
It is not safe to study in Malaysia

author:Teacher Ada said study abroad

"What is the security environment in Malaysia, and there will be no unpleasant incidents there?"

With the increase in the number of applicants to study in Malaysia, especially students and parents who have already received offers, there must be questions like this.


About personal safety

During the period of studying in Malaysia, you must be responsible for your own safety, usually try not to go out to remote places or places with few people at night, and improve your safety awareness, which can avoid a lot of accidents.

It is not safe to study in Malaysia


Sense of making friends

During the study abroad, it is inevitable that you will make some classmates or social people. Then in the process of making friends, we must also have a sense of self-discernment and not trust others. Because in a foreign country, you also need to be cautious in making friends if you don't know the local culture, so you should not travel alone with the opposite sex, and try to stay in a place you are familiar with.

It is not safe to study in Malaysia


Usual travel problems

There are also some issues that you need to pay attention to when traveling outside of school. For example, abide by local laws and regulations, and do not do illegal and criminal things. When taking a taxi, if you want to go out, it is recommended to check the navigation to see if there is a direct subway or light rail connection, or if there is a nearby station, which is not only low-cost, but also safe.

It is not safe to study in Malaysia


On racial discrimination

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, very inclusive, during school, everyone is a student, there is not much sense of ethnic discrimination, sometimes due to differences in national culture, customs, some views are inconsistent. In short, during the study and getting along, we should respect each other, so that everyone will get along well.

It is not safe to study in Malaysia

As a new trend vane for studying abroad, domestic families who plan to study in Malaysia or have already received an offer ask whether it is safe to study here? The answer is yes, Malaysia is a country with a high level of law and order, there is no civil strife and no sanctions, ordinary international students only need to study and live normally as in China, and there will be no vicious incidents like those mentioned on the Internet.

Although it is certainly safe to study in Malaysia, as an individual, we should also pay attention to improving our awareness of prevention when we are outside, after all, protect ourselves, take care of our body, and study hard, so that parents can really put their minds at ease and start looking forward to the day when their efforts will finally pay off.

I also hope that your study life in Malaysia will be smooth and enjoyable.

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