
The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

author:Three rural lobbyists
The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

According to the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Pension Insurance System", the overall level of national pension adjustment in 2024 will be about 3% per capita.

In the pension system of a large country in the East, in order to ensure fairness, the adjustment range of pensions will be different for different employees, different regions and different systems.

But on the whole, the pension system of the big eastern countries is outperforming the price growth.

The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

Example of pension growth calculation

If the average growth level is 3%, then after the pension adjustment, the monthly pension of a retiree will change from the original 1,000 yuan to 1,030 yuan.

However, a 3% increase is actually unrealistic for some workers.

For example, an employee of a public institution with 35 years of service and a pension of 7,600 yuan will only increase his monthly pension by 132 yuan, and the increase rate will only be 1.74%.

In other words, although he got an extra 132 yuan a month, he did not outperform inflation.

And such a situation is very common in the big countries of the East.

In the calculation of pensions, the social security fees paid by employees before are also reflected.

Social security expenses are also part of personal property, and retirees have paid so much social security fees for their current life and possible future situations in exchange for the meager pension they are now in.

Therefore, the adjustment range should also reflect fairness.

The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

Adjust for fairness

According to the previous policy, the 15 years of social security contributions paid by each person before retirement will be used as the calculation base.

After that, it will be adjusted and calculated according to the individual's length of service, payment years and other factors.

The policy designed in this way is to reflect the role of paying social security premiums before, so as to better motivate everyone to pay more and pay more for a long time.

And this design is also for fairness.

This also means that although everyone will have an increase of about 3%, we have not forgotten every retiree who has put in the effort and sweat.

So in this adjustment, which provinces will raise how much?

Adjust the amplitude

According to the provisions of the pension adjustment policy, the overall level of national pension adjustment in 2024 will be about 3% per capita.

Each province will develop its own adjustment plan according to local conditions.

Among them, the Tibet Autonomous Region has the highest pension growth, reaching a maximum of 2.96%.

Although it is mentioned above that the Tibet Autonomous Region will raise by 2.96%, in fact, the Tibet Autonomous Region is not the only region to increase the level of pensions in this adjustment.

A total of 26 provinces nationwide have raised pension standards for retirees.

Although the increase in the level of pension in each province is not the same, it can reflect the importance that each province attaches to the welfare of the elderly.

The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

So how much money will each region get in the end after the national average comes down?

Nationwide pensions

Nationwide, the average increase in the pension standard of about 105 yuan is not high.

Especially for some areas with higher pension levels, the adjustment may not be worth a meal.

Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Tianjin and other provinces and cities have been in a relatively low growth rate in this rise because they were in a relatively high position before.

The Tibet Autonomous Region, where the nationwide pension increase can reach up to 2.96%, can only get a rise of about 186 yuan per retiree nationwide.

Pension growth

The social security pension in the eastern country is a system designed to ensure the basic life of retirees in the eastern country, and it is not an investment and financial management project.

Therefore, although the increase is not too high, it cannot be lower than the price increase.

According to the data released by the statistical bureaus of major eastern countries, the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 1.5% year-on-year from January to February 2024.

The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

From another point of view, although the increase is low, it is all welfare after all, and it is not easy to maintain the rise in the face of rapid price increases.

However, it is important to note that not everyone will be able to get an increase of around 3%.

So who gets around 3%?

You can get about 3%.

In fact, judging from the current announcements of various provinces and cities in the eastern countries, there are few places that can really achieve an increase of about 3%.

And the places that can really get an increase of about 3% are not necessarily the best places for welfare benefits.

Even last year, the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) was one of the most expensive regions in the East in a cross-provincial ranking of the cost of living in the East.

Therefore, although raising the level of pensions can make retirees live better, it cannot be used only as a criterion for judging the quality of welfare benefits in a region.

The latest pension adjustment plan in 2024 will be released, and 7,600 yuan will be refunded, which region will increase the most?

Pension is an important issue related to the lives of the majority of retirees, although the adjustment is not high, but it is not easy to keep rising in the case of rising prices. Everyone pays for social security for the sake of their future life, and the adjustment reflects the consideration of fairness in the policy. Different regions have their own emphasis on the adjustment range, which also reflects the importance that each region attaches to the welfare of the elderly.

What do you think about the pension system? 您‬所在‬地区‬养老金‬上涨‬幅度‬是‬多少‬年呢‬?