
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

author:Bijia Minami

Raising flowers and plants has become a popular way for urban people to relax. People are increasingly yearning for harmonious coexistence with nature and introducing a touch of green into every corner of life.

However, have you ever thought that those empty wine bottles that are discarded can actually be turned into treasures, into chic and artistic flower pots?

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

When it comes to raising flowers from empty wine bottles, some people may think that this is a cliché and nothing new.

Indeed, in today's increasingly important environment and recycling, the use of waste materials for horticultural planting is no longer uncommon.

But can you imagine that some "empty wine bottle potted plants" can make the rich willing to spend a lot of money and rush to buy them?

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

In Shandong, there is such a creative retired old man, who turned what people see as "waste" - empty wine bottles - into hot gardening artworks.

Initially, the old man was interested in landscaping, and he tried to decorate his balcony and small courtyard with these abandoned wine bottles to grow flowers and plants.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

However, as he continues to explore and practice, each wine bottle potted plant created by him exudes a unique artistic charm.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

These potted plants are not only simple plant planting, but also exquisite works of art that integrate classical and modern, natural and human.

Most of the wine bottles collected by the elderly are made of elegant ceramic materials, and the texture on the bottle body is delicate and unique, and each wine bottle seems to carry a history and story.

With his deep understanding of bonsai shapes, he skillfully transforms these bottles into bonsai with a classical charm.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

Look, this pot shows the simplicity and elegance of bonsai art, as if it can make people travel through time and space and feel the leisure and elegance of the ancients. The pot makes clever use of the symmetrical beauty of traditional Chinese gardens, and every detail reveals a sense of ingenuity.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

These bonsai bottles have not only become a beautiful scenery in the homes of the elderly, but also attracted the attention of many gardening enthusiasts and collectors.

As the old man's work spread on social media, more and more people began to pay attention to these unique wine bottle potted plants.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

There are even some local tyrants who are willing to pay a high price to buy them, believing that these works not only have ornamental value, but also are a unique art investment.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

The story of the elderly has also inspired more people to try to use the waste items around them for creative gardening, so that environmental protection and beautification go hand in hand.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

Of course, if you've also developed a keen interest in this bottle potted plant and want to try it out for yourself, there are a few key aspects that you need to pay special attention to:

01. Choose the right plant

Bonsai plants such as Jiulixiang, Fujian tea, and June snow are highly regarded for their beauty and easy maintenance. These plants can show a different charm in the pot of wine bottles, which complements the elegant wine bottles.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

Also, if you have a soft spot for succulents, it's also a good idea to choose some old succulents to pair with your wine bottle.

Their unique shape and color will definitely add a touch of style to your potted wine bottle.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

02. In-depth understanding of plant growth habits

Different plants have different needs for growing conditions such as soil, water, light, etc.

In order for plants to thrive in a bottle pot, you need to carefully adjust these conditions according to their growth habits.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

For example, for succulent piles that prefer a dry environment and plenty of sunlight, sandy soil can be chosen for maintenance to ensure good drainage, and watering is done after the soil is dry to avoid root rot.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

At the same time, in order to maintain its well-proportioned form and aesthetics, it is also necessary to rotate the potted plant regularly to ensure that it receives light evenly in all directions.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

03. Master the handling skills of wine bottles

While ceramic wine bottles have high artistic value in their own right, you may need to personalize the bottle to make it more ornamental in order to make the potted plants more ornamental.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

For example, use professional cutting and grinding tools to make the shape and texture of the bottle more suitable for your aesthetic needs, or use paintings and stickers to add some personalized decorative elements.

These clever treatments can give your bottled plants a new lease of life and become a beautiful addition to your home.

Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!
Unbelievable! Retired old people use empty wine bottles to plant flowers, and "local tyrants pay sky-high prices" to rush to buy!

In short, growing flowers from empty wine bottles is not only an environmentally friendly way of life, but also a unique artistic creation.

As long as you take care of and prune them carefully, these discarded wine bottles can be rejuvenated and become a beautiful sight in your home.

And maybe you'll be able to create amazing gardening works like that retired old man from Shandong!

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