
Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

author:Good luck keeps coming

Children go to college in other places, don't step on these eight pits

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

For many children who have left home to study in other places, this is not only a big step in life, but also a new starting point full of unknowns and challenges. I know that it is not easy for children to study in a foreign land, and today I will talk about the eight "pitfalls" that are easy to overlook, but are crucial, in the hope of helping children get through this journey of life.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

1. Poor self-care ability

Many children are the jewels of their parents' palms at home, stretching out their hands for clothes and opening their mouths for food. When you get to college, you have to do everything on your own. From laundry and cooking to managing finances, these seemingly trivial things often become the first challenge for children. Therefore, it is important to cultivate children's self-care ability in advance. Parents can teach their children some basic life skills, such as laundry, cooking, and financial management, before they leave home, so that they can be comfortable in college.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

2. Lack of social skills

University is a small society, and students come from all over the world with different personalities. How to build good interpersonal relationships with people from these different backgrounds is a problem that children need to face. It is recommended that children participate in more school activities to broaden their social circle. At the same time, you should also learn to listen and understand others, and respect each other's differences, so that you can earn friendship and respect.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

3. Lack of time management skills

University courses are relatively free, there are no fixed class times, and there are no teachers to supervise homework every day. How to arrange time reasonably to achieve both learning and entertainment has become a problem that children need to think about. It is recommended that children make a detailed schedule and allocate time each day to study, rest, entertainment, etc., so that they can maintain an effective learning state.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

4. Addicted to online games

Online games are a favorite of many children, but over-indulgence can seriously affect schoolwork and physical and mental health. In college, children need to learn to control their own playtime and arrange the ratio of study to play. Parents should also maintain communication with their children, pay attention to their learning status and psychological changes, and give guidance and help in a timely manner.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

5. Neglect physical exercise

Good health is the capital of the revolution. In college, children tend to neglect physical activity because of their busy studies and lives. Long-term lack of exercise can not only lead to a decline in physical fitness, but also affect mental state and academic performance. Therefore, it is recommended that children set aside a certain amount of time every day for physical exercise, such as running, playing ball, etc., to maintain physical and mental health.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

6. Over-reliance on parents

Many children remain overly dependent on their parents after leaving home and turn to their parents for help when they have problems. This kind of dependence psychology will not only affect the independent growth of children, but also increase the burden on parents. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to learn to think independently and solve problems, and cultivate their autonomy and sense of responsibility. At the same time, it is also necessary to give children a certain amount of freedom and space, so that they can gradually adapt to the rhythm of independent living.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

7. Lack of security awareness

While university campuses are relatively safe, there are still some security risks. Children need to be vigilant at all times and pay attention to their personal and property safety. Children are advised not to disclose personal information and contact information to strangers; When you go out, you should travel in a group and avoid walking alone; In case of emergency, call the police or ask the school for help.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

8. Neglecting mental health

It is inevitable that there will be various setbacks and difficulties in university life, and these pressures will have a certain impact on children's mental health. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your mental state. Children can regulate their emotions through sports, music, reading, etc.; You can also talk to a teacher, classmate, or counselor. If you find yourself unable to resolve negative emotions or have psychological problems, seek professional help in a timely manner.

Children go to college in other places, don't "step" on these eight pits!

In short, it is a new beginning and a challenge for children to go to college in other places. As long as children can prepare in advance, face difficulties positively, and continue to learn and grow, they will definitely be able to have an unforgettable time and achieve greater success on the road of life!