
Huawei will eventually build a car

Huawei will eventually build a car

The new product is slightly financial

2024-07-03 14:36Posted in Guangdong Finance and Economics Creator

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01Huawei transferred its Wenjie trademark and patents to Celis to increase its intangible assets.

02 Sailis is responsible for the production and manufacturing of the Wenjie car series, and Huawei has always attached great importance to trademark intellectual property rights.

03However, Huawei has made great efforts in car manufacturing and has applied for a series of trademarks named after the word "jie".

04Although Huawei has always emphasized that it will not build cars, the market generally believes that Huawei will eventually build cars.

05At present, Huawei has cooperated with different brands to test the waters, and launched different brands, car series, and models to reduce risks.

Technical support is provided by Tencent Hybrid Model

Huawei will eventually build a car

Source: New Products & Finance

Author: Wu Wenwu

Huawei's transfer of the Wenjie trademark to Cialis, is it a left-handed to right-handed, or is there another far-sighted plan?

01 Huawei transferred the Wenjie trademark to Cialis

The lively new car-making force Jianghu has another blockbuster news, Huawei transferred the Wenjie trademark to Cialis.

"New Product Strategy Finance" paid attention to the fact that on July 2, the topic of "Huawei's transfer of the Wenjie trademark to Cialis" rushed to the hot search, making Huawei and Cialis, a "husband and wife"-like partner, make financial headlines.

Cialis announced that Cialis Automobile Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Cialis Group Co., Ltd., intends to acquire 919 registered or applied text and graphic trademarks held by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and its affiliates, as well as 44 related design patents, with a total purchase price of 2.5 billion yuan.

You must know that Cialis is Huawei's earliest partner, and it is also a partner that is deeply tied to each other, Cialis is responsible for the production and manufacturing of the Wenjie car series, and the trademarks and patents of Wenjie were originally held in the hands of Huawei.

Huawei, which has always attached great importance to trademark intellectual property rights, is now willing to transfer the trademark and patent of the Wenjie system to Cialis, which will definitely be beneficial to Cialis and increase the intangible assets of Cialis.

The outside world has different opinions on Huawei's transfer of the Wenjie trademark to Cialis. There is a market view that Huawei wants to be a "hands-off shopkeeper" in the future.

Some Weibo netizens said that these designs were sold for 2.5 billion? Huawei is really good at making money, but in an environment where other industries are struggling, Huawei is making a lot of money. Another netizen said that the rhythm of breaking up?

Of course, there are many views that support Huawei, and some netizens said, I am responsible for wisdom, you are responsible for building cars, teamwork, and the world is invincible.

Huawei said that it will continue to support Cialis to build and sell the world. Huawei also reiterated that Huawei has always insisted on not building cars, but using leading intelligent connected vehicle technology to help car companies build and sell good cars.

Huawei also said that it will continue to work with car companies to create excellent smart car products for users and provide the ultimate smart travel experience.

However, this is not the first time that Huawei has transferred a car trademark to a partner. The trademark of the Xiangjie brand, which Huawei cooperated with BAIC New Energy, was also originally held by Huawei. In May this year, Huawei transferred the Xiangjie trademark to BAIC New Energy.

In April this year, Chery transferred its registered Zhijie and Aojie trademarks to Huawei, and two months later, Huawei transferred two Zhijie trademarks for transportation vehicles to Chery.

Although Huawei is not going to build cars in person, it has made great efforts to build cars, and has done a good job in trademark and intellectual property protection.

According to public information, since 2023, Huawei has applied for a series of trademarks named after the word "Jie", including Zhijie, Yuejie, Youjie, Haojie, Hejie, and Aojie.

02 Embarrassing Huawei car

To this day, the three keywords of Huawei, Huawei's automobiles, and Huawei's cars still seem to be closely related, but they seem to be contradictory.

Huawei's earliest exploration in the automotive field was in 2014, when Huawei established a pre-exploration department for smart cars and began to tackle smart car technologies.

Later, due to US sanctions, Huawei put the automotive business on the agenda, and Huawei's car BU business was established.

Huawei has been investing in R&D in its automotive business. Public data shows that from 2019 to the present, the cumulative R&D investment has exceeded 30 billion yuan. From 2021 to 2023, Huawei's car BU business lost 10 billion yuan, 8 billion yuan, and 6 billion yuan, respectively.

Huawei's car-making business has three main business models. The first is the component supply model. The second is the HI model, that is, Huawei's full-stack solution, which mainly cooperates with BAIC, Changan, and GAC. The third is the smart car model, which is Huawei's control over the design, R&D, and sales process of the cooperative car, and the cooperation between Huawei and Celis is the third model, which is also Huawei's most successful model so far.

Huawei's new power car is definitely a big torrent and top stream in the current industry. According to the data, in the first half of 2024, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered a total of 194207 vehicles, and on the whole, it ranked first in the sales list of new car-making forces in the first half of the year, and in June alone, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,141 vehicles.

Among them, the sales volume of the Wenjie series cooperated by Huawei and Celis performed the best, with monthly deliveries exceeding 40,000, a record high. Among them, AITO Wenjie M9 delivered 17,241 units last month, with a total of more than 100,000 units; AITO delivered 18,493 units of the new M7 last month, and the cumulative sales in the first half of the year exceeded 110,000.

At present, Huawei is vigorously promoting its cooperation with BAIC New Energy Xiangjie S9 model, which is directly aimed at the 500,000-level sedan market. According to some sources, the number of large orders for this model has approached 100,000 units since its launch. BAIC BJEV said that the expected sales volume of the Xiangjie S9 in five years is 480,000 units.

Of course, cars with the Huawei label are not omnipotent, such as the extreme fox launched by Huawei and BAIC Blue Valley, and the AVATR launched by Changan, the sales of these two brands of cars are far less than expected, and they are completely niche models, and the extreme fox is basically invisible on the road.

Whether it is the question world or the enjoyment world, it is all with the blessing of the Huawei label, the Huawei halo effect is released, and consumers will not pay too much attention to who produced it, only know that it is a car bought in a Huawei store, and they will recognize it as a Huawei car.

Especially when there is an accident in the Wenjie model, such as the Wenjie rear-end fire that occurred in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province in April this year, the outside world has different opinions, and the accident becomes Wenjie, which seems to have nothing to do with Huawei.

In the eyes of the outside world, Huawei does not make cars, but it is better than making cars, and it is this close and delicate cooperative relationship that has made Huawei cars very embarrassed.

03 Huawei will build cars after all

Today, the market is still most concerned about the old question: Will Huawei build a car?

The last time there was a heated discussion on whether Huawei makes cars or not was on March 31, 2023, in response to the hot topic of Huawei's car manufacturing from the outside world, Huawei issued another internal announcement on the automotive business decision, which was signed by Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, once again emphasizing that Huawei does not make cars and is valid for 5 years.

More importantly, at that time, the above-mentioned document put forward strict requirements for the exposure of Huawei's logo on the design of the car, emphasizing that Huawei/HUAWEI should not be used to appear in the publicity and appearance of the whole vehicle.

When Huawei first focused on the field of car manufacturing and smart cars, it was ten years ago, when China's new energy vehicle industry was just starting, and Huawei, the world's top technology company, naturally had a strong industry forward-looking.

From a few years ago, a number of new car-making forces such as Weilai, Xiaopeng, and Ideal have sprung up, and these new car-making forces were the first to get involved, and after fierce competition, a large number of new car-making forces have fallen, leaving behind the current new car-making forces.

Obviously, the development speed of China's new energy vehicle industry is not only far beyond the imagination of new car manufacturers, but also beyond the imagination of joint ventures and luxury brand car companies.

Data shows that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China has exceeded 50%, in April this year, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles of Chinese brands reached 66.8%, and some research reports predict that the penetration rate of China's new energy vehicle market will reach 90% by 2035.

Nowadays, China's new energy vehicle industry has experienced a period of market cultivation and education, and in this process, the market changes the fastest, the biggest challenges, and the most impossible to control factors, which is why many car companies are looking forward to it.

At this stage of development, of course, Huawei is in a state of exploration and wait-and-see, for example, the market performance of the first-generation model cooperated by Huawei and Cialis is not good, and it was not until the second-generation model Wenjie series became popular, which is closely related to market environment factors.

Another representative new force in car manufacturing is Xiaomi Auto, which announced its car manufacturing three years ago, and it was not until this year's first car Xiaomi SU7 was launched, and the first model of Xiaomi Auto was on the market, and now the market heat has cooled down significantly, and these Huawei and Yu Chengdong naturally see it in their eyes.

At this stage, Huawei cooperates with different brands to test the waters, launching different brands, different car series and models, which is a win-win cooperation on the surface, but in fact it is also a kind of risk transfer for Huawei.

However, as China's new energy vehicle industry enters a deep water period of development, the industry knockout competition is also accelerating, and the market environment will also change.

Whether it is from Huawei's brand influence, technical reserves, or Huawei's experience in cooperating in the field of car manufacturing for so many years, Huawei has long had the strength to build cars in person, but Huawei is waiting for the best time to cut in.

A veteran of the automotive industry told "New Product Finance" that for Huawei, the current state is actually better, Huawei's current car manufacturing model is a controllable and feasible model, and it is not easy to make too many enemies, but it is expected that Huawei will eventually build a car, and the specific time is not easy to predict, it can be long or short.

More importantly, from the perspective of the market and consumers, they actually expect Huawei to build cars before they can buy real Huawei cars.

Although Huawei is still reiterating that it will not build cars, what about after the announcement period of enterprise business decision-making, which is valid for 5 years?

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  • Huawei will eventually build a car

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