
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

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Wallis Deerey, a desert flower who fights against fate and is also an anti-circumcision ambassador among top supermodels, today I will talk about her legendary life story of half a life.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

Waris Dirie was born in 1965 in Galkayo, Somalia, to a nomadic family. She is a supermodel, actress, human rights activist, and United Nations Ambassador Against Circumcision, who has been named one of Forbes' 30 Global Women Role Models.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

It is precisely because of the existence of such a woman that people all over the world understand that there is still a place in the world where the practice of circumcision persecuts women! From a shepherdess to an international supermodel, she gave up her thriving career when her career was great, just to save African women like her.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

Wallis Deary was raped by her biological father's friend at the age of 4, forced to undergo circumcision at the age of five to take her sister's name, and survived at the age of 12 when her father married a 60-year-old man with five camels.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

At the age of 18, he was only 18 years old when he left his hometown and came to England, and he met Marilyn, who could not speak English, and was taken in and worked as a cleaning worker. It wasn't until he met the photographer Donner while working in a restaurant that he began to embark on the road of legendary modeling.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

After becoming a supermodel in the 1990s, she learned about the colorful lives of women in the era, thought of other Somali girls, wanted to save those girls who still existed in the circumcision area, and wanted to free them from suffering, so she gave up her thriving modeling career in 1997 and devoted herself to the anti-circumcision movement.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

In 1997, he was appointed by the United Nations as an ambassador against circumcision, wrote an autobiography about the pain of circumcision, which was later made into a movie "Desert Flowers", and founded a number of charities to call the world's attention to the plight of Somali girls and raise funds for the construction of schools and hospitals for his compatriots.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

In 1965, Wallis Diri was named Wallis by her mother as soon as she was born, and at that time it was also meant to be the "flower of the desert", hoping that she could be like a tenacious grass in the wasteland, humble but strong all her life, and many years later she also became a tenacious rose blooming in the Somali desert!

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!
Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

As she wrote in her book, "Only those who do not have what they have know how to be grateful, and we have nothing, so we are grateful for everything." "Her life has gone from a life of hardship to a strong fight against fate. Isn't it a strong little flower that blooms in the barren desert, tenacious.

Wallis Deerey, the flower of the desert who fights against fate, is an anti-circumcision ambassador among supermodels!

Such an anti-circumcision ambassador in a supermodel, what do you think, pay attention, there are more articles you like on the homepage, leave a message in the comment area to discuss together!