
"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

author:Shen Zhi Yi
"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

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"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host


How many hardships and ups and downs does a person's growth need to go through?

When doubts and criticisms are overwhelming, does she choose to back down, or rise to the occasion?

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

The transformation of the post-80s hosts

2015 was a special year.

This year, CCTV ushered in a special guest------ a post-80s female host.

Her arrival has caused a lot of waves in the hosting world.

Young, beautiful, and full of vitality, she seems to have infinite possibilities.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

However, who would have thought that this newcomer who was full of expectations would encounter setbacks at the beginning of his dream.

made his first appearance and handed over a "failing" answer sheet

"Do you think that today's "Chinese Poetry Conference" is a little different?"

"Yes, I always feel that the host is a little out of shape."

"She seems to have mispronounced a few words, is it really okay?" ......

For this rookie host, the audience's evaluation is not very friendly.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

Originally, I thought this was just the normal state when a new person took office, but as time went on, the problem seemed to become more and more serious.

Reading the wrong verses, using inaccurate words, and not even understanding the most basic literary knowledge, this newcomer seems to have stepped into the "minefield of the host".

The audience's dissatisfaction began to spread, and some people even began to question CCTV's selection criteria: "Are the current hosts so unreliable?" "

It is worth mentioning that while the newcomer made a mistake in hosting, Dong Qing, another "big sister" in the hosting industry, was in the limelight.

Her skillful hosting skills and elegant conversation are in stark contrast to this newcomer.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

Some attentive netizens found that since this post-80s newcomer joined, Dong Qing's appearance rate in "Chinese Poetry Conference" has decreased significantly.

"Could it be that I was squeezed out by this little girl?"

Rumors began to circulate on the Internet.

In the face of doubts from all sides, the hostess did not choose to back down.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

"I may not be good enough, but I'll try.

She said this in an interview.

Learning is the best way to fight back against doubt

Since then, the post-80s hostess has opened the "learning mode".

In the past, she may have been just a simple "manuscript reading machine", but now, she has begun to take the initiative to study the background of the creation of the poems and the life stories of the authors.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

In the past, she may have been nervous in front of the camera, but now she is learning how to adjust her emotions and put her most natural foot in front of the camera.

Hard work pays off.

Gradually, the audience found that the newcomer host, who was once questioned as "unreliable", seemed to have begun to have some changes.

She began to be able to recite poems fluently and even to perform simple interpretations of the poems.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

She began to be able to subtly incorporate her own insights into the show and add a touch of color to the show.

And the interaction between her and the contestants has become more natural and interesting.

"Second verification" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala

Just as the status of this post-80s female host is steadily rising, a bigger challenge is in front of her------ the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2021.

As one of the most important programs of CCTV, the Spring Festival Gala has always been a touchstone to test the host's ability.

And this time, Dong Qing's absence made the burden on the newcomer's shoulders extremely heavy.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

How will she perform in the face of the high-profile stage?

The answer is: not as expected.

Although in the eyes of ordinary audiences, her hosting is quite handy, in the eyes of professionals, her performance is far from perfect.

She still speaks a little fast, and she is not calm enough in the face of unexpected situations.

A senior host commented.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

So, the voice of doubt sounded again.

Only this time, it is no longer the audience, but the "vision" from peers and predecessors.

Being young means limiting the possibilities

In the face of the "kind words and persuasion" of her predecessors, the post-80s hostess fell into contemplation.

She began to reflect on her own shortcomings and began to think about her own position.

She understands that if she wants to gain a foothold in this industry, it is not enough to rely on enthusiasm.

So, in the days that followed, she began a new attempt.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

She began to get involved in variety shows, showing her lively and playful side in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

She began to try to host cultural programs and interpret the charm of traditional culture in her own way.

She even began to enter the new media field, interacting with the audience in new and interesting ways on the short video platform.

Step by step, she is constantly breaking through herself and constantly improving herself.

Hard work pays off.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

In the Spring Festival Gala in 2022, she once again appeared on this much-anticipated stage.

It's just that this time, her performance impressed everyone.

is no longer the "little girl" who is easy to be nervous and easy to make mistakes, but a mature and stable "gold medal host".

Her opening remarks are humorous, her cross-words are natural and fluent, and even her ability to adapt to unexpected situations is surprising.

"That's the host we want!"

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

The audience praised her, and her peers did not hesitate to praise her.

At that moment, all the doubts disappeared and all the efforts were rewarded.

However, she was not complacent.

"It's just a new beginning."

In the interview, she said humbly.

"I still have a long way to go, and there are still a lot of possibilities waiting to be tried."

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

Yes, for this post-80s hostess, this is just a new beginning.

Because she is young, she has infinite possibilities; Because of her youth, she has countless opportunities to prove herself.

And her story is actually the epitome of countless post-80s professionals.

Fall, get up, fall again, get up again...... This is the journey that every striver must go through.

As long as you don't stop, as long as you have the courage to face doubts and criticisms, one day, you will reap your own applause and glory.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

This is the power of the post-80s; This is the power of youth.


Looking back at the growth process of this post-80s hostess, we may be able to find some common rules.

Talent and luck are important, but even more important is the willingness to keep learning and the courage to never give up.

"Kick out" Dong Qing, who made repeated mistakes but was praised by CCTV What is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female host

Professionalism and attitude are equally important, but more important is the courage to break through and try new things.

This is not only a requirement for the host, but also an expectation for everyone in the workplace.

I hope that every post-80s generation can continue to surpass and grow in their own fields to create infinite possibilities.