the heart of everyone who loves Chinese basketball. At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of my dream shattering, but I also saw the glimmer of rebirth in this fragment.

Despair and struggle on the field

From the first minute of the game, I could feel the strong aura of the U.S. U17 men's basketball team, which was a sense of oppression that came from strength and confidence. Every pass, every break, every shot they made seemed so fluid and precise that it was as if the whole court was under their control. And the boys of the Chinese U17 men's basketball team, although they tried their best, they seemed powerless in the face of such an opponent. Mistakes poured in, and every loss of possession was like a blow to our hearts. Especially when the U.S. team played that suffocating 33-0 offensive frenzy in the last seven minutes, I seemed to see the confusion and helplessness in the eyes of the boys, which was a kind of despair that was completely crushed.

However, even in such a desperate situation, I also saw the tenacity and perseverance of the Chinese U17 men's basketball team. They didn't give up, they still ran and fought on the court, and although the result was already predestined, they still used their actions to interpret their love for basketball and their desire to win. This spirit touches me and makes my heart ache. Because I know that such a defeat is not only a defeat of a game, but also a comprehensive exposure of China's basketball youth training system, technical and tactical level and players' psychological quality.

Controversy and deep reflection on the coach's remarks

After the game, head coach Li Xiaoyong's remarks sparked widespread controversy. His view that he does not advise young players to play abroad is, in my opinion, both a distrust of the potential of players and a disregard for the development trend of international basketball. In this era of globalization, basketball has long transcended the limitations of national borders and has become a worldwide sport. Only when young players go abroad and accept a higher level of challenge and training can they grow faster and integrate into the international basketball family faster. Li Xiaoyong's "protection theory" is undoubtedly making excuses for the team's failure, and it is also hindering the progress of Chinese basketball.

But I also understand that as a veteran coach, he may have his own worries and concerns. After all, playing abroad means facing more unknowns and challenges, requiring greater self-discipline and adaptability. However, I always believe that only after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain can we see the splendor of the rainbow. The future of Chinese basketball requires these young players to break through, fight, and create their own brilliance.

Learn from the pain and look forward to the future

In the face of this historic fiasco, what we need is not evasion and recrimination, but deep reflection and positive action. We should face up to the problems and deficiencies of Chinese basketball in terms of youth training system, technical and tactical level, and players' psychological quality, and strive to find solutions. At the same time, we should also encourage and support young players to bravely go abroad and take on higher levels of challenge and training. Only in this way can Chinese basketball gain a firm foothold on the international stage and achieve a real rise.

In addition, we should also strengthen the construction and promotion of basketball culture, so that more people can understand, love and participate in basketball. Only when basketball becomes a national sport will the foundation of Chinese basketball be more solid and the future of Chinese basketball will be brighter.

Conclusion: Spark discussion and build a basketball dream together

The fiasco is painful, but it also provides us with a valuable opportunity. Let's move forward in reflection and grow in setbacks. I believe that in the coming days, Chinese basketball will be able to get out of the trough and regain its glory. At the same time, I also hope that this match will arouse more attention and discussion. Let us work together to make suggestions and contribute to the future of Chinese basketball. Because, everyone who loves basketball has a common dream in their hearts - that is, to make Chinese basketball shine more dazzlingly on the world stage!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

The dream is broken, and the ambition is not rewarded, and we will forge ahead and wait for glory

The ancient style is long and the basket is strong

The war clouds are dense and the flags are flying, and the young man is in all directions.

The stadium was full of flames, and the enthusiasm cast brilliance.

Dream back to the arena is changing, and the strong enemy of the United States is unstoppable.

Sixty-two distractions are like hanging, and one hundred and forty-six are painful.

Mistakes are frequent, and the sweat of youth is sprinkled on the field.

He Wenwei stayed in this battle, and he made a very mistake and was injured twice.

The coach's words were shocking, and the conservative words were shocking.

It is not easy to go abroad for further study, how can you become a king if you lack self-discipline?

However, our generation will not be defeated, and the will will will be even higher in adversity.

The foundation of youth training must be solid, and the technical and tactical methods need to be strengthened.

Psychological quality is not innate, and it is tempered to become steel.

There are many challenges on the international stage, but only self-improvement can be called strong.

Basketball culture needs to be promoted, and national sports are in the ascendant.

Children frolic in the streets and alleys, and teenagers chase their dreams in the green field.

Don't forget the original intention and mission, and forge ahead with a long way to go.

If he succeeds in the future, he dares to laugh at the basketball world.

The dream of breaking the basket is not the end, and the ambition is to set sail again for thousands of miles.

The sons and daughters of China are talented, and they will definitely change the basketball world to a new chapter.

This ancient poem summarizes the disastrous defeat of the Chinese U17 men's basketball team in the game against the United States team in the form of an ancient chant, as well as the profound reflection and future prospects triggered by it. The subtitle "Ancient Style: Basketball Journey" not only points out the style of the poem, but also implies that Chinese basketball has sharpened its will and strengthened its beliefs in the midst of setbacks, and is moving towards a more brilliant future. By depicting the fierceness of the game, the pain of defeat, the controversy of the coach and the outlook for the future, the poem shows the spirit of Chinese basketball people who are indomitable and courageous in the face of setbacks. At the same time, it also placed good wishes and ardent expectations for the future development of Chinese basketball.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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