
The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

author:Apple says entertainment

In this era of pursuit of perfection, the goddesses of the entertainment industry are always glamorous and enviable. However, when the camera zooms in and the beauty closes, we are surprised to find that these perfect goddesses also have unknown troubles.

Just like ordinary people, they can also be anxious because of their body shape. Liu Yifei, an actress known as the "fairy sister", has conquered countless audiences with her stunning beauty since her debut.

Her face has been described as "the incomparable presence of the country's beauty and fragrance", and her angelic face always amazes people. However, when we moved our eyes from her perfect face to her figure, we found some unexpected "flaws".

The most surprising thing is Liu Yifei's shoulder problem. When she donned a straight-shoulder gown, the serious problem of slipping shoulders was exposed. Some fans exclaimed: "Why didn't you find that the shoulder slip was so serious before?" This question even affected her overall image on the red carpet, making people wonder whether the choice of stylist was really appropriate.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

In order to improve this problem, it is said that Liu Yifei began to go in and out of the gym frequently, trying to improve his figure by exercising. At the same time, Song Qian, as the first Chinese artist to debut as a captain in South Korea, has always been known for her strength and talent.

However, even if she is so good, she has her own body troubles. Song Qian's biggest headache is that her crotch is too wide. In a fan pick-up, Song Qian wore a hip-wrapping skirt, and the whole person looked extremely strong.

The experience made her aware of her problem, and since then, she has rarely worn leggings in public. Jiang Shuying's situation is more straightforward. , an actor who enjoys a "goddess-level" status in the entertainment industry, actually bluntly laughed at himself: "I am a person without a waist."

Although Jiang Shuying has enviable long legs, when she stands next to other stars, the problem of her waist becomes particularly obvious. Even with the waistband tightened to the shortest, her waistline still can't be compared to other actresses.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

These examples tell us that even celebrities who are known as the goddess of perfection have their own body troubles. They are glamorous in front of the camera, but behind them they have to put in unimaginable efforts.

Everyone has their own imperfections, and celebrities are no exception. Perhaps, it is these "flaws" that make these unreachable goddesses more real and closer to us ordinary people.

In the entertainment industry, age seems to have become a taboo topic. Celebrities desperately try to maintain their youthful appearance, but this often comes at a huge cost. This contradiction between age and appearance is especially obvious in some female stars.

Chen Turin is a typical example. Despite approaching 35 years old, her face still looks like a 17-year-old girl. As the article said: "Don't look at her age, she is about to run to 35, but no one dares to question her face when she says she is 17 years old."

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

The "little ear" she played in the movie "Left Ear" is impressive, and the temperament of a young heroine seems to stay on her forever. However, what is hidden under this baby face is a distressing body problem.

Chen Turin was too thin, so thin that there was hardly a trace of fat. As the article described: "There is no meat on the body, and the place where it should grow is not long..."At a red carpet event, her figure was described as "ribs", which aroused the attention and concern of netizens.

Even more surprising is Chen Turin's trapezius problems. The article mentions: "I'm not kidding! This trapezius muscle is bigger than my pillow, because Chen Duling's figure is originally thin, and the trapezius muscle is very strong.

This incongruity in figure contrasts sharply with her youthful face. Similar to Chen Duling, Zhao Liying has also attracted attention because of her baby face. Her round face is reminiscent of first love, giving people a sense of youth.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

However, Zhao Liying's biggest worry is her height. The article revealed: "Don't look at her official figure of more than 1.6 meters, but in real life, it is an exaggeration to have a 1.5 meter." In order not to look short in front of the camera, she often had to shoot with the help of raised insoles or standing on a box.

This contradiction between age and appearance reflects the harsh requirements of the entertainment industry for women's appearance. In order to maintain a youthful image, celebrities have to resort to various means, sometimes even at the expense of their health.

As the article sighed at the end: "It seems that the female snails are treated equally and fairly, although we don't have the life to be stars, but we are thin like a monkey...."This can't help but make people think, behind the pursuit of eternal youth, is it worth paying such a high price? In today's prevalence of social media, "Internet celebrity body" has become a sought after target for many people.

However, reality is often far from perfection under the filter. Even stars in the entertainment industry can't escape the troubles of body trouble. Yuan Shanshan is a typical example.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

She became popular because of her display of "vest line" and became the only actress in the entertainment industry who became popular because of her abdominal muscles. As stated in the article: "Yuan Shanshan filmed so many dramas back then, but they didn't become popular, but they became popular because of the 'vest line' in a certain year, and she was also the only person in the entertainment industry with a fire vest line."

This figure has been the envy of countless people and is considered a representative of sex appeal and sturdyness. However, when the camera zoomed out, netizens were surprised to find that Yuan Shanshan's legs were unexpectedly thick.

The article bluntly pointed out: "Where is this person who has a vest line? Isn't this an 'elephant's leg'? "This huge contrast between the upper and lower bodies is confusing. The reason may be that Yuan Shanshan, as a fitness novice, pays too much attention to abdominal training and ignores the balanced development of the whole body.

As the article analyzed: "It may be that Yuan Shanshan has always liked fitness to shape her body at that time, and as a fitness novice, she may have made a mistake and directly made her legs appear thicker."

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

"What's even more shocking is the huge difference between Yuan Shanshan's photos before and after retouching. The article described: "Now I finally know why brokers spend a lot of money to invite professional people to retouch pictures, it turns out that there is such a big contrast between the before and after the approval of the pictures!" "After professional retouching, those thick leg muscles seem to have disappeared by magic, and they are replaced by slender and beautiful legs.

This can't help but make people sigh at the strength of the "money ability". However, Yuan Shanshan is not the only star who is trapped by her figure. Even Liu Yifei, who is known as the "fairy sister", cannot escape the trouble of "elephant legs".

The article mentioned: "It may be the reason why she has been dancing since elementary school, in the end, the calf muscles are much more developed than ordinary female stars, especially when she wears leggings, it is everyone's laughing stock."

This "flaw" in figure is in stark contrast to Liu Yifei's angelic face. These examples show us that the so-called "influencer body" is often just the product of lenses and filters.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

In real life, even celebrities face various body problems. As the article lamented at the end: "Looking down from the top, a surprise and a fright, I can only say that God is fair..."This reminds us that it is important to learn to accept our imperfections, rather than blindly pursuing an illusory perfect body.

In the entertainment industry, having a pair of long legs seems to be the standard for female stars. However, even celebrities who are known for their beautiful legs have their own troubles. The problem of body proportions often becomes an insurmountable obstacle for them.

Yang Mi is a typical example. Her long legs have always been a topic of conversation among fans, and they are also the capital for her to show off confidently. As described in the article: "Yang Mi's figure and face are really incomparable, with thin arms and legs and fair skin, Yang Mi's fans are intoxicated."

Her confidence is not only reflected in her daily wear, but also in her aura when she is on the same stage with other actresses. However, careful netizens found that there were actually some problems with Yang Mi's leg shape.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

The article pointed out: "But slowly, netizens found that Yang Mi's figure was a little uncoordinated, especially her legs and arms were obviously a little expanded, and her legs seemed to be very unstraight. This discovery sparked heated discussions among netizens, and some even directly questioned: "If you don't understand, just ask, is this an internal eight or an external expansion?" Such comments undoubtedly brought a lot of trouble to Yang Mi.

This problem even affected Yang Mi's daily clothing choices. The article mentioned: "Find out why Yang Mi doesn't like to wear shorts when fans pick up the plane, because in this case, more people will find that her legs are not straight, especially when she walks."

Similarly, Liu Yifei, who is known as the "fairy sister", is also facing similar troubles. Although she has an angelic face, her figure is not as perfect as she imagined. The article described: "Obviously such a fairy face, it seems that God is fair, giving an angel face does not give a perfect body, this is balanced."

Her legs, in particular, often become the focus of discussion among netizens. Some fans even bluntly said that Liu Yifei is an "elephant leg", which is undoubtedly a blow to an actress known for her beauty.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

These examples show us that even celebrities who are considered to have the perfect body have their own troubles. Long legs do not equal perfection, the coordination of body proportions is the key.

However, we also have to reflect on why such a demanding standard is required of a woman's figure. Everyone's body structure is unique, and we should learn to appreciate different types of beauty.

Faced with various body "defects", the stars and their teams have developed a unique set of coping strategies, that is, through clever clothing choices and styling design to cover up the shortcomings and highlight the strengths.

This technique has become an indispensable art in the entertainment circle. Song Qian knows this well. To hide her wide crotch, she often opts for high-waisted jeans.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

As the article said: "In fact, Song Qian definitely knows all aspects of her figure, and she also knows that her crotch is relatively wide, so she will wear high-waisted jeans." "This design not only flatters the proportions of the body, but also visually lengthens the leg line.

However, this choice also brings new problems. The article pointed out: "But will it look more waistless, this time the crotch is no waist and there is no waist, and there is a big cylinder body left...."Jiang Shuying adopted another strategy.

As a self-proclaimed "waistless" actress, she almost never wears waistless outfits on the red carpet. The article described: "That's why others like to wear tight-fitting dresses on the red carpet, but Jiang Shuying doesn't dare to wear waistless dresses, almost all of them are long skirts with one line."

"This design is a good way to disguise the lack of waist and highlight her elegance at the same time. Zhao's case highlights the importance of professional stylists. In the early days, due to the limited level of stylists, Zhao Liying's image was often affected.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

The article pointed out: "Don't look at her soft face and white skin, but her figure is the most worrying thing, one is because she is too thin, there is no flesh on her body, and the place where she should grow is not long..."

This makes people realize how important a good styling team is to a star. These examples tell us that in the entertainment industry, clothing and styling are not only decorations, but also an art that hides flaws and highlights advantages.

A proper outfit and a clever look can be the key to a star's perfect image in front of the camera. However, this also reflects the excessive attention paid to the appearance of the entertainment industry and the efforts of stars to maintain their image.

Looking at the stories of these stars, we can't help but sigh: it turns out that the glamorous goddesses also have the same troubles as ordinary people. They are anxious about their body and their appearance, and they don't even dare to eat an extra grain of rice for fear of gaining weight.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

As the article said: "On the contrary, these glamorous female stars who don't worry about having no money to spend don't dare to eat a grain of rice all day long, for fear that they weigh more than five catties, who knows." "This pressure for perfection may be even greater than we think.

Celebrities not only have to face public scrutiny, but also compare themselves with their peers and always look their best. As mentioned in the article: "Every time Liu Yifei walks the red carpet, she will look like she has no temperament, only this face can support the spirit of the whole person."

This kind of pressure makes them have to put in unimaginable efforts. The experience of these celebrities tells us that perfection is often just the appearance, and the real world is the most moving.

Whether it is Liu Yifei's slippery shoulders or Jiang Shuying's "waistless", these so-called "defects" just make them more real and closer to us ordinary people.

The perfect goddess is all fake! The crotch is wide and waistless, the face is stiff and acne, and the raw picture exposes the "truth of the world"

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