
Be suspicious of fracture infection osteomyelitis: the symptoms are insidious but harmful

author:Dr. Zhang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics

Osteomyelitis, a serious but often overlooked disease, is quietly affecting the health of many people. So, what are the typical symptoms of osteomyelitis patients?

Be suspicious of fracture infection osteomyelitis: the symptoms are insidious but harmful

First, people with osteomyelitis tend to experience localized pain. The pain may be a dull pain that is constant or a sharp stabbing pain, especially when the pain is exacerbated with activity or pressure. The pain is usually fixed and may worsen as the disease progresses.

Secondly, fever is one of the common symptoms. Patients may have an unexplained high fever with a temperature of more than 38°C, accompanied by general symptoms such as chills and fatigue.

Local redness and swelling are also typical of osteomyelitis. The skin in the affected area becomes red, swollen, warm, and sometimes a noticeable bump can be felt.

Be suspicious of fracture infection osteomyelitis: the symptoms are insidious but harmful

If osteomyelitis occurs at the metaphysis of a bone, it can affect joint mobility, causing joint stiffness and limited movement.

In addition, patients with osteomyelitis may also have sinus tract formation. Pus often flows out of the sinus tract with a foul odor because inflammation causes tissue necrosis and liquefaction to form channels.

Be suspicious of fracture infection osteomyelitis: the symptoms are insidious but harmful

It is important to note that the symptoms of osteomyelitis may vary depending on individual differences and different stages of the disease. Early symptoms may be mild and easy to ignore, but if left untreated, osteomyelitis can lead to bone necrosis, pathological fractures, and even serious complications such as sepsis, causing great suffering and health risks to patients.

Therefore, when the above symptoms appear in the body, especially in the case of trauma and infection, we should be highly alert to the possibility of osteomyelitis, seek medical attention in time, and carry out relevant examinations and treatments to avoid further deterioration of the condition.

Let's pay attention to osteomyelitis, care for health, and stay away from the troubles of illness!