
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?

author:Kelsey Emotional

This autumn, the Chinese textbooks in most areas will be renewed, and each grade level will be adjusted to varying degrees.

Especially the first grade. Some familiar texts have been deleted, many new selected texts have been added, the order of arrangement has changed greatly, and the oral communication, large and small characters and language garden have also changed.

I didn't have much confidence in the course standards; And now, the textbook is new, and I don't know the bottom of my heart, what should I do?

In the new semester, as usual, you have to prepare a two-week lesson plan in advance, and you don't want to repeat the same old tune, but want to have a little inspiration and creativity, what should I do?

Soon I have to take an open class, interpret the text, design the lesson plan, and make the courseware, and there is a lot of confusion and confusion, and I can't start, what should I do?

What should I do if a colleague wants to compete in a class, but as a team member, I can't contribute valuable ideas?

What should I do if my apprentice wants to grind his lessons, but as a master, he can't provide creative ideas?

I know every word in the curriculum standards, but I can't figure it out and can't grasp the main points, what should I do?

I have participated in a lot of training, but I am still confused about the large units and learning task groups, the lesson plans are all moved from the Internet, I don't have a little thinking about myself, I want to add a little bit of my own things, but I feel that my head is empty, what should I do?

Collective lesson preparation is a mere formality, it seems to be gossipy, and the discussion seems to be very lively, but it is all shallow communication, which is not of much use, and every time there are always a few familiar faces who speak, and there is no new inspiration, the cycle repeats, there is no new idea, so that the teachers are tired, what should I do?

What should new teachers do if they want to master the skills of interpreting textbook texts, mature teachers want to find their own text interpretation templates, backbone teachers want to break through the text interpretation paradigm that they are used to, and excellent teachers want to create a new text interpretation concept system?


The issue of personal professional development plagues front-line teachers; The problem of professional team building plagues the head of the course preparation team and the head of the teaching and research team; The problem of creating a professional atmosphere is plaguing the school management.

If you happen to be troubled by the above questions, you may wish to read this post carefully to learn about the Valley Lesson Preparation Camp. Perhaps, you can get some inspiration and help.

Guli Lesson Preparation Camp is the abbreviation of Hangzhou Guli Academy's Whole Chinese Textbook Preparation Camp, which has been held for three consecutive seasons. In the fall of 2024, the fourth season is about to kick off.

The predecessor of the Guli Lesson Preparation Camp was the "Large-Unit Dual-Theme Text Interpretation Workshop" by Mr. Gan Guoxiang, which was very popular at that time, with more than 4,200 students participating in the study.

As a result, the six-grade preparation camp was born.

There were nearly 2,000 students in the first quarter, and 3,000+ students in the second and third quarters.

Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?

Why is the Guli Lesson Preparation Camp getting better and better?

First, the mentor team is strong. From the first season to the fourth season, the tutor lineup remains the same: Li Zuwen and Li Zhuping, teachers are the pioneers of large-unit lesson preparation; Shi Chunyan and Ding Sufen are leaders in the teaching of lower Chinese students; Mr. Gan Guoxiang is the chief designer of the whole-person beauty course, and a firm practitioner of in-depth lesson preparation under the guidance of big concepts. An excellent team of mentors who will give you wings for your professional development.

Second, the progress is moderately ahead. In the previous lesson preparation camp, two units were prepared in advance each semester, and the text interpretation and teaching guidance of each unit of the whole textbook were divided into grades, so that you could deal with them calmly after the start of school; In this preparation camp, at the request of many students, the amount of preparation is at least three units in advance, so that you can be more handy.

Third, keep improving quality. Despite teaching for three rounds, the instructor always optimizes the content of each lecture and adjusts the materials shared with the students to incorporate the latest thinking. Students can understand, learn, use, and teach well.

Fourth, in-depth exchanges with partners. Many partners will discuss problems, give advice, and share information in the group. Participate in a study and get a team.

Course content

Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?
Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?

Swipe left and right to see other grades

Grade 1 Ding Sufen, Year 2 Shi Chunyan, Year 3 Li Zhuping, Year 4 Gan Guoxiang, Year 5 Gan Guoxiang, Year 6 Li Zuwen

Schedules for tutors in the other five grades

Please swipe left and right from the table above to view the course benefits

Chinese textbooks have changed greatly, what should I do to prepare for the new semester?

Click to place an order, and those who are not sure about the grade can choose "grade to be determined" Student feedback This fall, I chose to continue to "repeat" in the valley preparation camp, and followed Ms. Ding Sufen to learn how to do the teaching design of the lower primary school. The Autumn Lesson Preparation Camp continues to maintain and update several major advantages to help front-line teachers: 1. Teach students text interpretation and teaching ideas in a live face-to-face manner, and teach them to fish. 2. Gift supporting teaching design, courseware, etc., to save the cost of lesson preparation. 3. Permanent playback of the lesson preparation camp video, no need to worry about missing it, convenient for learning anytime and anywhere. 4. Maintain active interaction in the preparation camp group and share massive resources. 5. Invite front-line teachers to conduct personalized Q&A throughout the book, with guidance, practice, and interaction. Front-line teachers must deeply cultivate every regular class and calm down in order to grow up. I am grateful that in the year of returning to the first grade, I met the Guli Lesson Preparation Camp and met Teacher Ding Sufen. Grade 1 Lesson Preparation Camp Teacher He Learning Chinese with Teacher Shi Chunyan is a process of inward-looking growth. This year, I will study the textbook in depth, pay attention to the unit theme, pay attention to the after-class exercises, pay attention to the text prompts, etc., especially the after-class exercises, in the "Scene Song" after-class exercise 2 "Say it, see who says more" In the past, we were filling in the measure word "one ( ) fish pond" and Mr. Shi said: "We must be good at using the illustrations in the textbook to create scenarios for students to use illustrations combined with measure words for speaking and expression training." "It seems that in the past we have all dwarfed the idea of editing. To teach Chinese, we must learn to interpret teaching materials, learn to design, learn to guide, and learn to evaluate on the basis of textbook interpretation...... At the same time, we also need to explore the mysteries of culture, just like Ms. Shi's literacy teaching, her explanations can make students write fewer typos. Grade 2 Lesson Preparation Camp Teacher Cai I have gained a lot from preparing lessons with Teacher Shi for a semester: In the lesson preparation camp, Teacher Shi led us step by step to practice the concept of the new curriculum standard: learning-centered, large-unit design, and task-driven...... We can also know and act together. Build your own curriculum. A teacher's maturity is the ability to construct his or her own curriculum. In the preparation camp, Mr. Shi will also take us to do lessons. Especially with Mr. Shi's "Little Chinese Character Discoverer" course, the children will have a lot of unexpected gains, and I also enjoy it. 2nd Grade Lesson Preparation Camp Teacher Zuo Since 2022, I have been following Teacher Gan Guli for two consecutive years of lesson preparation courses, and I started from getting the text and not knowing how to interpret it, and now I find that I am slowly getting started. In this issue, what shocked me the most was Mr. Gan's interpretation of "The Daughter of the Sea", and I always thought it was a fairy tale about love. However, it is not, it contains the mermaid's yearning for human spiritual society. Oh, my God?! Have I been reading fake fairy tales for so many years? If I hadn't listened to the teacher's interpretation, I guess I would have to rely on a book of teaching references to "mislead people's children"! Thanksgiving, continue to follow! 3rd Grade Lesson Preparation Camp Teacher Chen's lesson preparation always inspired me to the greatest extent, so I insisted on writing a semester of narrative and reflection, which was most obvious in the lesson "The Giant's Garden", which made me understand the triple realm of the ideal classroom. In addition, at the beginning of the second unit of the popular science unit, Mr. Gan emphasized "asking real questions" and let the students say, which completely changed my classroom ecology. 4th Grade Lesson Preparation Camp Teacher Zhang From 4th grade to 5th grade, two years, four seasons lesson preparation camp, 32 units. I have been studying with Mr. Zuwen every time. In April 2022, the new curriculum standard had just been introduced, and under the inspiration of Mr. Zu Wen's large-unit teaching, I dared to be a "crab-eating" person, tried large-unit teaching in the class, and compiled what I thought and did into an article, and finally published it in "Star Teacher" magazine, which unexpectedly became the cover character of the magazine. In Mr. Zuwen's lesson preparation group, there is an excellent growth environment, and everyone can discuss teaching problems in the group; With in-depth growth guidance, Zu Wen, the teacher of each unit, can always sort out the ideas for us to prepare for the lesson, and interpret the text from different angles, so that we can be empowered. Grade 5 Lesson Preparation Camp Ms. Guo Under the careful guidance of Ms. Li Zhuping, I have experienced the charm of teaching reform. For the first time, I really felt the joy of teaching and learning from each other. Every Friday, we prepare lessons with six outstanding teachers and have 15 in-depth discussions, which are not only full of knowledge, but also the encouragement and support of the team. Thanks to Mr. Li and everyone who travels the same way, this journey has strengthened my love for education. Sixth-grade lesson preparation camp Teacher Xia Learning process First, contact customer service after registration and payment, and join the course group of the corresponding grade of the lesson preparation camp; Second, before each class, the staff will send an announcement in the group to inform you of the class time and the link to attend the class, and you can click the link to listen to the class (the mobile phone number for registration should be the same as the WeChat number for the class, if you cannot attend the class normally, please contact the staff and it will be solved immediately); Thirdly, the free lesson preparation materials will also be sent to the download link in the group announcement, which can be downloaded at any time without fear of loss; Fourth, problems in lesson preparation and teaching can be raised in the course group and discussed with tutors and students. Participating in the Guli Lesson Preparation Camp, you will not only gain textbook analysis, lesson preparation guidance, and teaching materials, but also a group of like-minded peers and a strong professional team. Course Registration and Contact Information 1. Course registration by grade The course time for grades 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 is 20:00 on the night of the class schedule, and 19:30 on the night of the third grade. Each grade level is about 90 minutes long. 2. Charging standard: the original price is 699 yuan / person, the early bird price before August 31 is 499 yuan, and the VIP and old students in the valley are 399 yuan! [Old students refer to the students of Guli Academy's online + offline reading camp, lesson preparation camp, and writing camp since 2020.] The link to the old student can be found in the valley community, or contact customer service to get it. Scan the QR code to purchase the course 4. After successful registration, please add or scan the code to contact customer service according to the page reminder, and you will be pulled into the course group at a unified time. There are many people, so please be patient. For collective registration, please consult customer service.

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