
It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

author:Watermelon said entertainment

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was murdered while dancing in the square

A peaceful dance scene in Songyuan City Square was broken by a sudden tragedy, and the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was tragically attacked by a murderer with a knife because he looked at a strange man, and unfortunately died. "Brother Bao Bao" is famous for always carrying a bag in square dances, and is widely loved by local residents.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

The crime took place at night, when "Brother Jiabao" was immersed in a self-indulgent dance when suddenly a man rushed forward and attacked him violently. The sudden incident sparked widespread concern, and people were shocked by the absurdity of the motive for the killing.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

Eye-to-eye contact with a strange man leads to a deadly confrontation

On the day of the incident, the Songyuan City Square was as lively as usual, with the sound of dance music and many citizens relaxing and entertaining here.

That night, the square was crowded with people, and a strange man suddenly became hostile to "Brother Jiabao". According to eyewitnesses, a brief exchange of eyes sparked a verbal altercation. It didn't take long for the quarrel to escalate into a physical conflict, and the man suddenly pulled out the murder weapon in full view of everyone and stabbed the "Brother Jiabao" several times. "Brother Jiabao" immediately fell to the ground, blood flowed, and the citizens in the square were suddenly in chaos.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous
It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

At this time, "Brother Jiabao" was already in critical condition due to excessive blood loss, and emergency personnel immediately carried out emergency rescue and quickly sent him to the hospital for rescue. At the same time, the police cordoned off the scene, conducted a preliminary investigation of those present, collected eyewitness testimony and monitored the scene.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the medical staff to rescue him, "Brother Jiabao" still died of his injuries and unfortunately passed away. The citizens in the square were all saddened and angry, and for a time rumors spread around, and various speculations and rumors began to circulate on the Internet. The police intervened in a timely manner and announced that they would release the details of the case as soon as possible to set the record straight.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous
It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

Details of the case announced: The police announced the truth in a shocking way

During the interrogation, the killer admitted that he was offended by the eye contact, which provoked anger and an overreaction. After a detailed investigation, the police ruled out the possibility of love killings and vendettas, and confirmed that the case was purely due to a conflict caused by eye contact, and the result was embarrassing.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

According to the police report, he came to the square that day because he was in a bad mood, and when he looked at the "Brother Jiabao", he had the illusion that the other party was provoking him, and his psychological defense line collapsed instantly, and he was furious and carried out a knife attack regardless of the consequences.

The police briefing was shocking, and many people had difficulty accepting the absurd motives of this sudden violent incident. Some netizens said that "Brother Jiabao" originally just wanted to use dance to add fun to life, but he died because of innocent eyes, which is really heart-wrenching.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous
It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

This series of reactions and discussions demonstrated the society's concern about the underlying problems behind sudden violent incidents, and hoped to use this as an opportunity to promote the further improvement of mental health services.

Future Prospects: Guiding society to pay attention to mental health

The death of "Brother Jiabao" not only uncovered the weak links in social security, but also aroused widespread concern about mental health problems. With the conclusion of the case, people from all walks of life have called for greater attention to psychological problems and related education to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

The government and social organizations are also planning to launch a series of mental health programs to help residents better understand and manage their emotions through community lectures and psychological counseling.

The city government plans to install more surveillance equipment in public squares and parks, while strengthening patrols and management of public areas to ensure the safety of citizens.

It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous

Although the tragic incident of "Brother Jiabao" has passed, the social reflection it brings is still continuing. Improving mental health and public safety measures is not only the responsibility of the government, but also requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society and every citizen. Only with the attention and action of the whole society can we effectively prevent the recurrence of tragedies and truly achieve a harmonious and safe community environment.


It's miserable! Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" died, and the police announced the reason for being stabbed, the truth is really ridiculous