
"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

author:Entertainment Miscellaneous
"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

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In this high-rise court drama, what we want to unveil is an epic of power struggles at the level of an intricate TV series.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

The radiant protagonist - Li Chuan, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was tricked by fate, is a living example, at the mercy of fate in the ruthless whirlpool of the family's power schemes.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

In the previous life, he was the representative of the mismatch between love and power, and the tragedy that followed. In his heart, he has long been like a beast with a fat body, becoming more and more arrogant on the stage of power every day, and finally caused himself to fall into the quagmire of a fierce battle, and then ended up with a super sad ending.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

In this Li Chuan's life drama, Qin Zhenzhen and Shangguan Ya are clearly two trouble-induced characters. Qin Zhenzhen is like a boulder that has been entangled in emotions and the collapse of the family, and has been dragged into the big drama of the prince's choice of concubine.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

She is not only the crutch in Li Chuan's heart, but also the red lead in his fate that gave rise to tragedy. As soon as she went, she directly released the beast in Li Chuan's heart that had already been raised with fat heads and big ears. You say that fate plays tricks on people, and this is an extremely vivid example.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Qin Zhenzhen, from the beginning, was like the family who couldn't figure out the family and emotions. She was swept into the whirlpool of the prince's choice of concubines, and since then she has been inseparable from Li Chuan, a noble son. She is not the kind of person who likes to show off her identity, but fate arranged such a gorgeous drama for her, and she could only grit her teeth.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Li Chuan, for her, is not just a symbol of status. In his world, she is an irreplaceable force, an existence that can sustain his entire life.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

However, this brother, his heart has long been like the kind of cage that puts a beast in his heart, and he is ready to move every day. Qin Zhen's real death was simply the perfect release button of that beast, instantly dragging out all the chaos and all the struggles in his heart.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

It's like this world, it's always so fun. Love and power are not good friends in the first place. Li Chuan was forced to find a balance between the two, and finally found that he was held back by those scheming, just like his fathers.

His life has become a perfect demonstration of the seesaw between love and power, and it has also become another kind of commitment that tells us that once you fall into the trap of power, it is difficult to extricate yourself.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Talking about this Shangguan Ya is simply talking about an out-and-out "woman from a family". Born with an intimate connection to imperial power, even if her fate has long been woven as elusive as manipulating the weather.

But, you see, this time they were reborn and chose a completely new route. She is no longer so resigned to fate, no longer passively waiting for fate to fall from the sky, but actively intervening in the great reform movement led by Pei Wenxuan.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Look at her posture, she suddenly became a generation of female prime ministers, turning her hands into clouds and covering her hands into rain, leaving a mark on the stage of history in her own unique way!

This Shangguan Ya is really extraordinary. She is not the kind of girl who is content with the status quo, and her identity as a family can be justified, but she has never been the kind of material to be at the mercy of others.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

You see, her choice this time is not only for herself, but also for us audiences. She tells us that even if you feel like your fate is a scripted script, you can find a way out of your choices.

She no longer let the shackles of history tie her hands and feet, but picked up the banner of reform, and together with Pei Wenxuan, the leader, gave those old antiques a thorough modernization lesson.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

I heard that there is a Su Ronghua, what a strange thing in the palace! He is the kind of person who has to go all the way to the end innocently even in the face of fate.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

You see, his love story is not simple, and it is inseparable from the tragedy of Shangguan Ya and Qin Zhenzhen. His regrets and love are simply behind this court drama. One thought changed the fate of many people, but it also made him pay a lot of price. Oh, Su Ronghua's story is really thought-provoking!

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

This Su Ronghua is not the kind of master of scheming, nor is he the kind of sinister and vicious character. He is a romantic who pursues freedom and true love, but in this world, the two sharp blades of reality and responsibility can always pierce people to the skin.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

His story teaches us a lesson: the pursuit of freedom and true love is important, but we must also learn to find the perfect balance between reality and responsibility, otherwise, it is easy to become a stone in history and be used by others to pave the way.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Watching this court drama, each character has their own choices and choices. Their fates are really varied. This is not only a tragic song about power and love, but also a great test of the deep exploration of human nature. From this perspective, we see the diversity and complexity of life, and the helplessness and sadness of human nature in the face of power and emotion.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

Finally, these legends are not only memories of the past, but also a beacon of the present. They tell us to keep our independent thinking and firm choices no matter where we are, and to pursue our own happiness and truth. Only in this way can you truly live the life you want, instead of being bound by the chains of history.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

The fates of these characters, intertwined, are both a symphony of history and a mirror of modern society. In these stories, we see the intricate game of power and love, and how individual destinies ebb and fall in the tide of history.

"Du Hua Nian" fell in love with Shangguan Ya and poisoned Qin Zhenzhen, and the reason why the Su family was slaughtered was too scary

These stories not only bring us entertainment, but also convey positive social values more profoundly, so that we can taste the heaviness and thoughtfulness of life in a relaxed and happy way.