
Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

author:Popular science in space science


Carbon has the ability to combine with other atoms to form covalent bonds, silicon is the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust, and everything on the earth comes from carbon-based organisms.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

For a long time, many science fiction works have been filled with the image of silicon-based life, what does silicon-based life look like?

If there were no carbon on Earth, what would it be like on Earth?

About silicon-based life.

Elder pointed out that "the common reason for the occurrence of life on Earth is that life also has the ability to use silicon!"

More than 90% of the earth's material is composed of silicate minerals formed by silicon and oxygen, and there will always be a living creature that uses this substance to generate its own body.

Silicon is a very active metallic element, and most of the acids containing hexavalent oxygen can easily interact with it.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

Silicon is almost the same as carbon, which is very active, which is more conducive to the evolution of life on it.

If silicon-based life really exists, then there will be many silicon-based life forms on Earth, not just one.

Science fiction writer Plaznikov wrote: "Silicon-based life has a pair of large, semicircular eyes and a long gray antennae.

They also have a pair of shiny wings, a psychedelic glow on their bodies, slender limbs, nails on each leg, and a long lizard-like tail......"

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

But many descriptions of silicon-based life are very similar to those of life on Earth, with a pair of eyes and a few legs.

All this is just speculation, because "one only associates it with the fact that it is an organism like all living things on earth!"

Because we can glimpse only a tiny "tip" of the universe, silicon-based life can grow to any size, and if it is small, it can be crushed to death with even a piece of paper.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

The definition of this life is particularly important, it can also be like a huge grass that grows in the ground, and it also draws on the huge amount of energy in the ground!

As the best carapace weapon!

Difference Between Carbon and Silicon.

The electronic configuration of silicon is very similar to that of carbon, also by accepting and sharing electrons and combining with other elements.

The compound structure of hexavalent silicon is usually composed of silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, silicon and oxygen are combined, the bond energy of silicon-oxygen double bond is also very large, and the polymer formed by its crystal is also very stable.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

There is an oxygen atom in the silicon-oxygen tetrahedral, which has a negative charge, and the other three sides of the silicon are binary bonds with an oxygen atom, and the inner side is very large.

The properties of this structure are very stable, and silicate is a very common acidic substance, which also has the above properties.

Aluminosilicoic acid accounts for about 40 percent of the earth's crust, while water accounts for about 10 percent of it, which can also explain how stable aluminosilicate is.

This property of silicon is actually a little different, which is why silicon-based life exists.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

The electronic configuration of the carbon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p2 with only four valence electrons.

The oxide formed by the elements carbon and oxygen is very reactive and is a strong acid and a strong base.

The ligand number can reach eight, which means that carbon can also form complexes with a variety of other metal elements.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

The number of electrons in the ligand is not definite, and it can be both an electron coordination and a covalent bond can be formed.

Carbonate formed by carbon and oxygen is good for the human body, while silicate formed by silicon and oxygen is harmful to the human body.

Carbonate is needed by the human body and is the best element to prevent aging in the human body.

Silicates, on the other hand, are inorganic and harmful to the human body.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

Silicates are processed in living organisms, and the human body does not absorb them at all, nor does it cause a burden on the inside of the human body, because silicates are hydrolyzed, so the human body does not react to them.

There is also the danger of heating, the process of microbial processing of silicate will produce the danger of heating, when encountering Martian meteorite, there will be a dangerous reaction, and the earth will suffer a terrible crisis.

Carbon-based life and silicon-based life.

"Carbon-based life is not the cornerstone of all things, it is just a special substance!"

Because carbon is capable of forming bones, many types of petrified organisms are carbon-based, but not all of them are carbon-based.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

"Cholesterol is the main fossilized biomass used to form bones!"

If you talk about silicon-based organisms, then their bones will be made of quartz.

The crystalline bones of silicon-based life are also very hard, but silicon-based life is more stable and easier to preserve than carbon-based life.

However, there is another problem, that is, after silicon-based life is preserved in the earth's crust, silicon and hydroxide will flow very easily under the action of heating, and this mobility will greatly reduce the stability of silicon-based life and the probability of preservation.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

Even if it is preserved, it is difficult for geologists to find it.

Especially in other mantles or cores, if silicon-based life is preserved, it will be difficult for scientists to detect it.

Carbon-based life forms a very large number of complexes, and most silicates are not formed in carbonates.

Another reason is that silicates were present at the same time as the earth was formed, and carbonates were formed later by biological forces.

Why did the Earth choose carbon-based life over silicon-based life? What does silicon-based life look like?

To this day, silicates still occupy the commanding heights.


Carbon-based life is capable of forming complex organic matter, while silicon-based life is closer to inorganic life.

The structure of life is very important for the birth of life.

And silicon-based life is not imaginary, it is very likely to exist.