
The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

author:A little talk about life

First, in an ordinary family, the young Shi Yuzhu showed unique characteristics. He was curious about everything around him, and his boldness was amazing. An incredible story is that just by reading the descriptions in the books, this little teenager dared to try his hand at making firecrackers.

When the explosion sounds, it alarms the surrounding neighbors and also indicates that a restless soul is about to spread its wings. This spirit of exploration and courage for the unknown laid the groundwork for Shi Yuzhu's future entrepreneurial journey.

On the way to study, his mathematical talent was like a bright star, and he was finally successfully admitted to the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University. However, the gears of fate quietly turned in 1989. A speech on the economy completely changed the trajectory of Shi Yuzhu's life and inspired his yearning for business.

At the tide of reform and opening up, many people choose to go to the sea to do business, and Shi Yuzhu is no exception. Sensing the market demand, Shi Yuzhu developed a software called Hanka.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

This software solved the pain point of the computer's lack of Chinese processing power at that time, and could help the computer increase the typing function, which not only improved work efficiency, but also greatly reduced the cost.

But Shi Yuzhu is not satisfied with being a behind-the-scenes technology developer, he is personally involved in the process of customer linking and promotion. This all-encompassing commitment quickly paid off.

Second, in just four months, Shi Yuzhu earned 1 million yuan. This experience not only gave him a taste of business success, but more importantly, it cultivated Shi Yuzhu's comprehensive business thinking and excellent marketing ability, which laid the foundation for him to become a marketing genius in the future.

Standing at the starting point of his career, the young Shi Yuzhu's eyes flashed with a vision for the future. He has an ambitious goal planted in his heart - to build his own business empire.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

This goal drove him to start a journey of ups and downs. In 1991, with his passion and ambition for business, Shi Yuzhu established his own company, Giant Company.

With a formal company as a backer, orders poured in and the business was booming. However, shopping malls are like battlefields, with both risks and opportunities. Not satisfied with the status quo, Shi Yuzhu set his sights on the hot real estate industry at the time, hoping to expand his business empire by diversifying.

Unexpectedly, this decision turned out to be Waterloo. The financial markets are changing rapidly, and real estate investment quickly went wrong. In 1996, Shi Yuzhu not only lost money, but also took on a huge debt of 250 million yuan.

Third, the once high-spirited entrepreneur fell into the trough of his career overnight. In the face of such a predicament, ordinary people may choose to give up, but Shi Yuzhu has shown extraordinary resilience and insight.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

He was not knocked down by the difficulties in front of him, but quickly adjusted his strategy and turned his attention to the health supplement industry. In order to better develop this new field, Shi Yuzhu personally conducted market research on the elderly.

In his investigation, he was keenly aware of a key message: although the target audience of health supplements is the elderly, it is often their children who are really paying for it. This discovery provides important insights for his subsequent marketing strategy.

Even though he was in debt, Shi Yuzhu still managed to borrow 500,000 yuan from a friend and resolutely devoted himself to the health care products industry. In this way, "Brain Platinum" was born. With his outstanding marketing talents, Shi Yuzhu created the catchy advertising slogan "Receiving gifts and receiving brain platinum".

This simple sentence not only made Brain Platinum a household name, but also helped Shi Yuzhu harvest hundreds of millions of income and turn over in one fell swoop. In the next 16 years, the advertising of brain platinum was overwhelming, and it became the first choice for Chinese families to give gifts.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Under the overwhelming publicity, many people believe that platinum has significant health benefits. Sales are rising, and the annual revenue has even reached an astonishing 10 billion yuan. Shi Yuzhu proved his title of "marketing genius" with practical actions, and also realized the "10 billion dream" in his heart.

Fourth, however, with the development of the times, the truth behind Brain Platinum was gradually revealed. In fact, it is just an ordinary health food with melatonin as raw material, not a miracle drug.

Despite this, Shi Yuzhu's success in the health care products market is still a marketing legend, showing his keen market insight and excellent marketing ability. When the myth of brain platinum gradually faded, Shi Yuzhu did not rest on his laurels.

With the vigorous development of the Internet age, he is keenly aware of the huge opportunities in the Internet field, especially the enthusiasm of young people for online games. Although he is over the age of six, Shi Yuzhu is still full of enthusiasm and decides to show his strength in this emerging field.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

In 2006, Shi Yuzhu and other senior executives founded Giant Network. His eyes were fixed on a game called "Journey", and he even paid 15 million yuan out of his own pocket to support the development of the game.

This decision shows his confidence and courage in the gaming market. In the market environment where "Legend" was the dominant one at that time, how to let more people understand and favor "Journey" became a thorny problem.

After much deliberation, Shi Yuzhu made a bold decision: to target young students. This decision demonstrates his unique market insight and points the way for the future development of the game.

Fifth, after a long period of development and refinement, "Journey" will finally be officially released on March 24, 2023. The game has received a lot of attention since its launch, and its novel gameplay and well-designed game world have attracted a large number of young players.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Shi Yuzhu once again proved that even when he was over the age of six, he was still able to accurately grasp the pulse of the market and lead the trend. However, Shi Yuzhu was not satisfied with this. He knows that in the ever-changing Internet era, innovation is always the key to success.

With this belief, he began to set his sights on the field of artificial intelligence, seeking the deep integration of AI technology and games. The idea began to germinate as early as 2022, and Shi Yuzhu and his team have been in the process of exploring and merging.

In April 2024, the People's Daily published a report on the combination of AI technology and games, which attracted widespread attention in the industry. This undoubtedly gave Shi Yuzhu great confidence and motivation.

Giant Network moved quickly and began to recruit AI talents on a large scale to prepare for technology convergence. On April 9, the senior executive in charge of AI of Giant Company was interviewed by reporters, making it clear that the company will continue to upgrade AI technology and promote its common development with games.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Sixth, this statement not only responds to the questions of the outside world, but also shows the determination and ambition of Giant Network in the field of new technologies. Shi Yuzhu's series of measures fully reflects his thinking to keep pace with the times and his ambition for the post-00 market.

In his opinion, AI technology will inject new vitality into "Journey" and bring players an unprecedented gaming experience. This is not only a technological innovation, but also a future-oriented strategic layout.

Through the deep integration of AI and games, 62-year-old Shi Yuzhu is embarking on a new journey of the Internet and striding towards the goal of creating another 10 billion myths. As early as 2022, Shi Yuzhu began to pay attention to the possibility of combining AI technology with games.

As a business wizard who has always maintained a keen sense of the market, he realized that AI technology could completely change the landscape of the gaming industry. However, it is not easy to organically combine the two fields, and it requires long-term exploration and experimentation.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Shi Yuzhu and his team have been working silently on this road, preparing for future breakthroughs. In April 2024, an important moment has arrived. The People's Daily published a report on the combination of AI technology and games, which attracted widespread attention in the industry.

This report undoubtedly gave Shi Yuzhu great confidence and motivation, and also made him see that his forward-looking decisions were recognized by the mainstream media. Giant Network moved quickly and began to recruit AI talent on a large scale.

This move not only shows the importance that the company attaches to AI technology, but also demonstrates Shi Yuzhu's firm belief in the future direction of development. He is convinced that only by bringing together top talents can we take the lead in the wave of technological innovation.

Seven, April 9, an important moment arrived. The executive in charge of AI at Giant Company was interviewed by reporters and made it clear that the company will continue to upgrade AI technology and promote its common development with games.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

This statement not only responds to the questions of the outside world, but also shows the determination and ambition of Giant Network in the field of new technologies. Shi Yuzhu is convinced that AI technology will inject new vitality into "Journey" and bring players an unprecedented gaming experience.

He envisions AI as the ability to create smarter NPCs, design more complex plots, and even personalize game content. This is not only a technological innovation, but also a future-oriented strategic layout.

Through the deep integration of AI and games, Shi Yuzhu hopes to better attract post-00 players and open up a new market blue ocean. He believes that this group of young people who have grown up in the digital age will have a strong interest in games that incorporate AI technology.

This is not only an innovation in the game industry, but also a trump card prepared by Shi Yuzhu for his new journey at the age of 62. The success of "Journey" undoubtedly gave Shi Yuzhu great confidence.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

According to a report by Upstream News on April 30, 2024, the game has achieved a profit of 1.5 billion yuan in the previous year, showing a strong growth momentum. This impressive report card not only proves Shi Yuzhu's unique vision in the field of games, but also strengthens his determination to continue to cultivate this market.

However, for the 62-year-old Shi Yuzhu, the profit of 1.5 billion yuan is clearly not enough to meet his ambitions. As a business wizard who has realized the "dream of 10 billion", his eyes have long gone beyond the current achievements and aimed at a more ambitious goal - to create another 10 billion myth.

Eighth, this time, his target group is the energetic and potential post-00s. Sina Finance pointed out in a report on April 11, 2024 that Shi Yuzhu is guiding Giant Network to embark on a new journey and continue to chase his "small goal of 10 billion yuan".

This is not only a business goal, but also a business wizard's challenge to himself. In his view, age is not an obstacle, but a valuable asset of experience.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Shi Yuzhu firmly believes that through the deep integration of AI technology and games, "Journey" will usher in a qualitative leap. He expects this innovation to attract more young players and bring more considerable revenue.

In his plan, AI technology will bring smarter interactions, richer content, and more personalized experiences to games, which are exactly what post-00s players are looking for. For Shi Yuzhu, making 10 billion is not an unattainable dream, but an unattainable reality.

His confidence comes from his accurate grasp of the market and forward-looking judgment of technology development trends. He believes that as long as he can accurately understand the needs of the post-00s generation and perfectly combine AI technology with games, he will be able to create business miracles again.

In this process, Shi Yuzhu showed the wisdom of a veteran and the passion of an entrepreneur. He continues to learn new knowledge, accept new ideas, and interpret the spirit of "living to old age and learning to old age" with his own actions.

The 62-year-old marketing genius came out of the mountain again, made the old man's money, and aimed at the post-00s, netizens shouted that they wanted to join the shares

Nine, this spirit is not only the key to his personal success, but also sets an example for the industry as a whole. From a naughty teenager who makes firecrackers to an entrepreneur who develops Hanka; From the creator of the "Brain Platinum" advertising slogan to the trendsetter in the game market, Shi Yuzhu's life is like a legendary novel, full of ups and downs and wonderful.

At the age of 62, it should have been the age to tease Sun, but Shi Yuzhu chose to go out again and seek new breakthroughs in the ever-changing Internet field. His story teaches us that age is never a shackle to dreams, and innovation is always the key to business success.

In the face of the dynamic but elusive market of the post-00s, Shi Yuzhu is writing a new legend belonging to the "veteran" with his unique insight and innovative spirit.

His attempt to combine AI technology with gaming not only demonstrates his thinking to keep pace with the times, but also reflects his deep understanding of the needs of the new generation of consumers. No matter what the final result is, Shi Yuzhu's spirit of courage to challenge and never give up is worthy of our deep thought and learning.

His story teaches us that as long as we stay curious and innovative, life has no end, only a new beginning.

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