
12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing


The flames of the European Championship have just been extinguished, and the performances of the teams can be described as varied and exciting.

Let's take a look back at the highlights and data highlights of this football feast!

The German team really taught everyone a goal lesson this time! They were like a precise goal machine, scoring a total of 10 goals and firmly sitting at the top of the scoring charts.

You know, it's not a friendly match, it's a European Championship stage! As if they had been doped, the forwards of the German team were transformed into "German chariots", rampage and unstoppable.

They also had an impressive 72 shots on goal! What is this concept? On average, you have to shoot 18 times per game, which is like bombarding the opponent's goal with football!

But when it comes to shooting, Spain are even crazier than Germany.

They had a total of 82 shots on goal, an average of more than 20 shots per game! It's like bombarding the opponent's penalty area with football! The players of the Spanish team are playing a shooting game, kicking the ball when they see it and kicking it when they see a gap.

They also had the most shots on target in the game, 30! This shows that the Spanish team not only has a lot of shots, but also is quite accurate.

No wonder they can score nine goals, second only to Germany.

Portugal may not have scored the most goals, but they have dominated possession.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

With an average possession rate of 67 per cent, what is the concept? That is, in 60 minutes of the game, the ball is at the feet of the Portuguese team! It's like they're playing a game of exclusive ball, and it's hard for the other teams to touch the ball.

The players of the Portuguese team seem to be dancing an elegant waltz, and the ball is their dance partner, passing it back and forth on the field, which is dazzlingly beautiful.

When it comes to passing, Spain are masters of it.

They made a whopping 74 key passes, far behind the rest of the team.

Spain's midfielders are like a group of magicians, with the ball coming to life at their feet and finding their teammates' feet with precision.

Their passing was like a complex game of chess, with every move carefully calculated in order to turn the opponent's defence upside down.

The performance of the Dutch team this time is also quite impressive.

They beat Romania 3-0 to advance to the quarter-finals.

The Dutch attack was like a gorgeous symphony, everyone found their place and worked together seamlessly.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

They didn't have the most shots on goal, but 63 was definitely a lot.

The Dutch team is like a group of accurate snipers, and every shot is aimed at the killing blow.

England's performance this time can be described as thrilling.

They had third highest possession at 60 per cent.

The players of the England team are like a group of elegant gentlemen, who are calm and steady on the pitch.

They were the second-highest number of passes and showed great possession of the ball.

The England team's style of play is like sipping a good cup of English black tea, paying attention to the long stream of water and savoring it slowly.

France were fifth in possession, but their overall performance was impressive.

The French team is like a well-trained army, everyone knows their task and is organized on the field.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

They came in second for the number of key passes and showed great creativity.

The French team's game is like enjoying a wonderful ballet performance, and every movement is full of beauty and power.

The Swiss team really gave everyone a big surprise this time.

They beat Italy 2-0 to advance to the quarter-finals.

The Swiss team is like an inconspicuous dark horse, and suddenly bursts into amazing strength.

They are fourth in terms of goals scored, and while not the most shots and shots on target, they are quite efficient.

The Swiss team's style of play is like that of their country's clocks, precise and reliable.

The Turkish team also performed quite well this time.

They narrowly beat Austria 2-1 to advance to the quarter-finals.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

The Turkish team is like a group of brave warriors, even in the face of strong opponents.

They are sixth in terms of goals scored, with shots on goal and shots on target at the top.

Most impressively, both of their goals in their win over Austria were scored from corners.

This shows that the Turkish team has a unique advantage in set-pieces.

When it comes to corners, Portugal are big names in that.

They have taken a whopping 36 corners, far more than any other team.

The Portuguese team is like a group of shrewd businessmen, adept at seizing every opportunity to score.

Their corner tactics are like a sharp knife, ready to pierce the opposition's defence.

Defensively, the Slovenian team has been outstanding.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Their clearances and tackles were all number one.

The Slovenian team is like an impregnable fortress, and no matter how much the opponent attacks, it is difficult to break through their defenses.

Their defense is like an airtight net, and any ball that tries to break through will be firmly trapped.

The Turkish team also performed quite well in terms of tackles, coming in third.

They are like a group of astute cheetahs, ready to pounce on the ball at their opponents' feet.

The Turkish team's defensive style is full of aggression and puts the opposition under pressure.

Portugal are the best in 1-on-1 scrambles.

They had a whopping 434 1-on-1 duels and the most successes at 231.

The Portuguese players are like a group of fierce matadors, engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with their opponents on the field.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Their fighting style is full of passion and power, and you can't help but be amazed.

Spain's performance in terms of crosses was also quite good.

They are fourth in number of crosses and second in number of successful crosses.

Spain's wide attack was like a sharp pair of scissors, ready to cut through the opposition's defence.

Their crosses are like pinpoint missiles, always finding team-mates in the box.

In terms of long passing, England can be said to be the leader.

Their successful long pass came first.

England's long pass is like a sharp sword, capable of piercing the opposition's defence in an instant.

Their long passing tactics are full of variety, threat, and keep opponents off guard.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Overall, the European Championship was a great one, with each team showing their own characteristics and strengths.

We were impressed by Germany's goalscoring ability, Spain's shots and passes, Portugal's possession and corners, the Netherlands' overall coordination, England's solid style, France's creativity, Switzerland's dark horse performance, Turkey's set-piece advantage, and Slovenia's iron-blooded defense.

This competition is not only a feast of football, but also a contest of tactics, skills and wills.

Each team has its own unique style and tactical characteristics, just like a series of unique landscapes, which constitute the wonderful picture of this European Cup.

As fans, we are fortunate to be able to enjoy such a wonderful game and feel the passion and joy that football brings.

Whether it is the German team with a flood of goals, or the Portuguese team with a god of possession, whether it is the Spanish team with a magic pass, or the Slovenian team with an iron defense, we have seen the charm and essence of football.

This European Cup is not only a sports competition, but also a cultural exchange and friendship collision.

Teams from different countries, with their own football culture and traditions, competed fiercely on the green field.

This kind of exchange and collision not only enriches the connotation of football, but also enhances the understanding and friendship between people of all countries.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Looking at the data, we can clearly see the characteristics and strengths of each team.

However, the charm of football is not only the cold statistics, but also the fighting spirit of the players on the field, the team's ability to work together, and the coach's tactical arrangement.

These are not fully reflected in the data.

For example, although Germany have scored the most goals, that doesn't mean they are the best team.

The outcome of a soccer match often depends on a number of factors, including luck, form, and how well it is played at key moments.

Similarly, while Portugal had the highest percentage of possession, the statistic would be meaningless if they were unable to translate possession advantage into goals.

Therefore, while we appreciate these wonderful stats, we should not ignore other factors in the game.

Every game is a whole and requires us to observe and understand it from a holistic perspective.

This European Cup has brought us countless wonderful moments and unforgettable memories.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Whether it is the scoring frenzy of the German team, or the passing art of the Spanish team, whether it is the ball control master of the Portuguese team, or the iron-blooded defense of the Slovenian team, we all feel the charm and passion of football.

As fans, we look forward to more surprises and excitement in the upcoming games.

Regardless of who dies in the end, we are confident that this European Championship will be a wonderful and memorable event.

Let's look forward to the next games and witness the charm and excitement of football together!

Let's continue to imagine the excitement brought about by this football feast! Although the game has not yet started, the enthusiasm of the fans has already been ignited.

Fans from all over the world are gearing up to cheer on their teams.

Speaking of which, this European Cup is really exciting! Will Germany's goal machine continue to roar? Can Spain's passing art be renewed? Is Portugal's possession still unbreakable? These questions have made fans full of curiosity and anticipation.

Some netizens said: "What I'm looking forward to the most is the performance of the German team!" Their goal stats are insane, 10 goals, is this to use the opponent's goal as a target? I'd love to see how they turned football into missiles! But then again, just because you score more goals doesn't mean you win.

Soccer is not just a numbers game, it's all about playing and luck.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Hopefully the German team can keep this hot form and give us more exciting goals! "

Indeed, the performance of the German team was impressive.

They are like a sophisticated German machine, where every part works just right.

However, the beauty of football lies in its unpredictability.

Who knows, maybe in the next game, the Germans will face a stronger opponent and their goal machine will suddenly go out?

When it comes to strong opponents, the Spanish team is definitely a presence that should not be underestimated.

Their passing is nothing short of a work of art and is dazzling to watch.

One netizen commented: "The passing of the Spanish team is simply dancing! It's like the players are dancing tango on the pitch, and the ball is their dance partner.

74 key passes, what is the concept? On average, there is one key pass per minute! I wonder if they have radar in their shoes, otherwise how could they find their teammates so accurately? However, no matter how beautiful the pass is, you still have to score in the end.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Hopefully, Spain can turn this art of passing into goal-scoring prowess! "

This netizen makes a lot of sense.

The ultimate goal of a football game is to score goals.

However, the Spanish team's passing style is really appealing.

It's not just a tactic, it's a football philosophy.

This kind of pass-and-control football emphasizes the overall coordination, and each player is involved in the attack.

This style of play may not necessarily produce immediate goals, but it can keep the team in control of the pace of the game.

When it comes to controlling the pace of the game, we have to mention the Portuguese team.

They had 67 per cent possession and were simply the best on the pitch.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

Some netizens commented: "Did the Portuguese team stick the ball to their feet? 67% possession, this is the rhythm that will suffocate the opponent! I wonder if they keep the ball as a pet during training, otherwise how could they be so close? However, there are risks associated with high possession, and if the opponent takes the opportunity to counter-attack, it can be a problem.

Hopefully, the Portuguese team can find a balance between possession and attack, and don't play with fire! "

This netizen's concern is not unreasonable.

High possession can help a team control the tempo of the game, but if it can't be converted into goals, it becomes invalid possession.

In modern football, many teams are good at counter-attacking, and they will patiently wait for the opponent to make a mistake and then strike a lethal blow.

Therefore, Portugal will need to find a balance between possession and attack.

Speaking of counter-attacks, we have to mention the Swiss team.

They gave everyone a big surprise, beating Italy 2-0 and successfully advancing to the quarterfinals.

Some netizens commented: "The Swiss team really gave us a surprise this time!" They are like a piece of cheese that looks fluffy but is incredibly tough to bite.

12 Euro Championship statistics: Germany 1st in goals, Portugal 1st in possession, 1st in Spain passing

The 2-0 win over Italy was not something that could have been done by luck.

I really wonder if the coach of the Swiss team secretly researched some secret weapon, otherwise how could he have kicked the Italian team to the north? I hope that the Swiss team can continue to maintain this dark horse posture and bring us more surprises! "

Indeed, the Swiss team's performance was impressive.

They are like an obscure dark horse, suddenly bursting out with amazing strength.

It also reminds us that in football, we should never take any opponent lightly.

Every team has the potential to burst out with amazing strength at a crucial moment.

Speaking of explosiveness, we have to mention the Turkish team.

They excelled in attacking corners, with both goals coming from corners in the win over Austria.

Some netizens commented: "The corner kick of the Turkish team is simply a time bomb!" Every time I took a corner, I felt like they were throwing grenades into the opposition's box.

Both goals were scored from corners, is this to use the corner flagstick as a goal machine? I wonder if they put up a wall on the training ground and practice how to kick the ball over the top of the wall every day.

However, there are risks associated with relying too much on set-pieces, and hopefully the Turkish team can find a balance between set-pieces and regular attacks, and not put all their eggs in one basket! "

This netizen's point of view is very interesting.

Set-pieces are indeed a great weapon in modern football, and many teams attach great importance to set-piece training.

However, if a team relies too much on set-pieces, they can be passive when they come up against opponents who are strong in defending.

Therefore, the Turkish team needs to find a balance between set-pieces and regular attacks.

Overall, the European Championship has not yet started, but it is already full of anticipation.

Each team has its own characteristics and strengths, just like a unique landscape, which constitutes the wonderful picture of this European Cup.

We're looking forward to seeing more exciting games, more amazing performances, more exciting moments."

Regardless of who dies in the end, we are confident that this European Championship will be a wonderful and memorable event.

Let's look forward to the start of the game and witness the charm and excitement of football together! Football is always fascinating, and it can always bring us endless surprises and passions.

Let's shout that slogan together: Football, never stop!

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