
A female nurse's "sperm retrieval" work

author:Lively evening breeze kD

In the busy hospital, there is a female nurse named Zhang Yue, who uses her professional knowledge and love to bring hope and warmth to those families who are unable to have children. Today, let's walk into her world together, listen to her story, and feel her persistence and dedication.

A female nurse's "sperm retrieval" work

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Zhang Yue is Chinese New Year's Eve years old and comes from an ordinary family. She was smart, kind-hearted, and always helpful. When she filled in the college entrance examination, she did not hesitate to choose the nursing major, determined to become an excellent nurse and bring care and warmth to patients.

After graduation, Zhang Yue successfully entered the hospital to work. She is well aware of the hardships and responsibilities of her work as a nurse, but she has never backed down. With her professional knowledge and love, she provides meticulous care for patients, and has won the trust and praise of patients and their families.

However, the most special job for Zhang Yue is "sperm extraction" care. In the hospital's Center for Reproductive Medicine, there are many families who are anxious about fertility problems. Zhang Yue's job is to help them extract sperm in preparation for IVF surgery. This job requires not only exquisite skills, but also a delicate heart.

Every day, Zhang Yue would come to the hospital early, change into a neat nurse's uniform, and start her busy day. She starts with routine tasks such as registering patients and taking their temperatures. She will then lead the patient into the sperm retrieval room and provide them with the necessary guidance and assistance.

The sperm retrieval room is a relatively private space where the patient needs to complete the sperm retrieval process. Zhang Yue will patiently tell patients how to relax and how to adjust their breathing to reduce their tension. She also keeps an eye on the patient's physical condition to ensure that they are not harmed during the sperm retrieval process.

A female nurse's "sperm retrieval" work

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In the process, Zhang Yue will meet a variety of patients. Some patients are in a hurry because they are nervous, and some patients are too shy to look up at her. But Zhang Yue is always able to use her professional knowledge and gentle words to resolve the embarrassment and nervousness of patients. She will smile and tell her patients, "Don't be nervous, relax." I will always be here with you. ”

Every time she sees a patient successfully complete the sperm retrieval process, Zhang Yue will feel extremely relieved and satisfied. She knows that her work, while insignificant, brings hope and warmth to these families. It is this sense of mission and responsibility that has allowed her to stick to this position for so many years.

In addition to her daily work, Zhang Yue actively participates in various public welfare activities organized by the hospital. She has traveled to remote mountainous areas many times to bring medical assistance and care to poor families; She has also participated in unpaid blood donation activities, interpreting the love and responsibility of nurses with her own practical actions.

However, after working in this position for a long time, Zhang Yue will inevitably encounter some difficulties and challenges. Sometimes, patients lose control of their emotions for various reasons; Sometimes, she also feels exhausted from long working hours. But every time at this time, she will remember her original intention and mission, and then cheer up and move on.

A female nurse's "sperm retrieval" work

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In Zhang Yue's view, although the work of "extracting essence" is special but full of meaning. She hopes that through her own efforts, more families can realize their dreams of having children, and at the same time convey positive energy and warmth to the society. She believes that as long as there is love and responsibility in her heart, she can continue to shine in this position and bring hope and strength to more people in need!

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