
The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

author:Strive for ABC

"Silence is golden, opening your mouth hurts." This sentence comes from "Zengguang Xianwen", which is really a wise saying! There are times in our lives when silence really is the wisest choice. Especially for the following secrets, even in the face of those closest to you, it is best to keep your mouth shut.

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

First of all, family trivialities should not be publicized. The ancients said: "Home and everything is prosperous." "The family is the cell of society, and the harmony of the family has an important impact on the individual and the society. However, some family trivialities, especially those involving conflicts and disputes between family members, are best not to be disclosed. Because once it spreads, it will not only hurt the feelings of others, but also may cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

For example, quarrels between husband and wife, children's education, conflicts between relatives, etc., once these secrets are revealed, they may make the originally harmonious neighborhood relationship become tense, and even affect the harmony of the whole family. As "Zuo Biography" said: "Family ugliness should not be publicized." "So, family trivialities, let's keep it in my heart!

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

Secondly, personal privacy should be kept confidential. Everyone has their own privacy, which is inviolable. As Confucius said in the Analects: "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "We want our privacy to be respected, and we want to respect the privacy of others as well.

For example, personal health, love life, financial situation, etc., these are our privacy. In front of acquaintances, it is better not to reveal it easily. Because once it is leaked, it may bring trouble to yourself and even affect others. is like Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", because he leaked Jia's mother's secret, causing the entire Jia Mansion to fall into a crisis.

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

Furthermore, the shortcomings of others should not be publicized. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the shortcomings of others, like their own scars, should not be easily revealed. As the "Zengguang Xianwen" said: "If a person is not a sage, who can do nothing." "Other people's shortcomings may be their pain and lessons, so why should we uncover the scars again?

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

In front of acquaintances, especially between friends and colleagues, we should pay more attention to this. For example, colleagues' workplace mistakes, friends' emotional entanglements, etc., these shortcomings are best to bear silently and not publicly. Because once it is leaked, it will not only hurt others, but also may put yourself in an embarrassing situation.

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

Finally, state secrets must be strictly guarded. State secrets are related to national security and national interests, and must be strictly guarded. As the "Zuo Biography" said: "The affairs of the state can not be talked about lightly." "In front of acquaintances, especially when it comes to topics involving state secrets, it is important to remain silent.

In short, the more acquaintances you have, the more you can't tell the following secrets:

1. Family chores

2. Privacy

3. Weaknesses of others

4. State secrets

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously

Don't take it seriously, if these secrets are revealed, the consequences will be unimaginable. Remember, silence is golden, and opening your mouth hurts. Let's cherish our relationships with others and be a silent person! In this way, our lives will be better!

The more acquaintances you are, the more you can't tell these secrets, don't take them seriously