
Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

author:I want to eat poached eggs
Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

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In the past few days, whether it is on the circle of friends or Weibo, Zhang Zhijie's name can be seen, not because of his outstanding performance, but because of his death, and because there are too many unfairness and doubts behind his death.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

It is reported that the team won the championship in a recent international competition, and the Chinese team's road to winning the championship can be said to be full of tears. During the final phase of the competition, Zhang Zhijie, a member of the Chinese team, suddenly fainted on the playing field and showed symptoms of convulsions

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

In the face of such an unexpected situation, the referee and the organizer were very slow to react, and did not carry out any first aid measures for a long time, even though Zhang Zhijie's family and teammates repeatedly requested, they still ignored it, until the medical staff arrived at the scene, and Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"
Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

However, even after all-out rescue, Zhang Zhijie still left us, and after the news reached China, many people mourned, considering Zhang Zhijie's departure a great loss, and hoping that he could rest in peace in heaven.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

In fact, the reason why Zhang Zhijie left us had a lot to do with the poor medical conditions and first aid measures at that time, because when he had an accident, the organizers did not equip him with a defibrillator and did not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which caused him to miss the best time for rescue

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"
Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

Even if the medical team tried their best to save his life, it could not save his life, and after that, more and more people began to question the organizers, believing that their behavior was very irresponsible, which also had a great impact on the Chinese team's game.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

After that, Zhang Zhijie's family also responded to the incident, saying that they were very sad and sorry for this result, and they would also take corresponding actions against the organizers, hoping to get justice for Zhang Zhijie

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

In this process, Zhang Zhijie's mother even fainted in the hospital because of excessive sadness, which is undoubtedly another huge blow to her who has lost her husband, and Zhang Zhijie's sister will also rush to Indonesia in the near future to deal with her brother's funeral.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"
Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

Thankfully, although Zhang Zhijie has left us, his family did not leave him alone in a foreign country, but took him back to China so that he could rest in peace in his own country.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

At this time, many people also sent his final condolences, hoping that he can go all the way, and also hope that the organizers can take warning, in the future, in the competition, we must pay attention to the health and safety of athletes, and carry out first aid and rescue in a timely manner, so that every game can be full of positive energy, and athletes can show their best side in a fair and just game.

Zhang Zhijie is home! Teammates choked up and were interviewed: "Zhang Zhijie's family has taken him home"

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