
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool

author:Jiang Xiaobai
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool
Was there a moment when you felt like you were a Ta in this life? Netizen: Follow him with a fool

The sword light was like water, reflecting the nervous faces of Murong Feixue and Xiao Shiyilang. The breathing of the two of them gradually became heavier, and the noise around them gradually faded away, leaving only the heartbeat and breathing echoing in the empty mountains.

"Boom!" A crisp sound of sword drawing pierced the silence, and Xiao Shiyi Lang rushed towards Murong Feixue like a black lightning. Murong Feixue's body was slightly sideways, and she easily avoided this fatal blow, and the silver-white long sword immediately came out of the hole like a spirit snake, silently pointing at Xiao Shiyilang's throat.

The onlookers held their breath, only to see Xiao Shiyilang's figure stunned, taking a few steps backwards like a broken kite, narrowly avoiding Murong Feixue's pursuit.

"What a fast sword!" Some people in the audience couldn't help but admire.

Zhao Zhiruo stood in the crowd, frowning slightly, she could feel the extraordinariness of Murong Feixue's swordsmanship, each sword was full of change and subtlety, as if every move hid deep wisdom in the rivers and lakes.

Murong Feixue did not pursue, but put away his sword and stood up, looking at Xiao Shiyi Lang indifferently. His heart was as calm as water, and despite the awe-inspiring killing intent of his opponent, he didn't seem to feel it.

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Shilang's eyes, he didn't expect the other party to be able to defuse his attack so easily. He snorted lightly, his figure burst out again, his black robe fluttering, like a nocturnal ghost, and the long sword in his hand turned into countless cold stars, covering Murong Feixue's whole body.

Everyone watching the battle saw that Murong Feixue's body seemed to be wrapped in a faint layer of sword light, and his steps moved lightly, as if he did not use force, but he could always skillfully dodge at the last moment. Every time the tip of the sword touched the corner of his clothes, he missed the target by one point, and the scene was thrilling.

A trace of worry flashed in Zhao Zhiruo's eyes, although Murong Feixue seemed to be at ease, Xiao Shiyilang's offensive was fierce and intensive, and if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

The stars changed, and Murong Feixue's swordsmanship suddenly changed, and he switched from defense to attack. Hidden in his swordplay is the essence of modern martial arts, which, combined with traditional swordsmanship, produces a style that has never been seen before. Every attack is concise and effective, pointing directly at the opponent's weak points.

Xiao Shiyilang became more and more frightened the more he fought, the young man in front of him seemed to be bottomless, every time he thought that he had figured out the details of the other party, and the next moment he was shocked by the other party's new move.

Finally, in a sharp encounter, the tip of Murong Feixue's sword gently stopped on Xiao Shiyilang's throat, announcing the end of this fierce battle.

"You won." Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at Murong Feixue with complicated eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse.

Murong Feixue withdrew her long sword and bowed slightly: "Brother Xiao's swordsmanship is also admirable. ”

Zhao Zhiruo quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and her beautiful eyes showed appreciation. And this scene was also deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in the field.