
Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

author:Interesting sesame sauce

In a corner of the bustling city, the battle between health and disease is quietly staged, and the protagonists of this silent battle are those seemingly ordinary daily habits. When night fell, in the lights of thousands of homes, Uncle Zhang's heart once again sent a faint distress signal, and a story about the "heart defense war" kicked off. People often say that the improvement of living standards is a blessing, but why do cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases follow us like a shadow and become an invisible killer of the elderly? What kind of life code is hidden behind the cold data of "The Lancet"? Today, let's walk into this long narrative about health, habits and choices, and see how Uncle Zhang reversed his fate and guarded that beating heart with the help of a mysterious "health mentor".

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

At the end of the old street, there is a small shop called "Time Teahouse", which does not sell ordinary tea, but only "health secrets". The owner of this teahouse is actually the legendary health mentor - Li Youran, a legendary figure who was once a best-selling author and later turned to in-depth health and wellness due to his family genetic history. His masterpiece "The Watchman of the Heart" is not only an encyclopedia about heart health, but also a life guide full of warmth and wisdom, allowing countless readers to find the key to protecting their health between the lines.

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Uncle Zhang, an accountant who has been retired for many years, was once recognized as a "data expert" in the neighborhood, but now he is plagued by high blood lipids and occasional heart palpitations. By chance, he stepped into the "Time Teahouse" and formed an indissoluble bond with Li Youran.

"Uncle Zhang, your face is not as clear as the numbers in the ledger." Li Youran's words were a little ridiculous, but they also revealed a trace of concern. He gently picked up a cup of special green tea and handed it to Uncle Zhang, "Try this, the flavonoid elves in green tea are the patron saints of blood vessels." ”

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Uncle Zhang took a sip in disbelief, and the fragrance of the tea overflowed, as if even his mood was refreshing. He became interested in Li Youran's words, and he was even more curious about the book "Watchman of the Heart".

In the following days, Uncle Zhang became a frequent visitor to the "Time Teahouse". Li Youran not only tailored a diet plan for him, but also taught him how to identify and avoid those hidden "heart killers".

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

"Did you know that the EPA and DHA in fish are like scavengers in a river, which can help us clean up the garbage in our blood vessels?" Li Youran uses his magnetic voice to explain complex medical knowledge vividly and interestingly. He also emphasised the importance of soybeans and soy products: "Don't look at them as inconspicuous, they are the protein kings of the plant world, and they have a miraculous effect on lowering cholesterol. ”

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

As for nuts and green tea, Li Youran is even more treasured, he told Uncle Zhang: "The good oil in nuts is the lubricant of the heart; Green tea, on the other hand, is a natural anti-inflammatory expert, and a few cups a day will improve your mood. ”

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Of course, the road to health is not all about diet. Li Youran also encouraged Uncle Zhang to quit smoking, exercise moderately, and ensure adequate sleep. He knows very well that these seemingly simple habit changes are tantamount to a revolution for old smokers and sedentary people like Uncle Zhang.

"Quit smoking? I've been smoking this for most of my life. Uncle Zhang looked embarrassed.

"Then start by reducing the amount of smoke and make a little progress every day." Li leisurely guided patiently, "Remember, your heart can't wait." ”

In terms of exercise, Li Youran recommended Uncle Zhang's physical condition to practice Tai Chi and walking, which are not too strenuous and can achieve the exercise effect. As for sleep, he suggested that Uncle Zhang try meditation to help relax his mind and improve his sleep quality.

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

With the passage of time, Uncle Zhang's physical condition gradually improved, and even his mental head was more energetic than before. His changes have attracted the attention of the people around him, and they have sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Netizens have left messages:

"@健康小达人: It turns out that protecting the heart is so simple, Teacher Li Youran is really our gospel!"

"@老烟枪转型记: It's really not easy to quit smoking, but seeing the changes in Uncle Zhang, I think I can also try."

"@运动达人小杰: Tai Chi and walking, these seemingly ordinary exercises, have such a great effect, and I will stick to it in the future."

Of course, there are also different voices:

@质疑派小刘: Are these methods really reliable? It can't be a marketing ploy, right? ”

"@数据控小李: I still believe more in scientific data and clinical trials."

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

In the face of doubts, Li Youran always responds with a calm mind, and he knows that it is more difficult to change a person's concept than to change a person's habits. But he believes that as long as he persists, one day, health will become everyone's consensus.

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Under the witness of the "Time Teahouse", Uncle Zhang's story is like a warm spring breeze that blows into the hearts of countless people. He used his own personal experience to tell us that protecting heart health is not an unattainable dream, but requires us to start from the bits and pieces of daily life, and protect it with love, perseverance and wisdom. As Li Youran wrote in "The Watchman of the Heart": "Health is the most precious gift of life, and protecting this gift requires the efforts of each of us." ”

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

Let us go hand in hand and continue to move forward on this road of protecting heart health, and jointly welcome a better and healthier future. Because, only when we truly know how to cherish ourselves, can we have more opportunities to love the world.

Guarding the heart, which three 'guards' must do every day? Keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries!

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