
The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law


In our small town, there is a story that quietly spreads among the neighborhoods like a cool breeze under an old locust tree. is talking about Lao Li, a middle-aged man who is only forty years old, but his face is full of weather. His story makes people feel mixed in their hearts, warm and sour.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

Lao Li is not a rich and noble person, just like most of us, an ordinary worker sweating on the construction site. I go out before dawn every day, and I drag my tired body home after nightfall.

His calloused hands seem to tell countless stories of perseverance and sacrifice.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

"Look at him, he's only in his early forties, and he looks like an old man in his sixties." When the neighbors and aunts get together, they inevitably sigh a few words for Lao Li. Indeed, Lao Li's hair is already half-white, and the wrinkles on his face deeply depict the traces of time. But behind this is his deep love and responsibility for his family.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

Lao Li's daughter-in-law is a woman who is as careful as a hair. Whenever she saw her husband return, his dusty and exhausted appearance, her heart hurt as if she had been pricked by a needle. She knew it was all for their son, the one who was still in school and was going to marry and have children.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

"Our old Li, just stubborn. always said that he wanted to earn more and save a good dowry for his son, so that he would not be angry when he married his daughter-in-law in the future. When the daughter-in-law said this, her eyes glistened with tears. She knows that this bride price is not only a matter of money, but also Lao Li's expectation for her son's future happiness.

In our town, the rules for marrying a daughter-in-law are not small. The bride price, the car, the house, everything has to be taken out in a real way. Lao Li is like a mirror in his heart, he knows how big these pressures are, but he also knows that as a father, he must hold up this sky for his son.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

So, he worked even harder. On the construction site, whether it is the scorching sun or the wind and rain, his thin figure can always be seen busy. His sweat watered the hope of this family bit by bit; His persistence shapes his son's future minute by minute.

The 43-year-old man looks like he is 63 years old, and his daughter-in-law is distressed: if he doesn't work hard to earn money, how can his son marry his daughter-in-law

Sometimes, in the dead of night, Lao Li would sit on the threshold and smoke a cigarette, looking at the starry sky in a daze. He was wondering, is it worth it to fight so hard?

But every time at this time, his son's immature smiling face will come to his mind. He knew that for the sake of this smile, for the sake of this family, he had to persevere.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, but as parents, we must always do our part." Lao Li often said this. His words are simple and sincere, and they speak the hearts of countless parents. In this era of challenges and opportunities, they interpret the true meaning of love and responsibility in their own way.

As for me, as a bystander of this story, I was also deeply moved by Lao Li's persistence and dedication. What I want to say is that in this fast-paced society, we should probably slow down and pay more attention to the people around us who are quietly giving. They may not have flowery rhetoric and prominent status, but they write the most moving chapters with their actions.

The years are silent, and the father's love is like a mountain. Lao Li's story is like a clear spring, nourishing our hearts. Let us find the purest emotion and admiration in the busyness and impetuousness.

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