
Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

author:Xiao Jiu said finance


Uncle Wang is 68 years old this year and is a well-known "pipe master". He started smoking at the age of 30, and in the blink of an eye, he has been coughing and wheezing for three days, but Uncle Wang is still happy and keeps his pipe in his hand.

On this day, Uncle Wang was walking in the park and met his old friend Professor Li, whom he had not seen for many years. Professor Li used to be a well-known tobacco expert in China, but he was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago and almost died. After learning the hard way, he resolutely quit smoking and is now recovering well.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Seeing the pipe in Uncle Wang's hand, Professor Li couldn't help but advise: "Lao Wang, we are so old, stop smoking it!" Look at me, a few years ago, I was living with cigarettes, but now I don't live a beautiful life!"

Uncle Wang disagreed: "Hey, I'm old, why do you quit smoking?" Besides, I've been sucking for the rest of my life, and there's nothing wrong with it. "

Professor Li sighed and patted his old friend on the shoulder: "Lao Wang, we are old, our body resistance is poor, and the harm of smoking will only be greater!" As long as you make up your mind, quitting smoking after the age of 60 can also reap full health dividends.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

According to the study, the older you get, the more you benefit from quitting smoking!

"I've smoked for most of my life, can I still quit?" Many elderly people who have smoked for decades have this question in their minds.

But research gives an exciting answer: no matter how old you are or how many years you have smoked, as long as you are willing to quit smoking, you will definitely get health dividends!

A U.S. study of people over the age of 60 found that the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) doubled for every 10 years of smoking.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

This means that an elderly person who starts smoking at age 20 and reaches age 70 has a 32-fold risk of developing COPD compared to non-smokers of the same age!

Once you decide to quit smoking, the incidence of COPD will drop significantly, even if it is already a prime date.

"I have a patient who started smoking at the age of 18 and didn't make up his mind to quit until he was 78." A well-known smoking cessation expert in the United States shared a case, "After he quit smoking, he insisted on a follow-up, and after 1 year, bronchoscopy showed that airway inflammation was significantly reduced. After 3 years, lung function improved by 15% compared to before quitting. Seven years later, his COPD miraculously disappeared!"

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

He explained that smoking destroys the bronchial cilia, making them less able to remove mucus and bacteria. But after you quit smoking, the damaged cilia grow back and lung function gradually recovers.

The older you get, the longer you smoke, the heavier the burden on your lungs, and once the damage of tobacco is removed, the recovery of the lungs of the elderly will be more obvious.

In addition to the lungs, the effects of smoking on the skin and sleep should not be ignored. As we age, older people's skin becomes dry, saggy, and wrinkles deepen. But what many people don't know is that smoking accelerates the process.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

A study in the United States compared the skin conditions of smokers and non-smokers over the age of 65 and found that smokers had significantly more wrinkles and dull skin than non-smokers. The researchers explain that the toxic substances in tobacco can destroy the collagen in the skin, causing the skin to sag. At the same time, nicotine constricts blood vessels, reduces blood flow to the skin, and accelerates aging.

But the good news is that after quitting smoking, the quality of sleep in the elderly will be significantly improved.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

A follow-up study found that after 1 month of quitting smoking, older adults slept an average of 35 minutes, improved sleep quality, and were more energetic during the day.

"I used to wake up every day feeling tired and couldn't sleep at night." An elderly man who successfully quit smoking sighed, "After quitting smoking, I regained my deep sleep. Now I am full of energy and can enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day!"

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

5 Golden Rules for Quitting Smoking

After listening to Professor Li's words, Uncle Wang realized: "It seems that if you want to live a long and healthy life, quitting smoking can't be delayed any longer!" But I've been smoking for decades, where can I quit for a while? "

Professor Li patted his old friend on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Lao Wang, quitting smoking is not an overnight thing. For an old smoker like you, it's especially important to master the scientific method.

Remember these 5 'Golden Rules for Quit Smoking' and you're not far from success!"

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Rule 1: Take it step by step and don't rush it.

Many elderly smokers have been smoking for decades and have a deep addiction to smoking. Some people are in a hurry and try to stop smoking all at once, often with the result that they are not able to do it quickly, and may trigger withdrawal reactions.

Professor Li suggested that the elderly should quit smoking gradually, starting with one less cigarette per day, and then reducing it by one cigarette after a week, and so on, until they quit completely.

This allows the body to slowly adapt to the nicotine-free state, and the withdrawal reaction will be much less.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Rule 2: Find alternatives to divert attention from cigarettes.

In the process of quitting smoking, the elderly will inevitably feel irritable and anxious. Try alternative ways to distract yourself, such as taking deep breaths, drinking water, or going for a walk.

If necessary, alternative therapies such as nicotine patches may be used under the guidance of a doctor to relieve discomfort.

In addition, finding something that interests you is also a good way to divert your attention.

"I have a patient who started to study Chinese painting after retirement, and he painted for an afternoon, and gradually, he didn't even want to smoke." Professor Li shared.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Rule 3: Family support will do more with less.

For older adults, the support and encouragement of family members is crucial. Children should communicate with their parents to express their concern for their health and help them build confidence in quitting smoking.

During the stage of tobacco reduction for the elderly, family members should be more patient, avoid harsh criticism or accusations, and give more understanding and encouragement.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Rule 4: Stay away from temptation and develop new hobbies.

Many elderly smokers are accustomed to "chatting and smoking" when socializing, and it is difficult for them to adapt to it after quitting smoking. It's a good time to try to take up a new hobby and replace smoking with a positive and healthy alternative.

For example, meeting up with friends to do tai chi and yoga can not only strengthen the body, but also relieve stress. Some elderly people have also regained their literary and artistic hobbies when they were young, learning to write calligraphy and playing musical instruments, and their lives have become full and meaningful.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Rule 5: Regulate your diet and stay away from the temptation of tobacco.

In terms of diet, we should pay attention to light, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less spicy and irritating.

Some foods such as mint and dairy products can make people feel that the smell of smoke is unpleasant; Coffee and alcohol can aggravate cravings. Eating a reasonable diet is also a good way to combat cravings.

In addition, try to avoid smoking-related occasions, such as tobacco sales outlets, smoking areas, etc. Family members can help the elderly set up a smoke-free environment and put away smoking supplies such as ashtrays and lighters to reduce temptation.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

There is a secret to successfully quitting smoking for 60-year-old smokers, and doing these things will get twice the result with half the effort!

After listening to Professor Li's 5 rules for quitting smoking, Uncle Wang was full of confidence.

But he still has a doubt: "Lao Li, at my age, I will inevitably encounter such and such problems in the process of quitting smoking." Do you have any suggestions for making my journey to quitting smoking easier? "

Professor Li thought for a moment and said earnestly, "Lao Wang, you raised a good question.

For old smokers over the age of 60, there are some special things to pay attention to in the process of quitting smoking. I have summarized a few suggestions for you, I believe it will be helpful to you. "

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Suggestion 1: Have regular physical examinations to understand your physical condition.

The physical function of the elderly is gradually declining, and the resistance is also declining. Smoking will further increase the burden on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is best to have a comprehensive physical examination before quitting smoking to understand your physical condition and take targeted treatment.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Suggestion 2: Rational use of drugs to alleviate withdrawal.

Older people have a slower metabolism and a longer time to clear nicotine from the body. As a result, they may experience stronger withdrawal reactions such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, etc., during the process of quitting smoking.

At this time, under the guidance of a doctor, the appropriate use of some sedative, sleep-aiding drugs can help relieve discomfort. However, it is important to strictly control the dosage and not to overdose or use it for a long time.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Suggestion 3: Strengthen exercise and improve physical fitness.

Moderate physical exercise can help the elderly improve their cardiopulmonary function and enhance their physical fitness.

At the same time, exercise also releases endorphins, which make people feel happy and relaxed, and reduce the discomfort caused by withdrawal.

Tip 4: Stay optimistic and have a positive attitude towards quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking is a long process, and it is inevitable that there will be setbacks and temptations. Maintaining an optimistic and positive mindset is crucial to the success of quitting smoking.

Believe in your ability to beat your cravings, and don't be discouraged even if you fail, and keep working the next day.

Do you want to quit smoking when you're older? Doctor: After the age of 60, smoking should be kept in mind "5 do not smoke", which is good for the body

Tip 5: Communicate more with others to get more support and encouragement.

In the process of quitting smoking, it is inevitable that you will feel lonely and helpless, so you may want to communicate with family and friends to share your feelings. You can also join some quitting mutual aid groups to exchange experiences and encourage each other with like-minded people.

Quitting smoking after the age of 60 does require more perseverance and determination. But as long as you master the right method and pay attention to some special matters, I believe that every old smoker can successfully bid farewell to tobacco and regain a healthy and happy life in old age! Let's cheer them on and contribute to the arrival of a smoke-free world!