
Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

author:Shin Shin talks

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In this summer full of expectations, the bell of the college entrance examination has just rang, and the hopes and dreams of countless families have been ignited at this moment. Xiao Zhang, a diligent student from an ordinary family, stood at the crossroads of his life with a score of 690 in the college entrance examination. With a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future, he was ready to take the important step in his life – choosing a university. However, an unexpected family controversy pushed him to the forefront of public opinion. His uncle's words not only touched Xiao Zhang's heart, but also sparked a wide discussion in the society about the choice of higher education.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

Xiao Zhang's college entrance examination results caused a lot of shock in the family. A score of 690, for many people, is enough to knock on the door of any prestigious school. However, when Xiao Zhang expressed his desire to apply for Xi'an Jiaotong University (Xi'an Jiaotong University), his uncle's opposition sounded like a thunderbolt from the sky.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

My uncle believes that although Western University of Technology, as one of the seven sons of national defense, has profound academic accumulation and scientific research strength in some fields, compared with Tsinghua University, Peking University and other universities, it seems to be slightly inferior in terms of educational resources, faculty, international reputation and employment prospects. He even bluntly questioned: "What do the seven sons of national defense compare with Qingbei!" ”

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

This remark caused a heated discussion in the family. Xiao Zhang's father, an ordinary worker, expressed support for his son's choice, believing that his son's interests and dreams are what they are, and should not be swayed by outside labels and evaluations. The mother was hesitant, worried that her son's choice would limit his future development opportunities.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

At the same time, the controversy has also attracted media attention. Some education experts and scholars have expressed their opinions, some believe that the choice of university should be based on personal interests and professional development, while others believe that the overall strength of the university and the reputation of the society should be comprehensively considered. On the Internet, the discussion about the "Dispute between the Seven Sons of National Defense and Qingbei" has also become more and more enthusiastic, and many people have shared their views and experiences, providing more references for Xiao Zhang's choice.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

Against this backdrop, Zhang began to think deeply about his future. He consulted a large number of materials to understand the advantages of Xi'an University of Technology in aerospace, materials science and other fields, and also compared the educational resources and academic atmosphere of Tsinghua University, Peking University and other universities. He realized that no matter which school he chooses, the key is how to make good use of the university's resources to realize his self-growth and value.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

As the discussion deepened, Xiao Zhang's heart gradually became firm. He realized that although the evaluation and comparison of the outside world are everywhere, it is his inner choices and efforts that ultimately determine his future. He began to communicate with the current students and alumni of Xi'an University of Technology to understand their experiences and views, which further deepened his understanding and yearning for Xi'an University of Technology.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

At the same time, Xiao Zhang also realized that his uncle's worries were not entirely unreasonable. Tsinghua University, Peking University and other universities do have incomparable advantages in some aspects, but this does not mean that other universities do not have their own characteristics and advantages. He began to think about how he could make the most of the university's resources and reach his potential during his time at university, both in academic studies and in personal development.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

Xiao Zhang's decision gradually became clear, he decided to apply for the Western University of Technology, but he also formulated a university plan for himself, including academic research, social practice, international exchanges and other aspects. He believes that as long as he works hard enough, he can achieve his dreams no matter what school he is in.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

This decision caused mixed reactions in the family. Although the uncle still had some reservations, he was also moved by Xiao Zhang's determination and planning. The parents, on the other hand, are proud of their son's maturity and independence. On social media, Zhang's story has also inspired many students who are faced with the same choice, and they have begun to re-examine their values and selection criteria.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!


Xiao Zhang firmly filled in the volunteer form for Xi'an Jiaotong University, and his choice was supported and understood by his family. Although his uncle still had his own concerns, he also respected Xiao Zhang's decision and promised to fully support his university life.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

Xiao Zhang's story has resonated widely in society, and many people have begun to reflect on the nature of education and the importance of personal choices. The media reports and public discussions have made more people realize that each school, whether it is the Seven Sons of National Defense or Qingbei, has its own unique value and charm. The key is to find the soil in which you grow.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

Xiao Zhang's voluntary application for the college entrance examination is not only a milestone in his personal growth process, but also an affirmation of the diversity of contemporary educational choices. His story tells us that everyone's path is unique, and success comes from perseverance and hard work in their choices.

Qingbei or Western University of Technology? The choice of 690 points to top students caused a family storm!

As the dust settles on the college entrance examination, Xiao Zhang has embarked on a new journey with a vision for the future. His story has become a beacon in the hearts of many people, illuminating the way forward.

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