
Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

author:Good luck keeps coming

Mo Yan: What can wake up a person is never preaching, but suffering

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

In these rapidly changing times, we are always surrounded by voices, whether it is passionate speeches, deep teachings, or gentle persuasions, they are trying to awaken some power in our hearts. However, as Mr. Mo Yan, the Nobel laureate in literature, said: "What can wake up a person is never preaching, but suffering." This sentence is like a sharp sword, piercing people's hearts and making people fall into deep thought.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

We live in an era of information explosion, and we receive a lot of information every day. Some of these messages make our blood boil, some make us sad, but more often than not, they are "preaching" that tries to tell us how we should live. They are like reins, trying to lead us to the so-called "right" path. However, do we really need these preaching?

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

In fact, many times, we are not awakened by preaching, but by the tribulations of life. These tribulations, perhaps a sudden setback, or a long and arduous journey, allow us to struggle in pain and grow in struggle. It is these tribulations that make us deeply aware of our own shortcomings and make us understand what it means to be truly strong and brave.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

Imagine a young person who has failed in the workplace, and he may feel frustrated and hopeless. However, if he can bravely face this setback and learn from it, then he will become more mature and strong. In the process, no one will lecture him, but he has really grown in the process. This kind of growth is irreplaceable by any preaching.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

In the same way, a family will go through various hardships when faced with difficult situations. These ordeals may cause conflicts and conflicts between family members, but it is these conflicts and conflicts that make them cherish each other's feelings more. In the process of facing difficulties together, they learn to support and understand each other, a feeling that cannot be cultivated by any preaching.

Mr. Mo Yan's words are not only a profound insight into life, but also a wake-up call for each of us. It teaches us that instead of being bound by all kinds of preaching, we should be brave enough to face the tribulations of life. Because it is only in the midst of tribulation that we can truly recognize ourselves and truly grow.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

Of course, this is not to say that we should abandon preaching entirely. After all, there are sermons that are motivated by kindness and love, and they can give us direction and motivation. However, we should understand more that preaching is not a substitute for our own experience and growth. It is only when we truly experience, feel, and think that we can truly awaken.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

In this complex and ever-changing world, we all need to find a way to awaken our inner strength. And this way is often not those empty preaching, but those tribulations that make us miserable, make us struggle, and make us grow. It is these hardships that make us more resilient, braver, and stronger.

Mo Yan: What can "wake up" a person is never "preaching", but "tribulation"!

So, let's face life's tribulations bravely! Don't be afraid of failures and setbacks, as they are the catalyst for our growth. It is only in the midst of tribulation that we can truly recognize ourselves and truly grow. And those experiences that once made us miserable will also become the most precious treasure in our lives.