
The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

author:Shanghai Huang is not easy

If this "noblewoman" in the crab roe soup dumpling industry still lives in a remote ancient town, I don't think I will ever deal with her in my life. Because I don't like the old town full of commercial economy, which is detached from its original flavor.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

From the craze for closing stores to moving to the city center, it's been a while. Now she has moved to Maoming South Road, going at 2~3 o'clock in the afternoon, there are always vacant seats, and she is not in a hurry to open a new store and need to check in. Because there will always be some unexpected hiccups in new openings, and there are always mixed reviews. When she calms down after that burst of limelight, let's take our time to experience it slowly, and the praise and depreciation at this time are the most real. Since she is located here, she is almost the original team, and I don't think everything about her will be up and down.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

Since it is a crab roe soup dumpling shop, it is to eat her basic style. So I called a "thank you" soup bun with three spells: crab roe, crab roe, and crab paste. I won't try other soup dumplings with wild camellia, wild mushroom soup dumplings, etc. The price of this three-pin soup dumpling is indeed very spicy, but you get what you pay for, I hope he will be served, don't let me down. Otherwise, you'll become what I call a soup dumpling assassin.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

The crab roe soup dumplings are also quite interesting after they are served, and the enthusiastic waitress sister came to teach how to eat them? Take a chopstick and poke a hole in the small window at the top of the soup dumpling, and pour the first spoonful of special vinegar through the hole: freshness; Pour in the second spoonful of vinegar: cool down, then use the spoon to draw a soup wrap edge, let me take a small bite from here, suck up the soup, and finally eat the whole crab roe xiaolong. I think it's a good move, because the clerk and the customer have an interaction, and it's not an extra move.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

At first glance, I thought it was a small steamed bun, and the skin looked crystal clear, so I knew that she was quite tough, and it had a certain strength when chewed in the mouth. Of course, the previous interaction is not a white interaction, I act as a waiter. As the saying goes, "listen to people's persuasion and eat enough", such an interaction should be their experience over the years, not blindly comparing with customers and moving casually. The first feeling of eating according to the waiter's way is really good, the crab roe is fresh, fragrant, and slightly sweet, filling the whole mouth.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

Of course, the original taste of crab roe soup dumplings is also to experience and try it. So I directly squeezed the chopsticks on both sides of the top of the soup dumpling to see how much soup could flow out, and the soup was not small, and then picked the skin, vented the anger, and the skin of the turtle was eaten without dipping it in any vinegar sauce specially blended by them. The vinegar sauce at this shop is an interesting thing, and the soup dumplings with different fillings have their own different dipping vinegars. Here I advise everyone not to try the original flavor, it gives people the feeling of being greasy and slightly fishy, and after eating such a natural flavor soup dumpling, I don't want to try the second flavor. Think about the interaction just now, it is to let the diners "learn to behave", the interaction will not interact in vain, and people are not stupid.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.
The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

Some people want to say that crab paste should be eaten to make a mouthy feeling, and crab roe should be eaten to produce an explosive feeling of particles. I advise you to come and eat crab roe soup dumplings, and go directly to buy crab steamed to eat, it will feel better.

The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.
The "noble lady" of the crab roe soup dumpling world moved from the suburbs to the city center and was lucky enough to try it.

If you eat for the cost performance, this "lady" truly reflects her price. Of course, some diners also think that she is delicious and only comes to the party 3~5 times a month, in their minds, expensive is not a problem, but not delicious is a big problem. Because in the vast sea of people, everyone's taste buds and taste are different. It's still the same old saying, do what you can, and what you feel is suitable for you is the best. #头条首发大赛##长文创作激励计划##美食##传统小吃#