
It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


Oh my god, this news is really uncomfortable! Our country's badminton player, Zhang Zhijie, who is only 17 years old, suddenly fainted when he was playing in Indonesia, and finally couldn't be rescued, so he left. How good this child is, he is the same age as a flower, how can he say that he is gone? This reminds me of the little grandson of Aunt Li's family in our village, who also loves to play badminton and just entered high school this year. Alas, when I think about it, I feel panicked.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

We have to talk about it. Tell me, this kid fainted on the field, why are the doctors so slow to react? It took half a minute to enter the arena, isn't that a delay? I've heard that every second counts in this situation. You see, in our village, Lao Wangtou had a heart attack two years ago, if it weren't for the quick reaction of the village doctor Xiao Li, how could Lao Wangtou still live until now? Why don't these doctors know how to race against time?

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Besides, the referee is also an ignorant person. The coach wants to enter the field to see the situation, but it's good that you don't let people in. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? I wondered, this rule is dead, people are alive, is the rule more important than human life? Just like our village to hold red and white ceremonies, although there are rules, but in case of special circumstances, don't we also understand each other?

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

This matter is very noisy, and it is lively on the Internet. Some say that the doctors are irresponsible, some say that the organizers are not well prepared, and others say that it is providential. I think this can't just talk about it, but we have to reflect on it. Just like when we farm the land and sum up our experience every year, we can have a good harvest every year. In this kind of competition, safety measures are not in place, isn't that a joke on the lives of athletes?

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

I've heard that this isn't the first time this has happened. A few years ago, there seemed to be some athletes who had accidents in competitions. This reminds me of Lao Li in our village, who was also an athlete when he was young, but he was injured in a competition and is still limping when he walks. This kind of thing really happens again and again, and it makes people's hearts beat drums.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Tell me, if you were Zhang Zhijie's parents, how uncomfortable you would be. The child who has been raised for 17 years is about to get ahead, but after a game, it is gone. Isn't that more painful than a knife piercing the heart? Aunt Wang in our village lost her son the year before last, and she hasn't slowed down until now. This kind of pain is really unimaginable.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Besides, those coaches must have felt very uncomfortable. When I usually train, I treat these children as if they were my own children, but I don't let them get close when I see something happening, how anxious I must be. Just like the teacher in our village, he cares about the students, and if this happens, he must not be in a hurry.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

The people who organized this competition must be restless right now. Something so big happened, and the responsibility is not small. I think they should do a good review and see what went wrong. Just like the market in our village, safety always comes first, for fear that something will go wrong.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

As a person watching the game, I don't feel good about it. Originally, I wanted to see how powerful our country's young generals are, but when I saw this tragedy, I felt very uncomfortable. It's like seeing a freshly blooming flower, and before you have time to appreciate it, it just withered, which makes people feel very emotional.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

In the final analysis, the key to this matter is to pay attention. We can't afford to ignore the safety of our athletes. It's like planting the land, patronizing and fertilizing, and not paying attention to pest control, can the harvest be good? Safety first, competition second, this principle should be understood by everyone.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

I think that in the future, this kind of competition must be held in a good way in terms of medical security. Doctors need to be equipped and well-equipped. It's like our village is now equipped with a first-aid kit for red and white ceremonies, let alone such a large-scale competition? In addition, doctors also need to be trained and trained to be able to respond as soon as possible in case of emergency.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Also, those rules have to be reconsidered. Rules are dead, people are alive, and in case of emergency, the place where it should be accommodating must be accommodating. Just like in our village, everyone usually does things according to the rules, but if someone has an emergency at home, don't everyone help each other? This human touch cannot be missing anywhere.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

I've heard that some experts have also commented on this. Some say that this reflects the lack of safety and security of sports events, and some say that the psychological pressure of athletes is too great. I think these experts have a point. Just like when we farm, we have to pay attention to both the weather and the soil, and we have to take into account all aspects.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

There is also a lot of talk on the Internet. Some people say that the doctor is too slow to respond, some people say that the referee is too rigid, and some people regret Zhang Zhijie. In this case, it is normal for everyone to gossip. It's like something big happens in our village, aren't the neighbors also talking to me?

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Speaking of which, this kind of thing is really not uncommon. I remember that a few years ago, there seemed to be some athletes who had accidents in competitions. This reminds people of the old saying "a lesson from the past, a teacher from the future". The old Zhang Tou in our village, when he was young, was because he didn't pay attention to safety, and now he is sick. What a profound lesson.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Thinking about it from the perspective of Zhang Zhijie's parents, how uncomfortable it should be in my heart. It is not easy to raise a child, and it seems that there is a future, but it turns out to be such an ending. This kind of pain hurts more than a knife. Uncle Li in our village lost his grandson the year before last, and he is still teary-eyed when he mentions it.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

The coaches are definitely feeling bad right now, too. I usually treat these children as if they were my own children, but I don't let them get close when I see something happening. This feeling is like watching your child have an accident, but you can't do anything about it, that is in a hurry, I really don't know how to describe it.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

The people who organise the competition must also be restless right now. Something so big happened, and the responsibility is not small. I think they should reflect and see what went wrong. Just like when we hold a red and white wedding event in our village, we have to hold a meeting afterwards to sum up the lessons and lessons, so that we can do it better next time.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

As an ordinary viewer, I don't feel good in my heart. Originally, I wanted to see how powerful our country's young generals are, but when I saw this tragedy, I felt very uncomfortable. It's like seeing a freshly blooming flower, and before you have time to appreciate it, it just withered, which makes people feel very emotional.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Overall, this is a wake-up call. Safety really can't be sloppy, it must be put in the first place. Just like when we farm, no matter how busy we are, we have to pay attention to safety, otherwise if something happens, we will regret it. It is hoped that the relevant departments can take this as a warning and make the safety measures more in place.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

I think that in the future, this kind of competition must be held in a good way to ensure medical security. Doctors need to be equipped and well-equipped. Just like our village is now farming, with pesticides and fertilizers, in order to ensure the harvest. It's the same with the game, and safety measures are indispensable. In addition, doctors also need to be trained and trained to be able to respond as soon as possible in case of emergency.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Also, those rules have to be reconsidered. Rules are dead, people are alive, and in case of emergency, the place where it should be accommodating must be accommodating. Just like in our village, everyone usually does things according to the rules, but if someone has an emergency at home, don't everyone help each other? This human touch cannot be missing anywhere.

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

Finally, I would like to say that life is precious, and safety is paramount. Hopefully, this tragedy will not happen again. The future of our country depends on these young people. To protect them is to protect our future. Just like when we farm, seeds are the most precious, if we can't even keep them, then what kind of harvest is there to talk about?

It's so sad! Badminton 17-year-old player: 30 seconds after fainting, the medical staff entered the court and asked the coach to leave!

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