
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus


In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus

In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus
In the eyes of boys, girls are super plus

"You know what? In the eyes of us boys, the behavior of some girls is a super plus. I said to my friend Cuong as I drank my coffee.

Cuong asked curiously, "For example?" ”

I smiled and remembered what I had experienced with Xiaoli the other day. "Let's take Xiaoli as an example, we went to climb the mountain together that day, and she not only did not complain about being tired along the way, but also encouraged me from time to time and chatted with me, making the whole process easy and fun."

Ah Qiang nodded, with a hint of envy in his eyes: "Yes, it really feels good to have a positive partner." ”

Inner monologue: "Actually, it's not just companionship, some subtle behaviors of girls can really make us boys feel very good." ”

That day, we climbed to the top of the hill and it was very picturesque. I thought to myself, the hard work along the way was worth it. Xiaoli took out the snacks she had prepared, handed me an apple, and said, "Tired, aren't you?" Replenish some energy. ”

I took the apple and felt a warmth in my heart: "Thank you, it's really sweet." ”

Inner monologue: "This kind of careful care makes people feel very warm. ”

On the way down the mountain, we encountered some steep slopes, Xiaoli walked cautiously, but she saw that I accidentally slipped and immediately reached out to support me: "Be careful, don't fall." ”

I looked at her and said gratefully, "Thank you, it's a great help." ”

Inner monologue: "The care and help of girls at critical moments really makes people feel very down-to-earth. ”

Another time, we went to a friend's party together. Xiaoli behaved down-and-out in front of everyone and chatted happily with everyone. From time to time, she kept an eye on my condition, helped me out, and even poured me a drink.

After the meeting, I said to her, "You behaved so well today, thank you." ”

She smiled: "It's nothing, it's all trifle. ”

Inner monologue: "The confidence and generosity of girls in social situations really make people feel very plus. ”

After listening to my story, Ah Qiang sighed with emotion: "It seems that Xiaoli is really good, you are so lucky." ”

I nodded, silently thinking to myself: "Yes, sometimes, some small behaviors of girls can really make our boys' hearts move." ”

In fact, not only Xiaoli, but many girls have some behaviors that make people feel particularly extra points. For example, be empathetic and know how to listen; For example, positive, optimistic and cheerful; Another example is that they know how to care and be considerate, and can give support and help at critical moments.

Inner monologue: "These seemingly simple behaviors can make people feel very warm and reassuring. ”

When I got home, I picked up my phone and sent a message to Xiaoli: "Thank you for your companionship and care all the time. ”

She quickly replied, "It's okay, they're all friends." ”

Inner monologue: "Sometimes, we guys are really easy to be moved by some small actions of girls. You don't need too many flowery words, simple care and companionship are enough to make people's hearts move. ”

At this moment, I understood that the behaviors of girls that make people super extra points are actually that they sincerely care and care. It's a really nice feeling.