
Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

author:Midodox Entertainment
Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

Zhang Lan recently shared her summer vacation life with her grandchildren in Okinawa, Japan, on social platforms, which made people feel the warmth of family and the importance of family affection.

Zhang Lan has always been the central figure of the family, she is not only a mother, but also a kind grandmother. Recently, she updated her reunite with her grandchildren on social platforms, which made her feel precious family time. Since Big S does not let her children come to Beijing, Zhang Lan chose to go to Okinawa, Japan, which is not only close, but also an ideal place for her to get together with her grandchildren.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, illuminating the breakfast time when Zhang Lan and her grandchildren sat around for breakfast. The table is filled with a variety of foods, the aroma is fragrant, and the warm atmosphere fills the air. Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er sat beside their grandmother with a smile, their innocent eyes flashing with joy for this happy moment.

In the video, Zhang Lan can be seen gently plucking the fruit on the table, trying to divert the worry in Wang Xiaofei's eyes. He bowed his head and said nothing, unconsciously twisting the napkin between his fingers, but his mind was in distant Beijing. He may be missing his wife Ma Xiaomei, her gentle smile and the taste of home.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

Zhang Lan tried her best to make the atmosphere relaxed and pleasant. She is constantly communicating with her grandchildren and listening to their plans and dreams for the day. Xiao Yue'er stirred the juice and happily recounted the dream she had last night, talking about the fantasy adventure in the dream. Xiao Jiu'er listened quietly, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two, and her eyes revealed her deep dependence and love for her grandmother.

Whenever the topic turns to her family in Beijing, Wang Xiaofei's emotions always become heavy. He looked out the window, perhaps hoping to see Ma Xiaomei's phone and hear her gentle voice and concerned greetings. He silently prayed in his heart, hoping that his family would be safe and healthy, especially his wife, and that he would return to them soon.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

This breakfast time, although warm, also reveals a little longing and concern. Zhang Lan tried to fill the gap in Wang Xiaofei's heart with her gentle smile and innocent conversation with her grandchildren. No matter where they are, the hearts of this family are always closely connected, and every reunion is a precious gift, making them feel the warmth of family and the power of family affection.

The two little angels that Zhang Lan is proud of, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er, have become the biggest pride in her heart. Xiao Yue'er's long hair reaches her waist, her black hair is as smooth as silk, and she is praised as slim every time she appears on the camera, and her similarity with her mother Da S is even more amazing. Netizens left messages of praise on social platforms, and some said: "Xiao Yue'er is simply a copy-and-paste big S, she has the temperament of a mother at such a young age!" Another netizen joked: "It seems that the star gene is really inherited, and Xiao Yue'er will definitely be a big beauty in the future." ”

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

And Xiao Jiu'er deeply touched the hearts of netizens with her very delicate image. In a video, she appeared sideways, and her delicate facial features and immature expression made people unable to take their eyes off. Zhang Lan revealed that in order to see her grandmother, Xiao Jiu'er deliberately went to get a haircut, which showed her deep feelings for her grandmother. After seeing this scene, netizens left messages to express their views, and some people sighed: "Xiao Jiu'er is really a good child, it seems that grandma's status in her heart is not ordinary." Another netizen commented: "This kind of family affection is really warm to the heart, and Grandma Zhang's grandchildren are really sweet and cute." ”

These comments and conversations fully demonstrate the love and attention that netizens have for Zhang Lan and her grandchildren. They not only admired the beauty and well-behaved of Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er, but also sighed at the strong family affection between Zhang Lan and her grandchildren. This happy moment of the family is passed on through social platforms, so that more people can share this warmth and happiness.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

Zhang Lan's intimate moments with her grandchildren were shared by her on social platforms, and in the photos, they held hands, showing the warmth of family and her infinite love for her grandchildren. Zhang Lan is wearing an orange coat and is full of aura, while Xiao Yue'er's back shows the elegance of a girl, but some comments point out that her pants don't seem to be suitable enough, maybe Big S needs to pay more attention to her daughter's clothing matching.

In addition to family time, Zhang Lan also shared photos of her at the beach. The 66-year-old grandmother has jet-black hair and is in good spirits, showing a more energetic side than the youngsters, which is admirable. Someone once saw Zhang Lan getting out of the car early in the morning in the office building, her hair flowing in big waves, wearing a silk glittering gray and green long dress, gold flat shoes, a white floral silk scarf around her neck, and a hearty and bright smile on her face. However, her walking posture is a little grinning, like a gentleman, which can't help but remind people of the "mix and match style" that South Beauty has always advocated - on the left is the domineering and exposed "Guan Gong Face", and on the right is the charming and touching Jiangnan and "South Beauty".

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

Some netizens on social platforms ridiculed: "Sister Zhang Lan is really open-minded, this mix and match style makes people feel very good!" Another netizen commented: "She laughs so brightly, but the way she walks is really funny." Some people also said: "This kind of grinning posture seems more individual." ”

As for her dressing style, some netizens believe that this mix and match style shows her unique fashion taste and personality charm. Someone left a message saying: "Sister Zhang Lan is an energetic 'mix and match queen', dare to wear it, and is full of confidence!" Another commented: "The combination of 'Guan Gong Facebook' and 'Pretty Jiangnan' looks really special, showing her unique understanding of fashion." ”

The comments and dialogues of these netizens vividly depict Zhang Lan's unique personality and fashion attitude in terms of dressing style. She is not only a fashionista, but also a model of a woman who dares to express herself, showing her multifaceted charm in fashion and life.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

Zhang Lan's social interaction sparked a heated discussion among netizens. They commented on Zhang Lan's youthful vitality and looked forward to seeing more intimate pictures of her and her grandchildren. Some netizens also ridiculed that Big S has always used children as bargaining chips, and now he may feel a little anxious.

Zhang Lan's summer vacation life with her grandchildren is full of warmth and affection, and she shows her unique charm as a central figure in the family in her own way, making people feel the true meaning of family reunion.

Zhang Lan holds hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, and Xiao Yue'er has long hair and waist! Unexpectedly showing a straight face is too much like a big S

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