
The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!

author:A great player in the sports world

On July 3, the Chinese Olympic Committee has officially announced the final list of participants of the Chinese table tennis team for the Paris Olympics, with a total of 6 athletes and 3 coaches.

The list is full of highlights, which are as follows:

Men's Singles: Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong;

Men's team: Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong, Ma Long [only play men's group];

Mixed doubles: Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha [only one pair];

Women's Singles: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng;

Women's group: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Wang Manyu [only play women's group];

Coaches: Wang Hao [male], Ma Lin [female], Xiao Zhan [mixed doubles].

The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!
The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!
I really have to cheer for Fan Zhendong, and I can't be robbed of the gold medal again.

And Wang Manyu's luck is really bad, so she can only play in the women's group.

Fans have said:

Marin was identified as the on-field coach of the women's team.

Extremely dissatisfied, this is beneficial to Chen Meng, deliberately leaving Sasha's head coach Qiu Yike behind, in order to ensure that Chen Meng defends the title!

Qiu Yike also has many coaches, and he will go to the sparring partners, but he can't stay in the Olympic Village, so he can only stay in the hotel next to him.

Sasha can't be soft-hearted on the field, play his own style and level, no coach is self-reliant, Ma Lin can't listen to all his words, he helps Chen study you, defeat you, scumbag coach.

The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!
The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!
As long as Qiu Yi may go to Paris and sit in the stands to guide Sasha, they will definitely have a way to communicate with each other, and it doesn't matter if they are not in the field.

It's not a strange regulation, but a convention of national table tennis. You can look it up, it's the head coach accountability. The coach in charge can coach at WTT, but must be coached at tournaments such as the Grand Slam and the World Cup.

After Sun Yingsha won the gold, it was also the head coach Ma Lin who was rewarded, not the head coach Qiu Yike.

The world's No. 1 and no full-time coach to participate in the team, a strange thing that only China has, giving up Wang Manyu for Chen Meng, this is something that Liu Guoliang has the right to decide.

The editor thinks:

The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!
The list of national table tennis Paris Olympics is exposed: Sun Yingsha and other 9 people live in the Olympic Village! Qiu Yi can stay in a hotel!

On July 3, even if Qiu Yi doesn't live in the Olympic Village, he will still take Sun Yingsha to the women's singles gold medal.


The Olympic women's singles gold medal is supreme, and Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha will tear their faces in August 2024.

Feelings are not worth mentioning in front of money.

Do you mean that?

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