
Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons


Hey, friends, have you heard of the "counterattack goddess" who came out of Peking University? She, Liu Yuanyuan, is a woman with an extraordinary story hidden in her name. is not relying on her appearance to get out of the circle, nor is she relying on her family background, she was stunned because she did not admit defeat, she shined on the podium, and then switched to live broadcasting, and made a lot of money in five months. But today, what we want to talk about is not only her brilliant achievements, but also the sudden "skin care product turmoil", and behind this, the contest between human nature and fame and fortune. Are you ready? Let's uncover the fog behind this, and see how this "goddess" dances in the wind and rain, and how she finds herself in the midst of controversy.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

The first paragraph: Peking University talented woman, the road to counterattack

Thinking back then, Liu Yuanyuan was still a student who worked silently in the mansion of Peking University, who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary girl had a sea of stars hidden in her heart. She was unwilling to accept the status quo, bravely stood on the stage of "Super Speaker", and used a self-deprecation of "I don't even have a door at home", which instantly ignited the audience. It is not only self-deprecation, but also a declaration of war against the injustice of fate, a firm defense of self-worth. Her speech, every word and every sentence pierced her heart, was like a sharp sword that split the thorns that hindered her progress. In the end, she won the championship with her outstanding performance and became the center of attention. At that moment, she was no longer the obscure Peking University student, but an inspirational example of counterattack success.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

My opinion: Liu Yuanyuan's counterattack is undoubtedly the best interpretation of the phrase "hard work is more important than talent". She used her own experience to tell us that no matter what your background is, as long as you have dreams, courage, and perseverance, you can rewrite your destiny. How can she not be admired like this?

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

The second paragraph: Switch to live broadcast and bring the queen of goods

After gaining a firm foothold in the speech world, Liu Yuanyuan did not stop. She keenly captured the trend of live streaming and resolutely devoted herself to it. With the good image and strong fan base accumulated in front of the public before, she soon emerged in the field of live streaming. From books to daily necessities, from beauty products to household goods, her live broadcast room is always lively, and sales have reached new highs. In just five months, she has won 100 million yuan and become a veritable queen of goods. At that time, she seemed to be standing at the pinnacle of her life, enjoying the aura and glory brought by fame and fortune.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

My Evaluation: Liu Yuanyuan's transformation path has demonstrated her extraordinary business acumen and keen market insight. She is able to keep up with the trend of the times, seize the opportunity, and achieve another leap in self-worth. In this way, she is undoubtedly an outstanding representative of women in the new era.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

The third paragraph: the storm is sudden, and the credibility is in crisis

However, the good times were short-lived. With the intensification of competition in the live streaming industry, consumers' requirements for products are getting higher and higher. A skin care product that was highly recommended by Liu Yuanyuan was questioned and complained by consumers because of inconsistencies in ingredients and exaggerated effects. This sudden turmoil, like a sudden storm, made Liu Yuanyuan's live broadcast room instantly fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. In the face of consumer anger and disappointment, she could have chosen to apologize, compensate, and recover her losses, but unfortunately, her company chose to countersue consumers for infringement. This move undoubtedly damaged her image even more, and also put her credibility into an unprecedented crisis.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

My opinion: In this turmoil, Liu Yuanyuan's choice is embarrassing. As a public figure, she should cherish her feathers more, be responsible to consumers, and be responsible to the public. Instead of choosing to escape and confrontation when something goes wrong. Such an approach will only make her lose the trust and support of more people.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

Paragraph 4: Reflection and growth, finding oneself

After experiencing this turmoil, Liu Yuanyuan began to reflect on her actions and choices. She realized that no matter how much she achieves, she must not forget her original intention and integrity. As a result, she began to actively face the problem and took the initiative to communicate with consumers to negotiate solutions to solve the problem. At the same time, she is also more focused on improving her professionalism and product quality control capabilities, and strives to provide consumers with more high-quality and reliable products and services. In the process, she gradually regained her sense of self-worth and direction, and also won the trust and respect of consumers.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed

My insight: Liu Yuanyuan's reflection and growth road tells us a truth: life cannot be smooth sailing, and there will always be setbacks and difficulties. But as long as we can face it bravely, reflect positively, and continue to learn and grow, we can overcome difficulties, get out of difficulties, and find our own stage and light again.

Liu Yuanyuan, a talented woman from Peking University: After becoming an Internet celebrity for 5 months, she made 100 million yuan, and finally harmed herself because of greed


Looking back at Liu Yuanyuan's experience, it is not difficult to find that her life is like a TV series full of ups and downs, full of challenges and opportunities, success and failure, glory and shame. But it was these experiences that shaped her tenacity and wisdom that allowed her to thrive in the midst of storms. Now, standing at a new starting point, we have reason to believe that Liu Yuanyuan will continue to move forward with a more mature mentality and firmer beliefs, and write a more brilliant chapter on the road of life. At the same time, her story also brings us a profound inspiration: no matter what situation you are in, we must maintain a heart of heart and integrity, and win the respect and trust of others with sincerity and hard work. Because only in this way can we go further, more stable and more wonderful in the journey of life!

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