
The reality of the NBA - the Caruso trade, became the last straw for DeRozan to leave the team

author:Junli said sports

The NBA is a ruthless professional sports league, and players are constantly at risk of being traded or leaving the team on a free transfer. This is nothing new, but it is still frustrating and helpless whenever it happens to yourself. When the Bulls traded outside guard stalwart Caruso, DeRozan quickly realized he was no longer in the team's plans. This undoubtedly became the "last straw" for DeRozan's decision to leave the Bulls.

The reality of the NBA - the Caruso trade, became the last straw for DeRozan to leave the team

As a core player for the Bulls, DeRozan averaged 24 points, 4.3 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game last season. It's fair to say that he has been the backbone of the team and the key to the team's playoff qualification. However, when the news of Caruso's trade broke, DeRozan realized that he was no longer considered part of the team's core plan. This feeling will undoubtedly make him feel abandoned and lost.

After all, in the cutthroat commercial arena of the NBA, a player's value is often determined by what kind of impact they can bring to the team. When a defensive stalwart is traded like Caruso, DeRozan is bound to start worrying about his fate. Is there a lack of trust in him, or is it just a desire to breathe new life through a rebuild? This uncertainty undoubtedly makes DeRozan feel lost and anxious.

However, even in this difficult situation, DeRozan is still trying to play for the Bulls. He can consistently contribute more than 20 points during the regular season, which is undoubtedly a big support for the team. But the question is, do the Bulls still have what it takes to build a roster that can actually challenge for a championship?

The reality of the NBA - the Caruso trade, became the last straw for DeRozan to leave the team

When Bulls management showed a preference for trading LaVine first and then negotiating a contract extension with DeRozan, it undoubtedly deepened DeRozan's concerns about the team's future. He began to realize that his future with the Bulls was uncertain. You know, in a highly commercially developed league like the NBA, the fate of players is often in the hands of management. A management that doesn't seem to care much about the player's contract extension will undoubtedly leave DeRozan disappointed and helpless.

Faced with this situation, DeRozan finally chose to reject the Bulls' offer of a two-year, $40 million contract extension. Clearly, he has lost the confidence to achieve his championship dream at the Bulls. The 34-year-old DeRozan is also clearly eager to secure a long-term contract and a decent annual salary at the end of his career.

Arguably, the Caruso trade became the "last straw" for DeRozan's determination to leave the Bulls. Not only did this deprive him of an important defensive pillar of the team, but it also further proved that the Bulls management lacked a clear direction on the team's future planning. In this case, DeRozan will inevitably feel lost and anxious about his future with the Bulls.

Coincidentally, in the uncertain arena of the NBA, stories like this are not uncommon. The fate of a player is often in the hands of the management, not the player himself. This cruel reality makes people sigh how cold a professional sports league the NBA really is.

The reality of the NBA - the Caruso trade, became the last straw for DeRozan to leave the team

For DeRozan, the choice today is undoubtedly not simple. On the one hand, he has the option to play for the Bulls, although the outlook is less clear; On the other hand, he could also choose to join another team, such as the Heat or the Lakers, but that would come at an additional cost. In any case, DeRozan will need to weigh his next move carefully.

After all, in the NBA, which is an extremely competitive arena, every decision can affect a player's future. As a 34-year-old star, DeRozan is undoubtedly more eager to get a sizable long-term contract at the end of his career. It's not just about his financial interests, it's also about whether he can continue to fight tenaciously in the NBA.

Overall, the Caruso trade undoubtedly became the "last straw" for DeRozan's decision to leave the Bulls. Not only did this deprive him of an important defensive pillar of the team, but it also further proved that the Bulls management lacked a clear direction on the team's future planning. In this case, DeRozan will inevitably feel lost and anxious about his future with the Bulls. And how to move his next move undoubtedly requires him to carefully weigh and consider. After all, in the brutal commercial arena of the NBA, every decision can have a profound impact on a player's future.

The reality of the NBA - the Caruso trade, became the last straw for DeRozan to leave the team