
Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

author:Good luck keeps coming

In the midst of complex and ever-changing interpersonal interactions, we are often taught to be sincere and heart-to-heart. However, Professor Zeng Shiqiang, a well-known scholar in Taiwan, put forward a rather sharp view: "The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other." This sentence is like a loud alarm bell to make us re-examine our own behaviors and attitudes in the ocean of interpersonal communication.

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

First, the trap of talking about it in a nutshell

In the fast-paced modern society, people crave solace and resonance for their souls. As a result, some people rush to reveal their inner world when they first meet or have not yet learned more about it, and even share their secrets and privacy without reservation. However, this kind of superficial behavior often hides huge risks.

Imagine how you would feel when you confide your troubles and secrets to a friend you have just met, and that information is used or leaked. Trust is betrayed, privacy is violated, and the damage is undoubtedly severe. As Professor Tsang Shiqiang said, "As many secrets you can tell, there are as many dangers as you can." ”

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

2. Wisdom for adults: Be cautious in words and deeds

One of the wisdom that adults should possess is to know how to maintain proper distance and proportionality in interpersonal interactions. This is not to say that we need to be cold or hypocritical, but that we need to learn to express ourselves in the right way at the right time and in the right place.

First of all, we need to know how to observe and analyze. When interacting with others, gradually understand the personality characteristics and values of the other person by observing the other person's words and deeds, interests and hobbies. Only on the basis of knowing each other well can we decide whether we want to engage deeply with each other and share our inner world.

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

Second, we need to learn to control our emotions and speech. In interpersonal interactions, we inevitably encounter things that make us unhappy or angry. However, we need to learn to control our emotions and not let them dictate our words and actions. At the same time, when expressing your own views and opinions, you should also pay attention to the wording and tone to avoid hurting the other party with too direct or sharp words.

Finally, we need to know how to protect our privacy and secrets. When we interact with people, we don't have to tell them everything about ourselves, and we shouldn't easily divulge our privacy and secrets. Only those who know how to protect themselves can better protect their own interests and interests.

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

3. Build healthy relationships

On the basis of maintaining the right distance and proportion, we can try to build healthy relationships. This requires us to have the following qualities:

1. Be genuine: While we need to keep our distance and proportion, it doesn't mean we need to be hypocritical or indifferent. On the contrary, we should treat others with sincerity and respect their feelings and interests.

2. Good listening: In interpersonal communication, listening is more important than speaking. We need to learn to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others and understand the ideas and needs of others. This not only increases mutual understanding and trust, but also helps us better solve problems and solve challenges.

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

3. Respect differences: Everyone has their own personality traits and interests, and we need to learn to respect these differences and embrace different perspectives and opinions. Only in this way can we build more inclusive and open interpersonal relationships.

4. Grow together: In interpersonal interactions, we should seek opportunities to grow and progress together. By learning from each other and exchanging experiences, we can continuously improve our abilities and qualities and achieve personal growth and development.

Zeng Shiqiang: The most childish behavior of adults is to communicate with each other, and as many secrets as you say, there are as many dangers as possible

In conclusion, Professor Tsang's views remind us to be vigilant and cautious in our interpersonal interactions. Only by protecting ourselves and building healthy relationships can we thrive and thrive in this complex and ever-changing world.