
Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

author:Laurel muffins


Actor Lu Yi was a well-deserved "little fresh meat" when he was young, he had a happy family in middle age, and he had two daughters with Bao Lei, often showing off the happy life of a family of 4, which can be called a winner in life. The eldest daughter Belle and the youngest daughter Xiao Yezi are both tall and delicate girls, and Lu Yi is often praised for her blessings. However, recently, Lu Yi's youngest daughter was involved in a school bullying turmoil.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

On July 2, a blogger called out to Bao Lei and Lu Yi and his wife, saying that Xiao Yezi had attacked him on the Internet. Evaluate your appearance in each of your videos. The blogger said that he had privately messaged Xiao Yezi and hoped that she would delete these comments, but Xiao Yezi asked the blogger to delete them himself.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

In a fit of anger, the blogger directly hung out Xiao Yezi's comment and shouted to Lu Yi Bao Lei: I can ignore it this time, but you really take care of it.

Judging from the comments posted by the blogger, Xiao Yezi did comment on the blogger many times, "The nose of the young lady has always been so funny", and it was accompanied by a picture, and it was almost a rhythm of evaluation in minutes, and the text of the evaluation was completely consistent, and there was a sense of déjà vu of swiping the screen.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

Netizens searched for a picture of Xiaoyezi, and she took a screenshot of the blogger's video. The picture is a selfie of the blogger in the dormitory, and Xiao Yezi is holding on to this.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

Seeing that the blogger's age is similar to Xiao Yezi, why does Xiao Ye keep chasing the blogger's comments? The blogger also explained in the comment area, saying that he and Xiaoyezi were from the same school, and the two were friends before. After that, I didn't know how to make a fuss, so Xiao Yezi chased after it, and complained that the blogger's video was very yellow.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

The blogger originally wanted everyone to speak for her and call Bao Lei and Lu Yi to take care of her daughter, but she didn't expect many netizens to attack her, thinking that she was making a big fuss and that such a small thing would have to be moved to the Internet. But there are also netizens who support this blogger, thinking that friends can indeed joke with each other. But the blogger made it clear that she didn't like others to evaluate her appearance, but Xiao Yezi still kept saying that she didn't listen, and it was normal to be angry.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

The blogger has communicated with Xiao Yezi many times to no avail, so naturally he can only hang it on the Internet.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!
Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

Xiao Yezi is the youngest daughter of Lu Yi and Bao Lei, whose real name is Lu Yuhan, and she is 13 years old this year. Because of Lu Yi's filter, many people like Xiaoye very much. Xiao Yezi is the eldest in the family, and she often shoots videos with her family, she always follows her parents and is very well-behaved.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!
Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

This time, Xiao Yezi was suddenly accused of campus bullying by his classmates, and netizens were very surprised and looked forward to further progress in the matter. However, netizens soon discovered that Xiao Yezi's classmates had deleted the video. As for Xiaoyezi, he has also closed the comments for the first time.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!
Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

In fact, Xiao Yezi is not the first star second generation to get involved in disputes.

Liu Ye's son Liu Nuoyi is very popular because he participated in "Where Are You Going, Dad", he is handsome and very cute in the show, and netizens have always had a filter on him. The classmate who never thought about Nuoyi spoke out and exposed his other side.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

Nuoyi's classmate said that Nuoyi disrespects girls in private and likes to open yellow mouths, and can flush to the toilet in pursuit of girls, and has pursued more than a dozen girls in half a year, and likes to yell in public, and everyone doesn't like him.

Lu Yi's youngest daughter was exposed to campus bullying and attacked her classmates many times, and I closed the comments!

Regarding the other side of the second generation of stars, some netizens shouted disappointment, but some people feel that these second generations of stars are in the growth period, and some rebellion is understandable, and they cannot be considered bad boys. Of course, children in the growth period need to be guided better, and I hope that celebrity parents can pay more attention to their children's education, guide them to establish correct values, and let the second generation of stars grow up healthy and happy.

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