
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

author:Poisonous tongue to entertain

Don't pity Li Yong anymore!

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Hey, you said this time, it really flies, in a blink of an eye, the "CCTV first brother" Li Yong, who once made us laugh backwards, has been away from us for five years.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Back then, his sentence "Find a quiet place and stay quietly" seemed to be his last farewell to this world. But you know what? Behind this, there are actually many unknown secrets, just like pearls in the deep sea, quietly waiting for the moment when they are discovered!

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Li Yong used to be the pillar of CCTV, and the "Lucky 52" and "Very 6+1" hosted by him were so popular that audiences all over the country loved him. But no one expected that on the night of October 25, 2018, a piece of news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, which shocked everyone - Li Yong left and left us in such a hurry.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

The Internet has exploded, and all kinds of speculations and doubts are flying all over the sky

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Why? Because Li Yong died in the United States. It's good now, the keyboard warriors have gone online, saying everything, and some even questioned why he didn't go to China to see a doctor, do you think the moon abroad is rounder? You say this person's heart, why is it so complicated?

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

But in fact, the truth is often like a bitter medicine peeling off the sugar coating, which is much simpler than we imagined, and the naked reality is also much crueler. Recently, a doctor who had participated in Li Yong's treatment, when recalling that period of time, inadvertently revealed Li Yong's condition at that time - advanced laryngeal cancer. These four words are heavy, like a boulder pressing on people's hearts, making people's hearts feel uncomfortable.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

We thought that a big celebrity like Li Yong must have the best medical resources and the best treatment plan. But who would have thought that even he would be so helpless and helpless in the face of the invasion of illness.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

It turned out that Li Yong didn't want to be treated in China, he knew that the level of medical care in China was also very high, and there were countless relatives, friends and fans who cared about him. However, when the disease progresses to an advanced stage, although the medical conditions in China are advanced, in the face of such a serious condition, there is no way to recover. He had no choice but to go abroad to seek the glimmer of hope that might exist, a glimmer of better medical conditions.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

We know that Li Yong has always been a very low-key person, he doesn't like to be public, and he doesn't like to trouble others. Therefore, after learning that his condition was serious, he chose to bear it silently and did not reveal half a point to the outside world. He just wants to be treated quietly, to be quietly with his family, and to spend every remaining day in peace. But who would have thought that even such a wish would be ruthlessly broken by the disease.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Recalling Li Yong's demeanor on the stage, and looking at the various controversies after his death, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion. This world is so unfair sometimes. Good people always leave in a hurry, leaving behind endless thoughts and regrets.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

But what I want to say is that no matter where Li Yong is treated, no matter what way he chooses to face the disease, he is the eternal sunny boy in our hearts, the host who brings us countless laughs and memories. His passing is a loss for all of us, and a pain that we will never forget.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Li Yong's years on CCTV brought us how many laughs! His shows are always so interesting and so energetic. But who would have thought that such a radiant person on the stage would suffer so much pain in private. The news of his illness was kept secret from everyone until the end, when his family made it public.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Li Yong, he is actually a person who takes care of his family. He had a beautiful daughter named Fatoumah, and a virtuous wife named Havin.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Their family was originally so happy and so enviable. But the invasion of the disease has changed all this. When Li Yong was receiving treatment in the United States, she always thought about her family, her daughter's growth, and her wife's hard work. He was a good husband, a good father, and a good son. His heart is full of love and responsibility for his family.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! He doesn't need our pity, what he needs is our understanding and respect

He chose to go to the United States for treatment, not to escape anything, but to live better and for his family. Throughout his life, he brought laughter to others, and even in the most difficult moments, he never gave up.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

To be honest, Li Yong's death has left us with too many regrets and thoughts. We regret that such an excellent person left us so early; We wonder, what is the meaning of life? Is it the pursuit of fame and fortune? Or do you want to protect your family? I think Li Yong used his life to give us the best answer.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

In this fast-paced society, each of us is busy with life. Sometimes, we even forget to stop and feel the beauty around us. Li Yong's death may be a reminder to cherish the people in front of us and cherish every moment of happiness.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

Recalling Li Yong's demeanor on the stage, and looking at the various controversies after his death, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

This world is so unfair sometimes. Good people always leave in a hurry, leaving behind endless thoughts and regrets. But what I want to say is that although Li Yong is gone, his spirit will always remain in our hearts. He taught us how to love, how to live.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death

He doesn't need our sympathy and pity. What he needs is for us to remember his smile, to remember his voice, to remember every joy and touch he brings us. His life was short but wonderful. He interprets the true meaning and meaning of life in his own way.

Why do you say that after the death of this celebrity, why does it always attract so much attention and discussion? Is it because we're too gossipy? Or is it because we are all looking for answers to life?