
Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

author:Perfume lily window
Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

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Debuting on stage at the age of six, how was Tam Zhiyun's musical talent discovered and cultivated?

Hong Kong, a city nurtured with dreams and miracles, here, a six-year-old girl, with her natural singing voice, composed a musical legend overture, she is Tam Zhiyun, a musical prodigy known as the "little queen of giant lungs".

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

Tan Zhiyun's musical journey did not start with the spotlight on the stage, but quietly sprouted in a warm and loving family atmosphere, her father Tan Shunsheng, is an educator who loves music and is also an excellent singer

Perhaps inherited from her father's music genes, Tan Zhiyun has shown a strong interest in music since she was a child, when she was three years old, by chance, Tan Zhiyun heard Celine Dion's classic song "M" in the car, and she couldn't help but hum along when she was young

Scientific training, strict self-discipline, how does Tan Zhiyun water her music dream with sweat?

Tan Zhiyun's crisp voice and precise intonation made Tan Shunsheng, a father who is a music teacher, realize that his daughter may have extraordinary musical talent, and since then, Tan Shunsheng has decided to personally guide his daughter and tailor a scientific and systematic music training plan for her

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

Every morning at six o'clock, when children of the same age are still asleep, Tan Zhiyun has started her day in the company of her father, running in the morning to exercise lung capacity, and after returning home for professional vocal exercises, Tan Zhiyun devotes most of her time to music learning

In addition to strict training, Tan Shunsheng also pays special attention to his daughter's diet and living habits, in order to protect Tan Zhiyun's voice, he strictly controls his daughter's diet, avoids spicy and stimulating food, and ensures that she has enough sleep

Beyond Hong Kong and into the world, how did Tam Tsz Wan emerge on the international stage?

Under the careful cultivation of her father, Tan Zhiyun's musical talent has been fully developed, she not only has amazing pitch, but what is even more rare is that she can naturally interpret a unique trill at a young age, which adds infinite charm to her singing

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

In 2017, Tan Zhiyun, who was only nine years old, with her music dream, bravely stood on the stage of "America's Got Talent", this little girl from the East, with her clear and powerful voice, conquered all the judges and audiences, and she sang Celine Dion's classic song "M", which won a full house, and in the end, Tan Zhiyun successfully advanced to the finals and became the youngest Chinese player in the history of the show

Combining East and West, blending cultures, how does Tan Zhiyun use music to build a bridge of communication?

In 2018, Tam Zhiyun went to Japan to participate in the King of Music Competition, competing with primary and secondary school students from Japan

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

In the face of language and cultural differences, Tan Zhiyun did not have the slightest fear, she used her sincere emotions and perfect singing to interpret a touching song, and in the end, Tan Zhiyun won the championship in one fell swoop with her strong strength and stage charm

Tan Zhiyun's success is not only her personal glory, but also the embodiment of the new generation of Chinese music, she uses her singing voice to prove that music knows no borders, and also allows the world to see the outstanding achievements of China's music education and talent training

Don't forget her original intention and are enthusiastic about public welfare, how does Tan Zhiyun use music to convey love and hope?

Outside the stage, Tan Zhiyun is just an ordinary girl, she loves life, likes small animals, and will share happiness with her sister, the glamorous beauty on the stage did not let her lose her way, she has always maintained humility and kindness, actively participated in various public welfare activities, and used her singing voice to send warmth and hope to those in need

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

She has participated in many charity performances, raised funds for children in mountainous areas, and recorded songs for sick children, using the power of music to encourage them to face life bravely

How does Tam Zhiyun use music to tell the voice of growth?

Today, Tam Zhiyun has grown into a slim girl, she still insists on her musical dreams, and constantly tries to create her own musical works, at the age of 11, she created her first original song "W I A", which is full of youthful atmosphere, expressing her exploration of self-identity and vision for the future

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

From singing other people's songs to creating her own works, Tam Zhiyun has continued to break through herself on the road of music, showing amazing creative talent, and I believe that in the near future, she will bring more excellent original works, using music to tell her perception of life and thinking about the world

Stick to your dreams and continue to break through where will Tam Zhiyun's music road go?

From a sensational debut at the age of six to a high-profile music girl, Tam Zhiyun's musical journey is full of legends, and her success is not accidental, but due to her love of music, perseverance and the support of her family

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

Today, Tam Zhiyun is still active on the music stage, she actively participates in various music festivals and concerts, with her natural singing voice, continue to bring moving and surprises to the audience, she will also devote more energy to music creation, hoping to use her own music works to express her unique understanding and perception of the world


Tan Zhiyun's story, like a moving song, is full of dreams, struggles and hopes, her musical talent has added a touch of bright color to the world, and her hard work and persistence have also inspired countless young people to bravely chase their dreams

Can you still remember Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs" Tam Zhiyun? How does she look like this at 13?

I believe that in the future, Tan Zhiyun will continue to use her musical talent to bring us more surprises, let us look forward to this "little diva with giant lungs" going further and further on the road of music to create her own music legend!

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your feelings about Tan Zhiyun's music works and your expectations for the future development of this music girl

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