
Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

author:Pouring warmth is not open

A month before the college entrance examination, the story of Yang Xiaomeng, a girl from the mountainous area who was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, is still spreading among netizens. Yang Xiaomeng's background is touching, she was born into a poor mountain village farming family, and her parents both supported themselves with manual labor to make a simple living. Although her family is poor, her parents have never lost a little love for her. Yang Xiaomeng has shown excellent learning ability since he was a child, and strives to become the key to changing the fate of his family.


Before the college entrance examination, in the face of thousands of famous schools, Yang Xiaomeng resolutely chose the National University of Defense Technology. Such an important choice requires great courage for a girl who grew up in a poor mountainous area. Choosing the National University of Defense Technology means that she has to leave the familiar hometown environment and welcome unknown schoolwork and military training.

More importantly, she has to shoulder the important mission of safeguarding national security. This choice fully demonstrates the concept of national defense and the lofty national spirit that she has instilled since she was a child. The moment the results of the college entrance examination were announced, the whole village was boiling. With an excellent score of 736 points, Yang Xiaomeng obtained the admission qualification of the National University of Defense Technology, and the villagers came to celebrate.

Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

Especially the parents who have been dedicated to their daughter's studies for a long time, they are so happy that they cry. Father Yang was so excited that he took off his shirt and beat the ancient drum in the village topless, so as to solemnly celebrate his daughter's glorious achievement. At that time, the sound of drums, laughter, and blessings mingled like a symphony.

Yang Xiaomeng's story has resonated widely on the Internet. Netizens praised her for "giving up Qingbei and choosing the National University of Defense Technology, such patriotic feelings are admirable". Some netizens sighed, "Walking out of the poor mountainous area and being admitted to the ideal university is really an infinite encouragement to our young people." Some netizens said, "Yang Xiaomeng has shown the real 'fighting spirit', and I believe that she will definitely put her dream on the big stage of national defense in the future."

Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

A month later, the details of the results of the high school candidates were announced. learned that Yang Xiaomeng's transcript of being admitted to the National University of Defense Technology shows that her total score in six subjects in the college entrance examination is 736 points, including 151 points in Chinese, 152 points in mathematics, 160 points in foreign languages, 143 points in politics, 130 points in physics, and 150 points in history. This achievement once again confirms that the 736 score is not accidental, but the crystallization of her years of hard work.

The day of leaving his hometown to go to the National University of Defense Technology is approaching, and Yang Xiaomeng carries the expectations of his family and fellow villagers. In an interview, she said that she will definitely study hard, train diligently, and strive to grow into an excellent national defense soldier as soon as possible. She will not forget her original intention, use her youth and sweat to repay the people's trust, and realize the common dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

The story of Yang Xiaomeng allows us to see the perseverance and struggle spirit of a poor rural girl who refuses to accept reluctance in hard study, as well as her high sense of national responsibility shown by practical actions. Yang Xiaomeng is a young pillar needed in the new era, and she will use her abilities and achievements to write the rich and colorful of this era. I believe that in her hard work, the consequences will be wonderful and moving.

Although Yang Xiaomeng comes from a poor farming family, she has never felt limited by her family's financial constraints. On the contrary, she uses learning to change the fate of herself and her family, and practices the concept of "hard work, sweat as the return" with practical actions. At the critical moment of the college entrance examination, she chose the National University of Defense Technology with perseverance, which shows that she is full of vitality and practices her sense of responsibility to serve the country with practical actions.

Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

Yang Xiaomeng's deeds let us see that everyone has the potential to change their fate through their own efforts. As long as you have a dream, don't give up easily; As long as you are determined, you can definitely create miracles with your own hands. Just as Yang Xiaomeng proved himself with an excellent score of 736 points, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, there may be a day of change.

It is believed that in the military training of the National University of Defense Technology, Yang Xiaomeng will become more and more popular. I believe that in her hard work, she will definitely become a star in the cause of national defense and achieve a glorious cause. Yang Xiaomeng's story will inspire more young people to understand that as long as they have a dream, they must work hard for it. Such encouragement and influence will be the most glorious continuation of Yang Xiaomeng.

Envy! The daughter scored 736 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology, and her father beat the drum bare-chested

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