
The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

author:CSR Kanyu


Speaking of the mystery of the universe, the mysterious veil on the moon - lunar soil, really makes scientists greedy.

Since Chang'e-5 brought back this "local specialty", the topic of lunar soil distribution has been very lively, especially the "battle for lunar soil" between Shandong University and Harbin Institute of Technology, which has made the people who eat melons talk about it.

Today, let's talk about the story behind this, take a look at the mystery of the lunar soil distribution mechanism, and the scientific research "rivers and lakes" of the two brothers, Shandong University and Harbin Institute of Technology.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Interpretation of the lunar soil distribution mechanism

When it comes to the distribution of lunar soil, it is not a simple "reward for meritorious deeds", there is a lot of knowledge in it.

Scientific research planning, research direction, and team strength must be weighed.

For example, some colleges and universities may have a hand in lunar mineralogy, while others specialize in the evolution of the lunar environment, which is like a martial arts conference, where masters from all walks of life show their talents.

Shandong University and Harbin Institute of Technology, one is deeply engaged in the chemical composition of lunar soil, and the other is unique in spacecraft design, each with its own merits.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

The reason why the public has the misunderstanding of "rewarding meritorious deeds" is, in the final analysis, the utilitarian trend in society that is troubled.

Scientific research, that is about diversity and complexity.

Just like cooking, different ingredients and different heat conditions can make a good table.

Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have long said that lunar soil research is a systematic project, and every gram of lunar soil carries the painstaking efforts of scientific researchers, and the distribution must naturally be carefully calculated, not only to take care of the balanced development of various fields, but also to ensure that resources are used on the cutting edge.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

The history of Shandong University in lunar soil research

Shandong University, that has been eyeing the "fat" of lunar soil for a long time.

Since 2021, they have set up a special scientific research team and invested a lot of resources in order to get a share of this scientific research feast.

At that time, lunar soil research was still a blue ocean, and Shandong University was keenly aware of the opportunity and made a decisive layout, which was not inferior to the investment bosses of Wall Street.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

After some hard work, Shandong University has harvested three precious lunar soils, which is big news in scientific research circles.

They have not only published many articles in top international journals, but also put forward many new theories to contribute to lunar science.

This achievement is like planting a scientific research banner on the moon, allowing the world to see the power of China's scientific research.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Comparison of Shandong University and Harbin Institute of Technology

When it comes to Harbin Institute of Technology, it is really the "leader" of the aerospace industry.

From rocket launches to satellite communications, the name of Harbin Institute of Technology is almost equal to aerospace technology.

Their scientific research achievements are like bright stars, dotted in the sky of aerospace.

But Shandong University has taken a different approach, and they are unique in the analysis of the chemical composition of lunar soil, like finding an untapped gold mine on the surface of the moon.

The difference between the two schools is like a swordsman and boxer in a martial arts novel, each proficient in a stunt.

Shandong University may not be as dazzling as Harbin Institute of Technology in the field of aerospace, but it can take the lead in the study of lunar soil, which is the charm of scientific research, and every seed has the opportunity to bloom a different flower.

The role of Zeng Xiaojia, the head of lunar soil research

Zeng Xiaojia, whose name sounds like Lao Wang's scientific research master next door, is actually a "sweeping monk" in the lunar soil research circle.

His scientific research resume is called a brilliant one, just like a peerless master in martial arts novels, usually hiding his merits and fame, and when he makes a shot at a critical moment, he is a shock.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

This time, Zeng Daxia, as the person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, appeared in everyone's field of vision with the heavy responsibility of the second batch of lunar soils.

And he chose to join hands with Shandong University, and the knowledge in this is great.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Shandong University, the name sounds unpretentious, but the scientific research strength of people is leveraged.

Zeng Xiaojia is interested in the momentum and potential of the new generation of Shanda.

This is like a martial arts master who has fallen in love with a talented young man, ready to pass on a few unique tricks to the rivers and lakes together.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

This kind of cross-disciplinary alliance is like the most exciting bridge in martial arts novels - masters of different schools compete in martial arts, and each confrontation can create different sparks and inspire new inspiration and breakthroughs.

The cooperation between Zeng Xiaojia and Shandong University is not only a simple scientific research team, but also like the leader of the martial arts alliance personally ending up and leading a group of enthusiastic young people to explore the unknown world together.

This kind of spirit, this kind of courage, people can't help but praise them.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

After all, on the road of scientific research, people with lofty ideals go hand in hand, and they can always go further and fly higher.

Therefore, when Zeng Xiaojia appeared on the stage of lunar soil research together with the name of Shandong University, we not only saw the power of science, but also felt a spirit of transcending boundaries and pursuing excellence.

This may be the charm of scientific research.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Looking forward to future lunar soil research

The scientists at Shandong University are all modern versions of "Sherlock Holmes", and they are desperate to pursue the secrets of lunar soil! What they have in their hearts is not only the love of science, but also the longing for the unknown world.

This is like the martial arts movie we watched when we were children, all the major factions unite to overcome difficulties together, and only when the big guys work together can the mysterious hero of the moon be unveiled.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Cross-agency cooperation, this is the rhythm of the "Martial Arts Conference" in the martial arts world! Masters from different sects gathered together, each showing their magical powers, and jointly fought against the seemingly invincible boss.

In the scientific community, this "big boss" is the unsolved mysteries of the universe.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Shandong University and its partners are like knights from all over the world, each with their own unique skills, for the same goal - to explore the secrets of the moon, get together, learn from each other, and make progress together.

This spirit of cooperation is like the "harmony and difference" that we Chinese pay attention to.

Everyone has their own characteristics and strengths, but when everyone is working hard for the same dream, that power is extremely powerful.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

Scientists from Shandong University, they have told us with practical actions that as long as the heart thinks in one place and works hard in one place, nothing is impossible.

So, when we look up at the stars and imagine the myriad secrets hidden on the moon, we might as well pay tribute to these scientists who have worked silently.

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!

They are like the brightest stars in the night sky, although we may not see them, but it is because of their existence that human understanding of the universe can continue to expand.

In the future, let's look forward to seeing what kind of surprising discoveries Shandong University and their partners will bring us!

The distribution of lunar soil is not a reward for meritorious deeds! The research on lunar soil of Shandong University is indeed earlier than that of Harbin Institute of Technology!


The controversy over the distribution of lunar soil is like a hot hype of public opinion before the martial arts conference, which makes people both nervous and excited.

But when the dust settles, what really matters is the scientific research results, which are like a beacon that illuminates the way for mankind to explore the universe.

Shandong University and Harbin Institute of Technology, as well as all the researchers involved in the study of lunar soil, are the heroes of this expedition, and their efforts and contributions deserve the respect of each and every one of us.