
45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

author:Poisonous tongue to entertain

Oh mom, don't you think it's weird?

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian became so popular in "Yan Xinji" that she became a heroine!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

If this matter had been put aside, he would have to laugh out loud and think, "Can I still be a heroine in my life?" I never dreamed of it! ”

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

From a supporting role to a heroine, Yin Xiaotian's counterattack road

To tell the truth, Yin Xiaotian's performance in "Yan Xinji" this time is simply eye-catching, oh no, it is as bright as a light bulb! The Yan Nanxing he plays is simply a living treasure, and he has transformed more times than Sun Wukong, and every time he transforms, he makes people laugh until his stomach hurts. Especially the scene on the wedding night, oops, that picture is so beautiful, I don't dare to watch it, I just laughed!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

In that scene, Yin Xiaotian was wearing a big red wedding dress and a big red flower on his head, which was simply a festive spokesperson. As soon as he spoke, his voice could penetrate the sky, shocking everyone present. Then, he began his transformation Dafa, becoming a shy little lady for a while, and a bold husband for a while, changing back and forth, it was simply dazzling.

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

The funniest thing is that when he becomes a little lady, his eyes and movements are even more feminine than a real woman! He pinched his throat, spoke softly, and from time to time covered his mouth with a handkerchief and laughed, so laughing that I wondered if he was really pierced. Then, when he turned back into a husband, his heroic spirit and hearty laughter made people can't help but applaud him.

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian's performance in "Yan Xinji" this time is really eye-catching, oh no, it's as bright as a light bulb! His acting skills are simply open, making people laugh so much that they can't straighten their waists. It's no wonder that such a performance is not popular!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian, this old man, was a handsome guy when he was young, and he played many youthful and energetic roles, such as the autumn in "The Autumn of Xia Yan", which is called a "Man"! It's a pity, but later for various reasons, it was silent for a while, and all of them were supporting roles. This time, she can turn over and be the heroine in "Yan Xinji", which is simply a counterattack in a counterattack, which is cooler than Shuangwen!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yan Nanxing played by him, every time he transforms, it makes people shine, oh no, it's blind! Especially the big brother version of Yan Nanxing, his words and deeds are even more feminine than real women, and I doubt my gender when I see it.

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian also showed his comedic talent this time. Do you know? The Yan Nanxing he plays not only loves to be coquettish and drinks a lot, but also is good at business! This role setting is simply tailor-made for him, making him play like a fish in water and laughing constantly. It seems that Yin Xiaotian has really found his position this time, and he is the ceiling of a comedian!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

The audience received rave reviews, and Yin Xiaotian climbed to the top again

Oh mom, look at the comments of those audiences, they all seem to be beaten with chicken blood, and they are full of praise for Yin Xiaotian's acting skills! Some said: "Yin Xiaotian's performance is so good, I laughed out of my abdominal muscles!" Others said: "Yin Xiaotian's performance this time is simply the pinnacle, I laughed in tears when I saw it!" "Oops, this is so high-rated, I wonder if they have been brainwashed by Yin Xiaotian!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

He not only played the role of Yan Nanxing vividly, but also let the audience see a different side of him. In the past, everyone thought he was a youth idol, but now that he is a comedian, he is also labeled, he is simply an all-round talent!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian's popularity is a collision of strength and opportunity

I think Yin Xiaotian's popularity in "Yan Xinji" this time is not accidental. The reason why he can be the heroine and act so well is because his strength is really good, and on the other hand, because he encountered a good opportunity.

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and his acting skills have long been honed. This time, when I encountered such a good script and character setting of "Yan Xinji", it was simply the right time and place! Therefore, his popularity is not accidental, but the result of the combined effect of strength and opportunity.

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Yin Xiaotian's popularity also conveyed a message to us: that is, in the entertainment industry, as long as you have strength, talent, and perseverance, one day you will encounter your own opportunities! Therefore, everyone should learn like Yin Xiaotian, strive to improve their strength, and wait for the opportunity to come!

You said that Yin Xiaotian was the heroine in "Yan Xinji" this time, is it an innovation or a gimmick?

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

Some people say, this is innovation! used to be a young and beautiful girl as the heroine, but now a 45-year-old uncle is the heroine, isn't this innovation? Moreover, Yin Xiaotian acted so well, it simply created a new era!

45-year-old Yin Xiaotian's "Yan Xinji" became popular, and he never dreamed that he could be the heroine in this life

But there are also people who say! In order to attract attention, the crew deliberately let Yin Xiaotian be the heroine to attract attention! Moreover, this kind of gender reversal setting, although it is fresh, but it is also a bit excessive, after all, it is still a costume drama, and the audience's acceptance must be considered!

I'm a little confused about both of these statements! What do you think? Yin Xiaotian is the heroine, is it an innovation or a gimmick?

Come on, let's see you in the comment area and talk about this topic together!

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