
Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

author:All the way to the race

In the world of basketball, Yi Jianlian's name is like a lightning bolt, lighting up the night sky of the entire basketball court. On August 29, 2023, the Chinese basketball legend ended his 21-year brilliant basketball career with an affectionate farewell statement. In this statement, Yi Jianlian not only thanked basketball for everything it brought him, but also recalled the ups and downs of his career and the days when his partners fought together. His retirement is not only an important turning point in his career, but also symbolizes the end of an era in Chinese basketball.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's basketball story started when he was a tall teenager. Born in Jiangmen, Guangdong, to a family of athletes, Yi Jianlian inherited his parents' tall body and athletic talent. His father was a handball player, and his mother was also tall, both of whom were once leaders in the world of sports. The family's sports genes and the encouragement of his parents have laid a solid foundation for Yi Jianlian's basketball dream. From the basketball court on the street to the glory of the professional league, Yi Jianlian's growth trajectory is full of love for basketball and the pursuit of dreams.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's basketball journey has not been without its challenges. Despite his talent, he also faces great challenges and pressure to expect. From China to the world stage, he not only had to adapt to more intense competition, but also had to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers. These tests not only tempered his skills, but also honed his mind. On the NBA court, Yi Jianlian has experienced ups and downs, and his performance has been sometimes radiant and sometimes bleak. This fluctuation did not hold him back, but inspired him to train harder and improve himself.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's career path also reflects the growth of Chinese basketball on the international stage. Every step of his progress has been accompanied by the improvement of China's basketball strength and the increase in international recognition. Yi Jianlian is not only a player, but also a banner of Chinese basketball, and his success has largely led to the development of China's basketball youth training system and the expansion of international exchanges. Through his experience in international competitions, many young players have seen a wider world and inspired more Chinese teenagers to devote themselves to basketball.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

In the Chinese national team, Yi Jianlian's leadership charm is particularly prominent. Not only does he lead by example on the pitch, but he is also often the psychological pillar of his teammates off the pitch. He knows that as a leader, you need not only excellent personal ability, but more importantly, the ability to lead the team to grow together and meet challenges. Yi Jianlian has taken responsibility in key competitions many times and led the Chinese team to achieve good results in Asia and even the world. His name is closely linked to the glorious moments of Chinese basketball.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's contribution to basketball is also reflected in his enthusiastic participation in public welfare. Yi Jianlian uses his influence to actively participate in various charity activities and youth basketball promotion programs. He understands that as a public figure, his actions and words have a special impact, so he always maintains a humble and sincere attitude to influence and inspire the next generation with his actions.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

After entering professional basketball, Yi Jianlian's performance was exceptional. In just two years, he has shone in the CBA league and won many awards. His achievements are not limited to China, in 2004, at the age of 21, Yi Jianlian joined the Chinese national team and began to show his talent on the international stage. Playing alongside basketball superstars Yao Ming and Wang Zhizhi, he gradually became the core force of the national team. Yi Jianlian's style of play, with his perfect combination of speed, skill and power, has made him the center of attention on the court.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's basketball career is not only a series of games and victories, but also a microcosm of the rise of Chinese basketball. His growth path and wonderful performances on the international stage reflect the efforts and achievements of Chinese basketball from the periphery to the center. Yi Jianlian's existence has shown the world the progress and potential of Chinese basketball, especially when playing side by side with world-class players, he shows not only personal skills, but also a competitive style and spirit from the East.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Under the influence of Yi Jianlian, the performance of Chinese basketball in the international arena has gradually improved. His leadership on the pitch and key play in the game resulted in a significant boost in morale and tactical execution across the team. Yi Jianlian's professional attitude and passion for basketball have also inspired countless young players to follow in his footsteps and aspire to go further on the road of basketball. Through his example, more young Chinese people have begun to believe that they too can shine on the world basketball stage.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

In addition to his status as a player, Yi Jianlian's social influence should not be underestimated. He has participated in and initiated many public welfare activities, especially focusing on the sports development and healthy growth of young people. Yi Jianlian knows that his actions and words can affect many people, so he always maintains a positive public image and gives back to the community as much as he can. This sense of responsibility has made him a true role model not only on the basketball court, but also off the court.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

With the deepening of his career, Yi Jianlian's influence at home and abroad has become more and more significant. His basketball skills and ability to fight against him have earned him a place in top leagues such as the NBA. Despite the ups and downs of his journey in the NBA, Yi Jianlian never gave up. His persistence and hard work have finally won him the respect and recognition of the international stage, which is not only a recognition of his personal ability, but also an affirmation of the strength of Chinese basketball.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

In addition to basketball, Yi Jianlian's personal life is also wonderful. The relationship with the famous model Li Yahong once became the focus of media attention. Although the two parties chose to part ways due to their busy professional lives, this relationship also showed another side of Yi Jianlian off the court - gentle and real. Later, his marriage to model Jing Ling was even more low-key and sweet, the two had two sons, and their family life was happy, showing how a star athlete balances career and family in the public eye.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian's life story goes far beyond basketball and public image, he shows a kind of maturity and wisdom in dealing with personal relationships and family life. Behind the scenes, Yi Jianlian's family life reflects his deep understanding and commitment to family responsibilities. The marriage with Jing Ling is not only a union of two people, but also a fusion of culture and values. Yi Jianlian sees his family as the pillar of his life and a safe haven, which allows him to find peace and support even when he encounters challenges and pressures in his career.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Yi Jianlian pays special attention to the education of his children, and he hopes that they can grow up in a more normal environment, away from too much public attention and media exposure. He is well aware that children who are public figures may face different social pressures, so he and Jing Ling try their best to create a peaceful and healthy space for children to grow up. Yi Jianlian's father figure is in stark contrast to his heroic and fearless image on the court, showing his multi-faceted personality and deep humanity.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

After retiring from the army, Yi Jianlian became more involved in family and social activities, and became an active participant in community and charity projects. He uses his visibility and resources to support education and child welfare projects in hopes of bringing about positive change in society. These actions of him not only deepened the public's goodwill towards him, but also earned him respect and praise for his life outside of basketball.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

The relationship between Yi Jianlian and Jing Ling also demonstrates the spirit of mutual support and cooperation in modern marriage. As husband and wife, they face life's challenges together, support each other, and raise children together. Yi Jianlian often expresses his gratitude and love for his wife in public, emphasizing the importance of family in his life. His family concept and behavior have a positive motivating effect on many young fans and viewers.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life

Even after retiring, Yi Jianlian's love for basketball has never changed. He has always been concerned about the development of basketball in China, and often appears in various youth basketball training activities to encourage and guide the next generation of basketball players. His basketball academy is also being planned, which will be another major contribution to his basketball legacy. Yi Jianlian's retirement is not the end, but the beginning of another form, and he hopes to continue to pass on his experience and spirit to more basketball fans.

Yi Jianlian: Married a Brazilian football baby at the age of 27, retired at the age of 36, and gave birth to two sons is a winner in life
Yi Jianlian's retirement statement, although full of emotion about the past, has also caused some controversy. Some commentators believe that although Yi Jianlian has achieved brilliant results in the domestic and foreign arenas, his performance in international competitions still needs to be improved. In addition, the constant comparison with basketball superstar Yao Ming has also led some basketball fans and critics to have different views on Yi Jianlian's achievements. However, it is undeniable that Yi Jianlian is undoubtedly an outstanding figure in the history of Chinese basketball, and his retirement marks the end of an era, but also heralds the beginning of a new legend.

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