
Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

author:Entertainment gossip
Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to it and like it, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to get rich

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Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

When you walk into the cold hospital ward where Cai Lei is, you will find that it is full of warmth, because the name Cai Lei has been deeply engraved in everyone's hearts. He was a brave fighter, and although he had a disease called ALS, he did not give up, he was in a race against time, and at the same time he was fighting against a relentless disease. What is especially distressing is his wife Duan Rui, I heard that she lost 10 pounds in just 20 days, which is simply a cold wind blowing. Her dedication and efforts are not for the eyes of others, but out of a sense of love and responsibility that cannot be described in words.

At a time when this family is facing difficulties, although the outside world is very complicated and has many diverse views, Cai Lei and Duan Rui chose to face it calmly. When the media's camera is focused on their small home, what we can see is a warm and determined figure. Every night, the brightly lit home is filled with all kinds of research materials and unfinished work schedules — that's where Cai Lei once struggled.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

Due to his busy work and tired physical condition, Duan Rui looks like he has lost a lot of weight; After losing her husband's embrace, life became even more empty – but she knew she couldn't break down.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

In the whirlpool of life, Duan Rui is like those ordinary wives and mothers around us, when they encounter difficulties, although they are sometimes confused, they never retreat. Her weight loss may have been superficial, and the real pain was known only to her. Over the past 20 days, she has experienced countless sleepless nights, and she has done more than she has seen to ensure that each family member is emotionally stable and their material needs are met.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

The wife of the former vice president of finance of Group is definitely not the kind of little girl who only relies on men to live! She is an amazing woman, and she also has a strong mark in the field of tractor industry; Of course, this is not to say that she has an easy life, but the cold and caustic memories left by the tick-tock and fast-turning era are nothing to her anymore. Because of the responsibilities and choices she carries, it is as important as her status.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

I remember one time, her husband suddenly fainted beside her, and his mouth kept shouting "don't give up", she grabbed his hand tightly, and felt a weak, but firm force. In order to give him a little warmth outside the hospital room, her children are waiting for her strong mom to come home.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

Her heart is so stressed that she can't shed tears - in front of others, she always faces it with a smile, using a smile to hide the pain and powerlessness in her heart. Although her family and friends have given her a lot of help and support, in the dead of night, she can only hold herself, feeling her tiredness and loneliness.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

Life was like a joke, not only giving her a huge check, but also asking her if she had enough pocket money in exchange for an empty soul to redeem those promises and dreams that had been made. However, no matter how many difficulties and setbacks she encounters, she will persevere in moving forward, waiting for a glimmer of life, relying on her own strength, and wholeheartedly devoting herself to the truest and purest feelings, without bowing to this sick world.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

While Cai Lei's scientific research team went all out to find a cure for ALS, his wife, Duan Rui, silently took on the responsibility of taking care of the family and comforting her husband. In the process, she chose to give up a stable and lucrative income and donate her share of the salary that should have belonged to her to those who still need help.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

Even though Duan Rui is suffering from illness, her heart is still full of enthusiasm for life and longing for the future. Whenever the night quietly comes, after the lights in the city gradually go out, she will sit alone by the window of her home, using the special way of live broadcast to convey the warmth in her heart and the unwavering faith to everyone. In a unique way, she is spreading the power of both of them individually, while also doing her best to support research into ALS treatment.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

Although she falls asleep late at night every day, she has gradually adapted to such a tiring and fulfilling rhythm of life. Maybe her relatives and friends around her did not fully understand her choice and dedication, but she found a reason to insist on her self-worth during this time: she hoped that through her strength and perseverance, she could bring more hope and courage to those friends who also suffered from serious diseases.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

When the live broadcast ended, the bright light gradually dimmed, as if you saw the bits and pieces of life through the thick title page of life. When the camera freezes at that moment, the warm music rings in the ears, which makes people feel uncomplaining and never stop. Her live broadcast is like a deep path, leading us to explore the world of the mind, release the memories of the past, and finally reach the other side of the ideal. Seeing that those friends who are seriously ill like her are still trying to live, her heart is full of emotion, because they are like her lovers, they have an incomparable desire for life, their lives seem so simple, innocent, and innocent, and their feelings are so real and ordinary. Her live broadcast is like a beam of light on the screen, replacing words, warming the entire universe, allowing every life to bloom freely.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

In this silent war in the medical field, Cai Lei and Duan Rui face various challenges. Today, they are subject to an overwhelming stream of rumors and skepticism on the Internet. Every ruthless word, every irresponsible accusation, was like a sharp arrow, directly piercing their already very fragile hearts.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

In today's social environment where people are increasingly lacking in peace and rumors, some people completely ignore the hardships and sacrifices made by Cai Lei and his wife for love. They labeled Cai Lei and his wife with callous and heart-wrenching labels such as "pretending to be sick to make money"; Then the story of "the lion opened his mouth to ask for a lot of money, a large amount of donations, and asked investors to follow suit" was packaged as a new weapon to attack the couple's affectionate affection. When that kind of unreserved effort is maliciously misinterpreted as an unscrupulous practice to make a lot of money, the figure of being busy in the laboratory late at night becomes a symbol of pursuing personal self-interest.

In the face of these controversies, Cai Lei did not choose to escape or bow his head and admit his mistakes. On the contrary, he responded to the baseless accusations with his sincerity and unwavering determination: "We insist on it because we believe that even the slightest possibility is worth fighting for – even if it seems very small!" From his short and powerful words, we can feel the professionalism that a scientist should have, and at the same time, we can also feel the desire and persistence to survive as a patient's family.

Duan Rui is also using practical actions to prove her and her husband's original intention: no matter how late the live broadcast is, she always adheres to her responsibility as a wife, and the words of hope and strength conveyed have never diminished a bit; No matter what public opinion outside speculates, the rhythm of life full of love in their home is always the same.

In this world of speculation and suspicion, it seems that only those pretentious feelings can be recognized by everyone. However, the real bitterness and tears are often hidden behind those gentle and tenacious smiles - it is the seemingly ordinary but extremely heavy mood that supports our every breath and every day.

Cai Lei posted an angry reprimand for black fans: his wife lost ten pounds in 20 days, didn't want a salary, and slept in the early hours of the morning

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