
Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

author:Read the classics deeply

When I first read "Water Margin", I saw the affection and righteousness of the 108 heroes of Liangshan. picked up "Water Margin" again to read it, but what I saw was the sophistication of human feelings and the cold state of the world.

And as we get older, we find more and more that this "Water Margin" seems to be ethereal, but in fact it reflects some people and things in reality.

is like the tiger hero Wu Song, who killed Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian in order to avenge Wu Dalang at that time, but why did Wu Song not want to kill Wang Po in person?

Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

1. Kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian in anger

Wu Dalang is a dwarf, but he married an extremely charming and enchanting wife named Pan Jinlian. It turns out that Pan Jinlian is beautiful and graceful. So how beautiful is Pan Jinlian? The book reads: The slender waist is na, and the restrained swallow is lazy; The sandalwood mouth is light, seducing the bees and butterflies. The jade looks enchanting and the flowers are interpreted, and the fragrant beauty is beautiful and the jade is fragrant.

Pan Jinlian was too enchanting, and she actually provoked the original owner's heart to be moved. Seeing this, the hostess immediately gave Pan Jinlian to Wu Dalang as his wife, and posted a lot of money, which can be described as ill-intentioned.

However, Pan Jinlian is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she knows that she is beautiful, and she is unwilling to spend the rest of her life with Wu Dalang like this. She saw that Wu Song was tall and mighty, and he was talented, so she arranged a table of wine and food, and then asked Wu Song to drink the residual wine in her cup. Wu Song is a good man, he scolded Pan Jinlian and left.

Pan Jinlian has nothing to vent her depression, how can she hold herself? Therefore, Pan Jinlian only had a one-sided relationship with Ximenqing, and under the guidance of Wang Po, she soon had a hot fight with Ximenqing.

It's a pity that "paper can't contain fire after all", and Pan Jinlian's affair with Ximenqing was soon known by Wu Dalang. Wu Dalang was furious and forgot that he was just a "three-inch Dinggu bark", and insisted on catching the traitor, but was finally kicked by Ximen Qing and kicked him sick in bed.

Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

Seeing that the scandal was revealed, Pan Jinlian was worried that Wu Dalang would tell Wu Song the truth, and secondly, in order to stay with Ximen Qing, she simply stewed a bowl of soup and poisoned Wu Dalang to death.

Pan Jinlian thought that this matter was seamless, but she couldn't hide Wu Song's sharp eyes. After some investigation, Wu Song killed Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing one after another after collecting human and physical evidence, and offered the heads of the two in front of Wu Dalang's spiritual platform.

Strange to say, Wu Song did not kill Wang Po.

Second, he is unwilling to kill the princess

You must know that Wang Po is the key figure in the "death of Wu Dalang", just because whether it is to get close to Pan Jinlian for Ximen Qing, or to poison Wu Dalang for Pan Jinlian, it is Wang Po who is the obstruction.

It is equivalent to saying that the mastermind of this turmoil is Wang Po, and Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian are at best the executors, but how to explain Wu Song's "mercy" to Wang Po?

Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

Some people believe that the reason why Wu Song did not dare to kill Wang Po was because Wang Po was too old to constitute a condition for "mutual assault". It turned out that in the Song Dynasty, if two people beat each other, even if one of them died, they would not be sentenced to death, but assassinated and exiled.

Because of this, Wu Song ripped off the clothes on her chest before killing Pan Jinlian, creating the illusion of a "mutual assault". Is that really the case?

The answer is no! According to the setting of the original book, when Wu Song ripped off Pan Jinlian's clothes, there were not only many neighbors around him, but also the soldiers of the yamen. And the reason why Wu Song ripped off Pan Jinlian's clothes was nothing more than to disemboweling Pan Jinlian and taking out the heart and liver of this poisonous woman.

In fact, if you understand why Wu Song didn't kill Wang Po, you will admire the bold and careful Wu Song even more.

III. Conclusion

Wu Song did not kill Wang Po for the following reasons:

1, Ximen Qing, Pan Jinlian, and Wang Po are the murderers of "Wu Dalang's Death", and Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian have been killed by Wu Song.

Therefore, Wu Song left Wang Po alive in order to let Wang Po serve as a key witness, after all, Wang Po had written her crime under Wu Song's deterrence.

Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

2. Wu Song is the capital of Yanggu County and knows the laws of the yamen well. He knew that all the human and material evidence had been gathered, and even if he hadn't killed Wang Po, Wang Po still couldn't escape the punishment of the law.

Ximenqing is different, he is not only an upstart but also a local snake, under his bribery, the county lord has been opened by Ximenqing with money. Even if Wu Song had enough evidence, he still couldn't sanction Ximenqing by legal means, which led to Wu Song's follow-up to killing Ximenqing angrily.

On the other hand, Wang Po is different, she has no power behind her, and she is speechless in front of the criminal evidence. Sure enough, as Wu Song expected, although he spared Wang Po's life, Wang Po could not escape the laws of the Song Dynasty, and ended up with a capital punishment of Ling Chi, which can be described as very happy.

Coincidentally, when Wu Song passed by the Cross Slope Hotel, he also showed his extraordinary wisdom. It stands to reason that the two men who escorted Wu Song have been walking the rivers and lakes for many years, and they should have seen that Sun Erniang was plotting against him, but he drank the wine containing sweat medicine.

Wu Song dared to kill Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian, but why didn't he want to kill Wang Po? Netizen: Admire Wu Song

Wu Song had long noticed that Sun Erniang's eyes were fierce, but he did not rely on brute force to fight against him, but planned and pretended to be numb to the ground. When Sun Erniang approached and wanted to mention Wu Song, Wu Song suddenly launched a surprise attack and caught Sun Erniang off guard.

Seeing this, do you admire Wu Song's wisdom even more? Indeed, there are only a handful of heroes on Liangshan who have strong martial arts and wisdom like Wu Song. In addition, Wu Song was affectionate and righteous, even if he opposed Song Jiang's Zhao'an plan, in the end, for the sake of brotherhood, he followed Song Jiangnan to fight in the north without hesitation.

Such a brave and wise man will certainly be deeply loved by readers.