
The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

author:Red evergreen

The opening suspense: a "heavy" inheritance stirred the hearts of the two families

In a corner of the town, there is a story about "400,000", which is not only a number, but also a difficult problem of family affection and responsibility. Zhang Wei, a young man who has come out of suffering, has an unknown past hidden in his heart, and in the dead of night, that memory comes flooding back like a tide, making it difficult for him to sleep.

How to be specific, and listen to Sister Hong's story.

1. A twist of fate, the dependence of orphans and widows

Since he was a child, Zhang Wei has lived in an old bungalow with his father, and although his life is poor, the father and son depend on each other and enjoy it.

When he was ten years old, a sudden accident, like a sharp blade, ruthlessly cut off this simple happiness.

Dad left, leaving Zhang Wei with endless grief and 400,000 yuan in factory compensation.

This money, at that time, was a heavy hope and the only reliance on future life.

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

Netizen comments: "Life is impermanent, cherish the people in front of you. Zhang Wei's story is sad and emotional. ”

Second, the warmth of my uncle's family, and the courage to regain life

After taking care of his father's funeral, Zhang Wei was taken home by his uncle.

The uncle's family, with their not generous shoulders, carried Zhang Wei's sky.

His aunt treats him like a parent, and his cousin always protects him, and Zhang Wei remembers this kindness.

At the insistence of his uncle, Zhang Wei continued his studies and was finally admitted to university, which changed his fate.

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

My aunt's words were simple but warm: "Weizi, your father is gone, we are your family." ”

3. My cousin's wedding, a test of 400,000 yuan

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wei graduated from university, and just as he was about to use that money to plan for the future, his cousin's marriage became the top priority in the family.

The woman asked for a full-payment house, which made it difficult for her uncle's family.

The cousin found Zhang Wei and opened his mouth to borrow money.

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

Faced with the choice between family affection and the future, Zhang Wei finally relented and lent out all 400,000 yuan, hoping that his cousin could tide over the difficulties.

Zhang Wei had mixed feelings in his heart: "This is the money that my father's life was exchanged for, but how can I refuse the request of my uncle's family?" ”

Fourth, the wedding date is approaching, and it is difficult for the creditor to be a creditor

Two years later, Zhang Wei and his girlfriend talked about marriage, and only then did they realize the importance of that money.

He plucked up the courage to find his uncle and cousin, but in exchange for a sentence, "Now that your conditions are good, don't worry about it."

This sentence pierced Zhang Wei's heart like a needle.

He didn't expect that his sincerity would be exchanged for such a result.

Zhang Wei was cold: "It turns out that some debts can't be repaid." ”

Fifth, my aunt's serious illness once again tested family affection

Time flies like a white horse, and a phone call last night brought Zhang Wei back to reality.

My aunt was seriously ill and urgently needed 60,000 yuan for surgery.

The uncle's voice was full of helplessness, and Zhang Wei's heart was touched again.

He hesitated, should he continue to stick to the "debt" in his heart, or let go of his prejudices and lend a hand?

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

Zhang Wei's inner monologue: "If this money can save my aunt's life, is it also a kind of consolation to my father?" ”

6. The wisdom of the wife lights the lamp of the heart

Back home, Zhang Wei confided in his wife the bitterness in his heart.

After the wife listened, there was no blame, only gentle understanding and support.

She gently rubbed Zhang Wei's forehead and said, "Without my uncle, I wouldn't be where you are today." This money should be repaid by love, and what is not repaid is our heart. I can't ignore my aunt's affairs. ”

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

The wife's eyes were firm: "Our family's conditions are good now, if you can help, don't let regrets stay." ”

Seventh, the ice releases the previous suspicions, and the family affection returns

In the end, Zhang Wei decided to take out 60,000 yuan to help his aunt get through the difficulties.

When he handed the money to his uncle, the two looked at each other speechlessly, but both had tears in their eyes.

At that moment, all misunderstandings and estrangements seemed to disappear.

Uncle choked: "Weizi, uncle is sorry for you, we didn't do a good job." ”

Zhang Wei shook his head with a smile: "One family, don't talk about two families." ”

User Comments:

  • "Zhang Wei's choice is touching, and true family affection will not deteriorate because of money."
  • "On the road of life, there will inevitably be misunderstandings and estrangements, but the important thing is how to resolve and how to cherish it."
  • "This story tells us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain a grateful heart, because love can always overcome everything."

In this story full of warmth and twists and turns, we see the power of family affection and feel the brilliance of human nature. I hope we can all be like Zhang Wei, in the wind and rain of life, do not forget the original intention, and move forward with gratitude.

Epilogue: Family affection is priceless, and gratitude moves forward

After experiencing this turmoil, Zhang Wei cherished everyone around him even more.

The "dilemma" on the family ledger, the choice between love and responsibility

He understands that family affection is the most valuable wealth in the world, and no matter how difficult it is, as long as family members support each other, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. And those entanglements about money will eventually turn into a bright color in life, illuminating the way forward.

That's all for today's story, thank you for listening.

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