
Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

author:History of the Past of This Life

Introduction: Grief! The 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and netizens scolded the hidden sports behind it.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Recently, a heartbreaking news shocked the sports world and the whole country - 17-year-old Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly collapsed and passed away while competing in the Asian Youth Championships in Indonesia.

The abrupt end of this young life can not help but make people sigh, and it also causes people to think deeply about many problems in the sports world.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Zhang Zhijie is a teenager full of vigor and fighting spirit. In an interview with CCTV before his death, he said with confidence: "I must be unconvinced, and I want to prove myself through the competition!" "

These words speak to an athlete's desire to win and his unwavering belief in himself. However, attentive viewers found that although Zhang Zhijie in front of the camera was in good spirits, his eye bags were puffy and dark circles were obvious, revealing signs of exhaustion.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

This detail coincides with the previous words of Lin Dan, a leader in the badminton world. Lin Dan once said in an interview: "The intensity of the badminton competition is very high, and I call for better rest for badminton players. "

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

He added: "They are always trying to change things that don't matter, and they should focus on giving the athletes more time to rest. These words seem to be a prophecy of Zhang Zhijie's tragedy.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

What's even more chilling is that after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, there seemed to be a delay in the rescue at the scene. According to eyewitness accounts, the coach "turned back three times in one step" when he stepped forward to check the situation, and the off-site medical personnel were slow to arrive in time.

This begs the question: why is there such a serious delay in the golden 4 minutes of life? Would the results have been different if first aid had been taken earlier?

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Zhang Zhijie's sister was grieving, and posted a question: "He is only 17 years old, and after a long wait, the medical staff arrived, and said that the local medical conditions are too poor, how can I accept it?" "

This sentence expresses the sadness and helplessness of the family, and also raises questions among the public about the organizers of the event: if the local medical conditions are really inadequate, why take the risk of holding the competition here? Is the safety and security of athletes being given the attention it deserves?

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

The tragedy not only took the life of a young man, but also caused irreparable pain to a family. Zhang Zhijie's father died at an early age, and his mother raised him and his sister with hard work.

Now that the bad news has come, the mother collapsed and was hospitalized, and the pain of the family can be imagined.

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

What's even more embarrassing is that some netizens wrote a dramatic prediction in the comment area before the game, warning not to only focus on the athletes' results and ignore their health.

The fulfillment of this prophecy makes people wonder: do we really care about the physical and mental health of our athletes while pursuing achievements and honors?

Distressed! Zhang Zhijie died: Suspected of being tired before his death, some people predicted his death, and Lin Dan exposed the inside story of the industry

Zhang Zhijie's death has uncovered long-standing but often overlooked problems in the sports world: overtraining, lack of rest, and inadequate medical care.

Let us always remember Zhang Zhijie, this ambitious and hard-working 17-year-old boy. May he rest in peace in Heaven, and may this tragedy be an opportunity to change the world of sport so that there will never be another such tragedy in the future

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