
Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

author:The sea is lonely


Friends, have you ever heard of that "steamed bun god"? That's right, it's the mathematical wizard who holds a steamed bun in his hand and hides the mysteries of the universe in his eyes - Wei Dongyi. His lifestyle was always so simple and special. Recently, his cousin came to Peking University and he appeared at the dinner, and the difference is that he did not leave empty-handed, but intimately brought his own "exclusive meal" - three steamed buns. This meal is really a "plain", and I specially told my cousin that if I eat that spicy dish, I have to go into the water.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

This scene made many people feel both cordial and surprised. In everyone's eyes, Wei Dongyi always seems to be accompanied by mathematics, his world is simple and pure, and he even maintains the most rustic habits when eating. Three steamed buns, for him, may be the most delicious delicacy, enough to satisfy him.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

My cousin said that Wei Dongyi was a very simple and simple person. Whether it is the image of clothing, or even money, he can't care about it, and he is "very picky" in life. In his eyes, there is only mathematics!

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

In this era of fast food culture, he is like a clear stream, writing the most extraordinary legend with the simplest food. Are you also curious, what kind of story is hidden behind this? Don't worry, let's find out!

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

1. The daily life of a genius is incredibly simple

Wei Dongyi, born in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1991, is an assistant professor at Peking University and a researcher in the Department of Differential Equations in the School of Mathematical Sciences. He has an outstanding talent in mathematics, and has twice won a gold medal with a perfect score in the International Mathematical Olympiad, for which he was escorted to Peking University. Dongyi's research interests include partial differential equations and geometric analysis, and he excels in mathematical analysis and computational skills. He is introverted, focuses on mathematical research, lives a simple life, spends no more than 300 yuan per month, and is known as "mathematical genius" and "Wei Shen".

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

On the campus of Peking University in the early morning, the sun shines through the leaves and sprinkles on a young man. He is Wei Dongyi, a name that makes the mathematical community tremble. Different from those scholars in suits and leather shoes and famous brands, Wei Dongyi's standard configuration couldn't be simpler: a bottle of mineral water, a simple and unpretentious steamed bun. This picture, isn't there some contrast? But for him, that's what life is all about.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

"Clothes, you can wear them, how can you study mathematics?" The words came out of his mouth without the slightest artificiality, only a pure love for mathematics. Netizens blew up: "This is the real scholar, not moved by material desires, just for the dedication to mathematics in my heart." Some netizens ridiculed: "Wei Shen, is there a mathematical formula hidden in your steamed bun?" ”

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

2. The lonely brave in the mathematical world, feelings? Inexistent!

Speaking of Wei Dongyi, we have to mention his anecdote about his "emotionless history". In this era when love is commonplace, he is like a hermit who is detached from the world, and he is not interested in falling in love at all. In his world, only mathematics, those complex formulas, esoteric theorems, is his real companion.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

"He is like a never-ending mathematical machine, and his indifference to emotions just proves his enthusiasm for mathematics." Someone said about him. Wei Dongyi himself, on the other hand, was indifferent: "Mathematics is all I have, and it gives me endless fun and challenges." Such an attitude is admirable and distressing.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

3. A mathematician with boundless love and boundless love for all prize money

If Wei Dongyi's focus and simplicity are admirable, then his behavior of donating all the prize money is even more awe-inspiring. Those heavy trophies and thick prize money lists, in his eyes, are just a passing cloud. After winning the gold medal in the Ali Mathematics Competition, Wei Dongyi received a prize of nearly 16 million, and he chose to donate all of them to support those children who are passionate about mathematics, worthy of the title of "Wei Shen".

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

"It's a waste to keep this money, it's better to give it to those who really need it." Wei Dongyi's words were unpretentious, but they were loud. Netizens praised one after another: "Wei Shen, you are not only good at math, but also have a better heart!" "Such a genius is the star we should really chase!"

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

Fourth, the story behind the representative works, the charm of mathematics is infinite

When it comes to Wei Dongyi's representative works, there are countless of them. But nothing is more impressive than his outstanding performance in the International Mathematical Olympiad. That year, with his amazing intelligence and unremitting efforts, he won the championship in one fell swoop and won glory for the country.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

"His solution to the problem is like a code left by aliens, which is breathtaking." A mathematics professor said of him. Wei Dongyi himself just smiled: "Mathematics is a beautiful language, and it allows me to see another side of the world." ”

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

In addition to winning awards in competitions, Wei Dongyi has also made many breakthroughs in the field of mathematical research. His dissertation, known as the "treasure of mathematics", not only solved a number of long-standing problems in the academic community, but also opened up a new path for the development of mathematics.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist


In this world full of uncertainties, Wei Dongyi uses his story to tell us: true success and happiness do not lie in how much material wealth you have, but in whether you find the career you love and make unremitting efforts to fight for it. His focus, simplicity, kindness, and generosity are qualities that each of us should learn from.

Wei Dongyi went to his cousin's dinner! With 3 steamed buns, the spicy dishes have to be watered, and it was revealed that the relationship status does not exist

Let us take Wei Dongyi as an example, maintain a simple and pure heart, and use our wisdom and strength to create more beauty and value. In this complex and ever-changing world, let us move forward hand in hand and write our legendary chapter together!

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