
The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning


In our land, there is a saying: "If you marry far, your heart will be uneasy." This sounds old-fashioned, but it shows how much bitterness and difficulty it is to marry a woman far away.

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

Today, I want to tell such a story, which happened around us, as ordinary as the daily life that you and I may experience, but it is so profound that it is unforgettable.

In a small town in Zhejiang, there live the Li family brothers and sisters. Sister Xiaofang, when she was young, was a girl with dreams and opinions, despite the opposition of her family, she insisted on marrying to a small city thousands of miles away

Just to pursue the love she thinks. At that time, her eyes flashed with infinite longing for the future, as if as long as there was love, she could cross thousands of mountains and rivers and overcome all difficulties.

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

However, reality is always much more skinny than dreams. In the first few years, Xiaofang would occasionally call home to report her safety and say something about her parents' shortcomings, although she was separated from the screen, but that happiness seemed to be felt.

But as time went by, the phone calls became fewer and fewer, and the content became shorter and shorter, until finally, even the voice was a little more indescribably tired.

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

It turned out that life after marriage was not as good as she imagined. After the husband had a child, his temperament changed greatly, and the two began to quarrel and even fight.

Xiaofang wanted to endure it and pass, after all, there were still children, but she didn't expect that what was waiting for her in the end was the cruel reality of being kicked out of the house. At that moment, her heart was colder than the cold wind outside, colder than the snow on a winter night.

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

After my brother learned the news, he didn't say a word and drove thousands of miles to pick up Xiaofang back. But the sister in front of her is no longer the lively and cheerful girl she was back then.

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

Her eyes were hollow, sometimes silent, sometimes hysterical, as if the whole world had collapsed. My brother saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart, so he could only accompany her silently, hoping that time could slowly heal her pain.

Looking at what happened to my sister, I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Is it really that beautiful to marry far away? Maybe under the aura of love, everything seems so tempting, but when the passion fades, and when you are faced with an unfamiliar environment, cultural differences, family alienation, and those sudden changes, who can guarantee that you will not regret it?

The 33-year-old woman who married far away was deranged after being kicked out of the house by her husband, brother: How good it was to be obedient at the beginning

Of course, I'm not saying that marrying far away is necessarily bad, but I just hope that every girl who chooses to marry far away can think twice. While pursuing love, you should also consider whether you can withstand the loneliness and pressure.

More importantly, no matter where you are, you must maintain economic independence and ideological independence, because only in this way can you have enough strength to protect yourself and protect your hard-won happiness when the storm comes.

Finally, I want to say to all girls: love is beautiful, but life needs to be more rational. Before making any decisions, be sure to think twice and don't let your future become a big gamble from which there is no turning back.

May every girl who marries far away be treated gently, and may their love stand the test of time and distance.

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