
China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

author:It's loose

[Anger! A 45-year-old uncle marries an 18-year-old African girl, what is hidden behind this transnational marriage? 】

Have you heard of it? A 45-year-old Chinese uncle actually married an 18-year-old African girl! It's not a fantasy, it's a story that really happened. When the news spread, public opinion was in an uproar, and people questioned: Is this love or conspiracy? Let's unravel the mystery of this transnational marriage together!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Chen Shixue, an ordinary man from rural Shandong, had a earth-shattering change in the gears of fate when he was 45 years old. Can you imagine? A man who dropped out of school because of poverty since he was a child and buried himself in farm work all day long actually met his true love in a foreign country! It's almost like a fairy tale!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

But don't be blinded by superficial romance! Chen Shixue's life trajectory is full of ups and downs and setbacks. As the third of six siblings, he was burdened with heavy family responsibilities from an early age. At the age of 9, when other children were still playing carefree, Chen Shixue was forced to drop out of school! Can you relate to the pain of being deprived of your right to education?

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

This difficult childhood experience left Chen Shixue with a deep sense of inferiority. As he grew older, he became more and more withdrawn and distanced from his peers. Sadly, the people in the village still use him as a negative teaching material to educate their own children: If you don't study hard, you will be beaten as a bachelor like Chen Laosan when you grow up! What a humiliation and hurt!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

The goddess of fate seemed to finally smile at Chen Shixue. By chance, he came to Nigeria in Africa to work. Who would have thought that this trip would completely change his life! In a restaurant owned by Chinese, Chen Shixue met his true daughter, Adama.

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Adama is an 18-year-old African girl from a poor family who has to work while attending school in order to make ends meet. When Chen Shixue first saw Adama dancing in front of the restaurant, he was deeply intrigued. This energetic and confident girl is like a light that illuminates Chen Shixue's gloomy life.

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

But is this transnational romance really pure? Many people question whether Chen Shixue is using his economic advantage to deceive an innocent girl? And does Adama have ulterior motives and want to get a better life through this marriage?

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

It turns out that true love exists! Chen Shixue couldn't bear to see Adama repeat his mistakes, and resolutely decided to sponsor her to complete her studies. This selfless act deeply touched Adama, and she took the initiative to confess to Chen Shixue. As you can imagine, what a shocking experience this is for an old bachelor in his 40s!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

The path for this transnational lover is not smooth. Adama's parents were vehemently opposed to the relationship, how could they accept a man old enough to be the father of their own daughter? In the face of many obstacles, Adama expressed her determination with a three-day hunger strike. What courage and perseverance!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Fate played a joke on them again. Just when the two got along sweetly, Chen Shixue's visa expired. A year of separation is undoubtedly a great test for the lovers. The power of love is so powerful! Half a year later, 18-year-old Adama flew to China desperately to be with her beloved.

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Their married life was not all smooth sailing. Language barriers, cultural differences, financial pressures, ...... Each one is enough to destroy a marriage. What's even more distressing is that Adama also suffered from a serious illness that almost endangered her life. In the face of these difficulties, Chen Shixue did not flinch, and devoted everything he had to cure his wife. Isn't that the best proof of true love?

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Some netizens commented: This is true love! Age, nationality, skin color are not a problem. There are also people who have a different opinion: With such a big age difference, will you really be happy? In any case, Chen Shixue and Adama proved with their actions that their relationship can stand the test.

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

Now, they have been married for many years and have a lovely mixed-race baby. Adama not only learned Chinese, but also mastered the skills of cooking Chinese food. They also occasionally go live online to show the world their happy life.

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

This story teaches us that love can really cross the divide of age, nationality and culture. But it also provokes us to think: how should we balance cultural differences in transnational marriages? In the face of a huge age difference, how can husband and wife maintain their relationship?

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

What do you think about this transnational marriage? Do you agree with the view that as long as both are happy, nothing else matters? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your thoughts! And don't forget to click to follow, we will continue to bring you more thought-provoking real stories!

China's 45-year-old uncle sponsors an 18-year-old African girl, and the girl goes to China for love: he will not marry in this life

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