
In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

author:Soy milk is a joy to read
In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong
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In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

In the history of Chinese television, the 86 version of "Journey to the West" is undoubtedly an immortal monument. However, in this classic, there is a little-known secret.

The scene that impressed the audience - Sun Wukong defeated the nine-tailed fox majestically, was actually not played by the well-known six-year-old child. An obscure behind-the-scenes hero, with his superb makeup skills and excellent acting, perfectly portrays the role.

His face is covered with hair and he wears a special mask, which is difficult for even attentive viewers to perceive. This secret has been hidden for nearly 40 years.

It is only today that we were able to unravel this mystery and get to know the artist, Ren Fengpo.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

In the vast art project of "Journey to the West", Ren Fengpo plays an indispensable role. As an assistant director, he is not only Director Yang Jie's right-hand man, but also a versatile performer.

In front of the camera, he played multiple roles, vividly interpreting the affection of the yellow-robed monster, the majesty of Lingji Bodhisattva and the solemnity of the abbot of Tianzhu Kingdom. This ability to switch back and forth between the front and back of the curtain shows Ren Fengpo's outstanding talent and professionalism.

However, Ren Fengpo's contribution goes far beyond that. In the early days of filming "Journey to the West", although the young six-year-old child was talented in imitating monkeys' movements, he was still a little jerky in professional performance.

With his rich experience, Ren Fengpo patiently guided the six young children and helped him gradually improve the role of Monkey King. From expressions to actions, from lines to emotions, Ren Fengpo taught him everything.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

It was this relationship of teacher and friend that made the six-year-old child affectionately call Ren Fengpo "a good teacher and a helpful friend" in the future.

In the entire crew, Ren Fengpo and another assistant director, Xun Hao, became Director Yang Jie's most trusted assistants. Not only do they work silently behind the scenes, coordinating the work of all parties, but they can also stand up at critical moments to make up for the lack of actors.

Whether directing the performance or going into battle in person, Ren Fengpo and Xun Hao have shown all-round talents.

This ability to be a generalist played a huge role in the six-year-long filming process. When many actors left after completing their roles, and many staff members chose to quit because they couldn't stand the difficult environment, Ren Fengpo and Xun Hao always stuck to the crew.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

They worked tirelessly and fearlessly to realize their artistic ideals with Director Yang Jie.

Ren Fengpo's dedication is not only reflected in his multiple identities, but also in his persistent pursuit of every detail. Whether it's the work of a director or an actor, he puts his heart and soul into perfection.

It is this spirit that has laid a solid foundation for the success of "Journey to the West", and has also made Ren Fengpo an indispensable hero behind this classic work.

In 1982, the crew of "Journey to the West" started filming and embarked on a six-year arduous filming journey. This is not only a film and television creation, but also a cultural exploration across the country.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

From the desert in the north to the jungle in the south, from the coast in the east to the plateau in the west, the crew has footprints all over the land of China, just to present the most real and shocking Chinese style.

However, the journey was anything but an easy one. The crew faced various challenges: harsh natural environment, limited filming equipment, and tight human resources. In this case, each crew member had to wear many hats.

Ren Fengpo is one of them, he is not only an assistant director, but also an actor, and even serves as a stand-in when needed.

Imagine that in a day's work, Ren Fengpo may still be explaining the script to the actors in the morning, change into costumes and start performing in the afternoon, and have to study the shooting plan for the next day in the evening.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

This rapid role change requires not only a high level of professionalism, but also strong adaptability and professionalism.

During the filming process, the crew often had to face the test of extreme weather. Sometimes it's scorching sun, sometimes it's pouring rain, and even shooting in the water on a cold winter day.

But no matter how difficult the environment was, Ren Fengpo and the rest of the crew insisted on the highest standards and did not allow the quality of the work to be compromised because of difficulties.

Over time, many actors left after completing their roles, and many staff members chose to quit because they couldn't bear the hardships of being away for a long time.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

However, core members such as Ren Fengpo and Xun Hao have always stuck to the crew. They are not afraid of hardships and difficulties, just to create a real masterpiece.

For every shot, they poured all their hearts and souls. Whether it is the modeling design of the character, or the layout of the scene, or even a subtle expression, it has been repeatedly scrutinized and polished.

This persistent pursuit of details has finally achieved the classic status of "Journey to the West".

In the past six years, the crew members have not only improved their professional skills, but also experienced a spiritual baptism. They have learned to work together, to overcome difficulties, and to persevere for their artistic ideals.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

This experience has made "Journey to the West" not only an excellent TV series, but also an important milestone in the history of Chinese television.

Ren Fengpo and other crew members contributed not only for a work, but also to promote the development of China's television industry. Their efforts and persistence have set an example for later film and television workers, and also laid the foundation for the development of Chinese TV dramas.

Ren Fengpo's life can be said to be completely dedicated to China's film and television industry. His love and dedication to the performing arts is not only reflected in "Journey to the West", but also throughout his career.

In the work "Journey to the West", Ren Fengpo showed his amazing acting talent. From the cunning yellow-robed monster to the powerful Lingji Bodhisattva, to the solemn abbot of Tianzhu Kingdom, every role has been vividly interpreted by him, making the audience unbelievable that these completely different characters are from the same person.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

However, Ren Fengpo's talent is not limited to acting. As an assistant director, his behind-the-scenes efforts are also indispensable. He not only assisted director Yang Jie in managing the crew, but also personally participated in the creation of every link.

From the scrutiny of the script to the design of the scene, from the guidance of the actors to the post-production, Ren Fengpo has poured his wisdom and sweat.

What's even more admirable is that even after the broadcast of "Journey to the West", which was a huge success, Ren Fengpo was not intoxicated by fame and fortune. Instead, he chose to continue working in obscurity, putting his talent and passion into subsequent film and television creations.

This attitude of not pursuing personal fame and fortune, but only focusing on art itself, is a true portrayal of Ren Fengpo's artistic spirit.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

Ren Fengpo knows that the real artistic value does not lie in the temporary fame, but in the quality of the work itself and the impact on the audience. Therefore, even after "Journey to the West", he still maintains his pure pursuit of art, constantly exploring and innovating.

This spirit is also infectious. Under the influence of Ren Fengpo, the entire crew has formed an atmosphere of pursuit of excellence and unremitting efforts. Everyone puts the quality of the work first, regardless of personal gains and losses, and this atmosphere eventually became one of the important factors in the success of "Journey to the West".

Ren Fengpo's life is a history of art that is silently dedicated. He used his practical actions to interpret what is the true spirit of an artist. In his view, artistic creation is not for personal fame and fortune, but to bring beauty to the audience and contribute to the development of China's film and television industry.

This spirit of selfless dedication will forever inspire future film and television workers to continue to move forward.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

For Ren Fengpo and other participants in "Journey to the West", this work is far more than a film and television project, but an unforgettable life journey. Six years of filming has not only made a classic, but also left an indelible mark in the hearts of every participant.

In this long creative process, the crew members have formed a deep friendship. They have experienced countless difficulties and challenges together, supported each other, and grown together.

This kind of experience of sharing hardships and hardships makes their relationship far more than ordinary colleagues, more like a warm family.

At the same time, this experience also gave them a deeper understanding of artistic creation. They experienced first-hand the hardships and joys of artistic creation, and realized the importance of perseverance and teamwork.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

These valuable experiences have become the motivation and guidance for them to continue to move forward on the road of art in the future.

When "Journey to the West" was an unprecedented success after it was broadcast, Ren Fengpo and other behind-the-scenes workers were not in a hurry to share this glory. They know that true satisfaction comes from the creative process itself, not from outside praise.

This pure pursuit of art is the key to "Journey to the West" becoming a classic.

The success of "Journey to the West" is not only reflected in the ratings, but also in its far-reaching impact on the development of Chinese TV dramas. It has set a new benchmark and inspired future creators to push themselves through and create more excellent works.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

For Ren Fengpo, every scene and performance of "Journey to the West" has been deeply engraved in his life. This experience has become his most precious life treasure, and it has also allowed him to always maintain his love and pursuit of art in his future artistic creation.

On February 20, 2024, a heart-wrenching news came: Ren Fengpo passed away due to illness at the age of 83. This artist, who has silently dedicated most of his life to the Chinese film and television industry, finally left us.

Hearing this news, the six young children who have worked with Ren Fengpo for many years were full of grief. During Ren Fengpo's serious illness, Liu Xiaolingtong visited his old friend in the hospital many times, praying for his safe recovery.

However, fate ruthlessly took away this mentor and friend.

In the 86 version of "Journey to the West", another performing artist passed away, and he played the yellow-robed monster and used it as a stand-in for Wukong

Ren Fengpo's departure is not only a personal loss for Liu Xiaolingtong, but also a major loss for the entire Chinese film and television industry. His talent, his professionalism, and his artistic pursuit will forever be engraved in the history of Chinese film and television.

From the multi-role interpretation in "Journey to the West" to the obscure efforts behind the scenes, Ren Fengpo has spent his life interpreting what is the true spirit of an artist.

Although he is gone, his legacy and legacy will forever inspire future generations. His attitude of not pursuing personal fame and fortune, but only focusing on art itself, will always be an example for Chinese film and television workers to learn.

Let us always remember this great artist, whose story will live on forever and whose spirit will always shine. Although Ren Fengpo is gone, his contribution to the Chinese film and television industry will always be remembered.

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